Showing posts with label Breaking Ground for Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breaking Ground for Jesus. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2018

'God Opened This Door for Me': The Hip-Hop Sound That's Breaking Ground for Jesus - CBN News Mengfei Li

'God Opened This Door for Me': The Hip-Hop Sound That's Breaking Ground for Jesus
March 2, 2018 CBN News  Mengfei Li
While the sound of traditional Chinese instruments has enchanted one Chinese generation after another – there are more than 56 ethnic groups and tribes – today, young Chinese are embracing a new sound: hip-hop.
Taiwanese singer Xu Shi is passionate about this new music style. He is fascinated by the originality of hip-hop music and dance.
"Hip-hop originally started in Taiwan. Chinese people were fascinated by this type of new music and dance style. Today, it's rather popular among the younger generations in Taiwan and China. For us, it's a way to express our passion for music and dance!" said Xu.
Xu has also been part of a Chinese hip-hop dance music group for a while. As a rapper, he finds this type of music gives him something special.
"Young people today don't want limitation," he explained. "Chinese youth today build their own communities. It's something that binds them together. I produce my own music today, too. The dance and the music brings us happiness and peace."
Besides Xu, Chinese Millennials are beginning to see a beauty and attraction of hip-hop. They move their bodies according to the rhythm of the music. Their faces react to the songs. For them, it's an exciting act of expression.
Xu and his team are tapping into this passion for hip-hop to generate excitement about Jesus.
Bai Xue Chen, a Christ follower, has been teaching and dancing for a while.
"I have been dancing my whole life. All my skills and talents were given by Jesus. I don't want to take all the credit for my success today," said Bai.
As a dance coach, Bai has also brought the Gospel message into the studio.
"Sharing the Gospel with unbelievers can be done with many ways," he explained. "I prayed many times and asked God how I could use the talents to engage with the younger generations. He opened up this door for me. We pray together before each class. Hip-hop and Jesus are the perfect combination."
The team members believe God brought them together and equipped them with various gifts and talents.
"Sharing the stories of Jesus with the audience is challenging today," said troupe member Chen Zhi Qiang. "We have to find the right time during the teaching. And the Holy Spirit always provides the exact moments for me to tell how great our God is, what He has done in my life."
Students enjoyed what they heard and showed interests in knowing more about Jesus!
"I am 14; I am so excited to hear the stories from those teachers. Their stories about Jesus touched my heart," said one student.
Christian participants were deeply moved by the methodology of placing Jesus and hip-hop together.
"I am a Christian and a music fan," said one participant. "I can't believe the stuff they taught us. Their testimonies challenged me to be closer to God. Dance moves are awesome!"
There are only a few Christian rappers in the small town of Zhe Jiang, China. They are leading young people to something they find more fascinating and truthful.
They say they will keep rapping, keep dancing, keep singing, for one purpose — Jesus and His love for the Chinese people.
WATCH HERE: Chinese Hip-Hop