Showing posts with label Ben Shapiro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ben Shapiro. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Ben Shapiro says showing abortion victim images changes minds: ‘If it’s that ugly, you should do something about it’ - Live Action News

Ben Shapiro says showing abortion victim images changes minds: 'If it's that ugly, you should do something about it'

The conservative speaker and bestselling author is not one to mince words when it comes to abortion, including whether or not the use of graphic photographs is an acceptable way to change pro-abortion hearts and minds to become pro-life. Read more


Two major life events at once can be a challenge, especially if the challenge is two degrees. But Montoya Major decided to rise to the occasion, and when the added curveball of being pregnant at the same time was thrown in, she chose life: not just for one, but for her twins — two baby girls. Read more


When parents are told that their preborn child has Trisomy 18, the diagnosis is often followed up with the words: “incompatible with life.” But as a team of doctors at Children’s Hospital and Medical Center in Omaha is proving, children with the condition can live and thrive when doctors treat them as equal human beings. Read more


A program at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) trains students to commit abortion using various fruits like papayas and watermelons to allegedly simulate the procedure. Read more


“The way I was conceived was not my fault; I did not choose my teen mom or my rapist father/grandfather. How would killing me have righted any other wrongs?” Read more


Pregnancy discrimination persists, despite being illegal in the United States. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) means that an employer cannot show any kind of discrimination against a woman because she is pregnant, whether in hiring, firing, promotion, or more. Yet this kind of discrimination still happens, at companies like Nike, UPS, and Planned Parenthood. And now, possibly Google. Read more


Former abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman, who has said she has likely killed more people than Ted Bundy, previously worked as a medical director for Planned Parenthood. Now pro-life, she shared the moments that lead to her pro-life conversion with Live Action President Lila Rose. She told Rose that there were three specific patients whose abortions caused her to quit her job. Read more


McLeod was shocked when the doctors suggested that they have an abortion. It was something that hadn’t crossed her mind even once throughout the entire experience. And even when she and her husband said they didn’t want to abort, the medical geneticists replied, “But think about her quality of life. She’s going to have no hands.” Read more


"No one can tell me now that these aren’t babies when I’ve held one in my hand and seen the undeniable humanity in his face, and in every tiny detail of his body. Knowledge is power and experience is undeniable." Read more

 Live Action News is the publishing arm of Live Action
Live Action   2200 Wilson Blvd.  Suite 102 PMB 111  Arlington  VA   22201   

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Ben Shapiro: Judeo-Christian Values 'Made the West Great' - CBN News Jenna Browder

Ben Shapiro: Judeo-Christian Values 'Made the West Great'
CBN News Jenna Browder
WASHINGTON – Ben Shapiro is making quite a name for himself as a young conservative known for his sharp and to-the-point style and in his new book, The Right Side of History, he takes a deep dive into what made the Western world great. Faith, he points out, is paramount. 
Shapiro knows what it's like to draw a crowd and even angry protests on some of the college campuses he visits, but he doesn't let that stop him from sharing his conservative views, and often running intellectual circles around those he goes up against. 
Attempts to Undermine Shapiro

"I think there's a willing attempt to undermine the very basis of what I stand for," Shapiro told CBN News. "People deliberately lie about what it is that I am saying. People will suggest that, for example, that I'm a white supremacist when I'm militantly anti-white supremacist."
In fact, the 35-year-old Harvard educated lawyer is devout in his Jewish faith. 

"The attempt to paint me as some sort of racist, the attempt to paint me as some sort of bigot or somebody who wants to hurt other people, I'm some sort of Fascist, those lies are the way the Left avoids the debate, unfortunately, the hard Left avoids the debate anyway," said Shapiro.  
'The Right Side of History'
The debate is something he doesn't shy away from and in The Right Side of History, he makes the case for the Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law that made the Western world great. 
Shapiro argues that we're living in the "most prosperous time in human history," yet our society is becoming more angry and divided.  
He says we have to investigate the roots of our civilization to explain this conundrum. 
Shapiro contends those roots lie in Judeo-Christian ethics and Greek teleology, the idea that we can apply reason to the universe and come up with good moral and scientific answers. 
Fighting Against the Chaos Undermining Western Civilization
"That combination, the push and pull between human reason and Divine revelation, that push and pull created the West," said Shapiro. "We have tried forcibly in many cases to undermine both of those basis for Western civilization, then we're surprised when we return to the chaos that proceeded them." 
It's that chaos he's trying to fight against on his radio and podcast show, cable news programs and columns he writes for "The Daily Wire," which he founded. 
As for why Christians should be especially interested in his new book, he says the answer is simple. 
"It gives a rationale for why Judeo-Christian values lie at the root of Western civilization," explained Shapiro. "Because what we're hearing from all our relatives is that you're an idiot if you believe in revelation at Sinai or the Sermon on the Mount, that you're a fool if you believe the tenants of Judeo-Christianity, that if you believe any of those values that you're basically a dunce and that we could come to all of these values on our own." 
He says this book is a rebuke of that notion. 
"You do need to make certain fundamental assumptions about the nature of the universe that are rooted in a God-based orderly universe if you actually want to have a Western civilization worth fighting for and preserving," he said.
Watch interview here: Ben Shapiro

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Ben Shapiro destroys the Left's response to Ilhan Omar - Israel Video Network

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Ben Shapiro always says it well. Whatever the argument is, he brings the facts and perfectly argues his point. What he says here is GOLD!
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