Jun 11, 2017
I appreciate Daryl Crawford-Marshall of Australia writing up this encounter he previously had with the Lord. Not only is it a word for the Body of Australia, but the Body in other nations will benefit from this revelation as well.
God is increasing our "discernment" in our own local church communities as Daryl shares:
I could see now that God was showing me a blueprint of what local church communities, prophetic councils and prophetic networks would eventually become – working as prophetic "security" hubs and/or prophetic homeland security for the airwaves of each nation. I was suddenly filled with an insatiable hunger to see this greater level of discernment immediately exercised and applied (with wisdom) throughout the Church.
I would encourage you to seek the Lord to increase your discernment...as it will greatly benefit us in the days in which we live now and in the future. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God is Giving His Church a New Level of Discernment!"
The following word and encounter is an updated version of a word posted prior to the annual Australian Prophetic Council meeting in September 2014. As I prayed over this last month, I felt strongly that the Lord wanted the word to be released fresh again as an alert and encouragement. This time, however, I believe that this word is not only for Australia, but for the Church worldwide.
Air Wolves
During an encounter in July 2014, I was taken in the spirit into what I knew to be Australian airspace. In the encounter, I was aware of an obvious disruption in the airwaves like large waves moving up and down, a motion similar to that of a rough sea or bumpy plane ride.
Immediately, I was able to see the cause of the disturbance as I found myself next to a number of large helicopters hovering in a single line formation, just off the coast of the nation.
Immediately, I was able to see the cause of the disturbance as I found myself next to a number of large helicopters hovering in a single line formation, just off the coast of the nation.
As they hovered, I saw that it was their blades and sound that were creating this disruption, forming a rippling effect in both the air and sea simultaneously. Next, I heard the Lord clearly say, "These are the air wolves Daryl, they are the wolves in sheep's clothing." I remembered the Scripture, "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing..." (Matthew 7:15, NASB)
"I heard Him answer with these words, 'You are My bells and lights...'"
I looked again and saw in an instant, sharp, metallic teeth shine through from the front of each of the aircrafts. These teeth then disappeared as quickly as they had first come, and each then again, took on the appearance of a normal helicopter. I then heard the second part of the Scripture from Matthew 7:15, "...but inwardly are ravenous wolves." I knew from this experience that God was alerting me and many others to a spiritual dynamic that was attempting to infiltrate Australia's airwaves. A dynamic which I now believe now in 2017, is again attempting to infiltrate the airwaves not only Australia, but in many other nations too!
Following the encounter, I couldn't get the theme song from the 1980s TV show Airwolf out of my head. This was one of my favorite programs as a child about a military helicopter that was sent on secret missions. I heard the Lord say, "Why don't you look it up?"
Isolation Through a Spirit of Offense
I knew now that these Air wolves represented "a rise of false teaching and/or doctrine" which was not often in keeping with what God was currently doing within particular regions or with the local churches. These teachings at their root had a subtly disguised spirit of sabotage (see Nehemiah 4, and sometimes unbeknownst to the teachers themselves), and had a singularly focused agenda to isolate, create division, and remove people from their destiny.
I knew too that this hidden leaven was ultimately designed to isolate people through a spirit of offense. I could see that this demonic agenda would first work to undermine the importance of local church assembly, accountability and of a Biblical standard of counsel, and would then systematically attempt to pluck sheep from the fold. People would be indirectly urged to find fault with their local church, quickly catching offense as many lies were subtly and intentionally leavened into their heart.
I now knew that what I was seeing was an invitation to the Church to operate in a new level of prophetic discernment – discernment that would allow us to more quickly identify anything which had been birthed from or built upon disgruntlement, offense or a critical spirit rather than the heart of God. I immediately felt that this was not for the Church to become prophetic police, but to instead encourage us in applying Biblical methods of weighing and discerning as various teachings came across the airwaves.
You Are My Bells and Lights! A New Level of Discernment!
"God was alerting me and many others to a spiritual dynamic that was attempting to infiltrate...the airwaves not only Australia, but in many other nations too!"
I then asked the Lord about the significance of the prophetic councils, prophetic networks and local church communities in relation to what I was seeing. I heard Him answer with these words, "You are My bells and lights," and I saw an image of Australia with lights and bells strategically positioned all around the nation. These were all joined together by what looked like blue telephone wires (underground), which criss-crossed throughout the nation right to the far corners.
As the vision continued, I saw the Spirit of God putting in many more of these lines of communication. I was unable to get the phrase "bells and lights" out of my heart, so I looked for more information regarding this interesting phrase. What I found I believe to be integral to what God is currently doing around the earth.
In 1952, AT&T, the communications company started by Alexander Graham Bell, established the first color coded air-raid warning system to identify and alert the public of danger or threats. This system was given the name "Bells & Lights'" and was part of the establishing of a national security strategy. This method linked cities and towns by underground phone lines, allowing them to be connected and to communicate quickly regarding possible threats to national security.
I could see now that God was showing me a blueprint of what local church communities, prophetic councils and prophetic networks would eventually become – working as prophetic "security" hubs and/or prophetic homeland security for the airwaves of each nation. I was suddenly filled with an insatiable hunger to see this greater level of discernment immediately exercised and applied (with wisdom) throughout the Church.
"And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the Body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-15, NASB). (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Daryl Crawford-Marshall
Kingdom Unveiled Ministries
Email: info@kingdomunveiled.com
Website: www.kingdomunveiled.com
Kingdom Unveiled Ministries
Email: info@kingdomunveiled.com
Website: www.kingdomunveiled.com
Daryl is a prophetic equipper, teacher, and revivalist. He and his wife Belinda both live and work in South Australia where they are currently the Executive Pastors at Field of Dreams Church, Adelaide. Daryl is a man of encounter with a passion for teaching others to recognize the voice of God, engage with Heaven, rightly discern spiritual dynamics and move in signs and wonders. Daryl also has a love for the harvest, working in evangelistic crusades all over the world, winning souls and releasing the miraculous. He is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and works to release prophetic understanding in churches, supernatural schools, and conferences both in Australia and the nations.
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