Mike Van Vlymen
November 14, 2018
"Angelic Encounters Coming Your Way! Will You Embrace What God is Releasing?" Michael Van Vlymen, Carmel, IN
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

This angelic encounter by Mike Van Vlymen will challenge you but it will do so in a very good way.
These are the "Days of Elijah" and as such, God is sending great power and much help from the throne of God...help that we greatly need. But this help is so powerful, many will be tempted to ask God to hold back some of that power.
Let's be those people who say, "More Lord! More power!" Ask God to "bring it on" to the degree He knows you can take His power. And keep praying for God's protective messenger angels. They are sent to help us, and praying for them to come alongside to help is a very "God" idea.
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"Angelic Encounters Coming Your Way! Will You Embrace What God is Releasing?" Michael Van Vlymen, Carmel, IN

The First Encounter
Several years ago, I had a powerful and unusual encounter from the Lord. It was in the middle of the night that I sat up waiting upon the Lord in prayer, and felt the presence of a powerful angel enter the room. Although I could not see him, I was able to feel his presence in a most tangible way. I was excited to see what the Lord had for me, however, when the angel began to speak the power of his voice shook me violently to the core of my being. I literally felt like I was going to vibrate apart, as his words hit me one by one.
The only part of the message I was able to receive was, "This is the message for the servants of the Lord," because I crawled out of my chair and ran from the room! God in His mercy sent the angel again the following day to deliver the message, but the next time the angel veiled himself so that I could receive it.
A Second Chance and a Second Encounter
Several weeks ago, I was spending a few days with a friend and during the night decided to visit his prayer chair and wait on the Lord. I worshiped and prayed for an hour or so when suddenly several doors appeared around me. The Lord spoke to me and said, "Open the door to your right." So I got up from the chair and opened it and then returned to the chair.
When I returned to the chair, I felt a powerful presence enter the room. It was a bit uncomfortable. This presence that I felt immediately reminded me of the encounter I had where I ran from the room. I heard the Lord's voice, "Do you want to run away, or will you stay and see what I have for you?" I didn't really have to even think about it. I had always felt bad that I didn't have enough faith to stay in that chair during the earlier encounter. "No," I said. I would stay. As soon as I made the decision, the power intensified. I again heard the Lord ask me the question. "Do you want to run away, or will you stay and see what I have for you?"
Although I was starting to feel like it could go either way, I deeply desired to stay and told the Lord so. Immediately the presence fell upon me and engulfed me. It felt like I was in the middle of some powerful electric current and it was coursing through me at the same time. As much as it challenged me (and it did) I kept choosing to stay.
As I sat there in the chair, the Lord took me through a series of encounters, each one more powerful and challenging then the previous one. The combination of what was happening and the raw power of God upon me made it a bit difficult to continue to choose to stay in His awesome presence. It was something I had never experienced before.
Before it was all over, the Lord touched my lips and my feet with His power and took me into a heavenly place, showing me how the stars and the heavens were mapped with His writings across them. I then found myself in the company of an angel who talked to me about a specific place on the earth. The Lord then showed me another angel who was set in place to provide protection.
As I stood there in this place, waiting and looking around me, I wondered if the Lord had more to show me or if He would take me back to the prayer chair. About ten minutes later He returned me to my friend's chair.
I am not embarrassed to say that this visitation was challenging to me. I have had some interaction with the things of Heaven, but this was something on a level I had never experienced before. To be completely transparent, it was only by His grace that I was able to remain in that chair.
The Revelation—Will You Choose to Stay?
The Lord then spoke to me about the things He had shown me. The Lord said that there is an unprecedented increase of angelic activity being released upon the Body if Christ. He said the presence and power they carry will be challenging to experience. Like the visitation I had where I ran from the room, we as the Body will have to make a choice.
Will we choose to embrace what the Lord is releasing in this hour or choose to stay a comfortable distance away? Will we stand on the Lord's side when many will keep the status quo so as not to upset the way things are or have always been? Will we choose comfort in the face of adversity and the manifestation of God's awesome power?
The Lord said the continuous increase I felt was just a taste of what it will look like.
He said He touched my mouth because He will give us the words to say as we yield our tongues to Him. He touched my feet to anoint them with direction, for He has mapped our course in the heavenlies.
The Lord said that the angels are ready to fulfill their role to not only direct but to protect as we go.
I was also reminded that I was asked to open the door as all this began. It was my choice that began this visitation.
A Call to Stand Firm
I was reminded of Daniel, Ezekiel, Elijah, Enoch and others whose lives were marked by the power of God being manifest in an open and tangible way. Read about them and you will see that their lives were not religion as usual. Reading Joel chapter two, we see that God is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh. Read the whole chapter again and know what is happening. There is a clarion call.
Do we want to run away or stay and see what He has for us?
Michael Van Vlymen
River of Blessings International Ministries
Email: info@riverofblessingsinternationalministries.org Website: www.riverofblessingsinternationalministries.org
Michael Van Vlymen is an author and speaker who teaches about the supernatural things of God. It's Michael's passion to share that everyone can learn to see in the spirit realm and walk in the supernatural. Michael travels the world sharing and teaching the revelation God has given him and equipping Believers to fulfill their destiny in Christ. Michael is the author of several books including "How to See in the Spirit" a best-seller on the subject of spiritual sight.
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