Carolyn & Richard Hyde
Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries
Heart of G-d Ministries
Revelations 12:11a
"They triumphed over him by the
blood of the Lamb and by the word
of their testimony"
A testimony from a mother whose son is on our Prodigal banner:
"I was so touched when you made the flag for the prodigals and extended the invitation for us to send in the names of our prodigals. I sent you my children's names; they've been running far and hard for years. Recently my oldest son poured out his heart to his wife, repented and said he'd no longer run from Yeshua, but instead take the Biblical role of husband and father. He said they were going to live by the scriptures and not care what anyone thought.
I'm sure you understand the pure joy that floods my soul! What was equally amazing is, that this happened the very same day you sent the email about your girls! I thought it was really ironic that our children's names are on that flag together! Thank you so much for your diligence to pray for all of our prodigals!
Praise the L-rd that we already have several public schools to minister in. We'd love to also minister in some congregations in the evenings, so if you're interested, please contact us soon.
Pastor B.'s Testimony about "Supernatural or Just Remarkable"

"I want to encourage you about the booklets. They are so anointed, so well done, and they open doors to share Yeshua, which we did over and over again during our recent trip to Israel. Many times the souls we shared with were in tears and asked questions and were completely open. They gladly received the booklets and many also gladly took the Brit Hadasha (New Testament). It really is overwhelming what happened on this journey. It started very simply with the young woman who served us our food when we were with you but over time, it grew into something so incredible. We want to partner with you as Yeshua ushers in the great revival that's coming.
Pastor B
To order booklets, please click here.

As a little girl I remember my Dad saying that America was not our home; Israel is our home. My Dad was so successful at raising funds for KKL, an organization that helps bring restoration to Israel, that he was awarded free trips to Israel several times with my Mom. When he returned to America, he said that he never should've returned. He had wanted to move us to Israel instead so we could dwell in Zion. That was his dream. When he passed away and I received my inheritance, we saved it to buy a house and live out my Father's dream.
When the opportunity came to purchase the house we were living in, we planned to buy it using my inheritance and our savings. However we were 1/2 million NIS short so Richard applied for a bank loan. But it was denied because of our age. So we just prayed and gave the house to the L-rd for His will to be done.
About a week later we were hosting a tour group from Sri Lanka in our home. During the worship the pastor began to prophesy over us and over Israel, reading from Amos 9:14-15:
Also I will restore the captivity of My people Israel and they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them.
They will also plant vineyards and drink their wine and make gardens and eat their fruit. I will also plant them on their land. And they will not again be rooted out from their land which I have given them," says the Lord your God.
Then we entered more deeply into worship followed by a time of quiet. Suddenly a man stood up and said, "The L-rd told me to give you 1/2 million NIS. Praise G-d! We hadn't mentioned a word about our housing situation so it was abundantly clear that the L-rd was honoring our prayer to buy this house.
G-d bless this dear saint from Sri Lanka who was used by the L-rd to allow us to live out my Father's dream. And now, praise G-d, we dwell in Zion with our children and grandchildren!
When you come to Israel, please join us in our home for
a time of worship and sharing, a time of Israeli folk dancing and a delicious meal served with love and magnificent view of the Sea of Galilee, the Golan and the Jordan Valley!
A testimony from a mother whose son is on our Prodigal banner:
"I was so touched when you made the flag for the prodigals and extended the invitation for us to send in the names of our prodigals. I sent you my children's names; they've been running far and hard for years. Recently my oldest son poured out his heart to his wife, repented and said he'd no longer run from Yeshua, but instead take the Biblical role of husband and father. He said they were going to live by the scriptures and not care what anyone thought.
I'm sure you understand the pure joy that floods my soul! What was equally amazing is, that this happened the very same day you sent the email about your girls! I thought it was really ironic that our children's names are on that flag together! Thank you so much for your diligence to pray for all of our prodigals!
Praise the L-rd that we already have several public schools to minister in. We'd love to also minister in some congregations in the evenings, so if you're interested, please contact us soon.
Pastor B.'s Testimony about "Supernatural or Just Remarkable"
"I want to encourage you about the booklets. They are so anointed, so well done, and they open doors to share Yeshua, which we did over and over again during our recent trip to Israel. Many times the souls we shared with were in tears and asked questions and were completely open. They gladly received the booklets and many also gladly took the Brit Hadasha (New Testament). It really is overwhelming what happened on this journey. It started very simply with the young woman who served us our food when we were with you but over time, it grew into something so incredible. We want to partner with you as Yeshua ushers in the great revival that's coming.
Pastor B
To order booklets, please click here.
As a little girl I remember my Dad saying that America was not our home; Israel is our home. My Dad was so successful at raising funds for KKL, an organization that helps bring restoration to Israel, that he was awarded free trips to Israel several times with my Mom. When he returned to America, he said that he never should've returned. He had wanted to move us to Israel instead so we could dwell in Zion. That was his dream. When he passed away and I received my inheritance, we saved it to buy a house and live out my Father's dream.
When the opportunity came to purchase the house we were living in, we planned to buy it using my inheritance and our savings. However we were 1/2 million NIS short so Richard applied for a bank loan. But it was denied because of our age. So we just prayed and gave the house to the L-rd for His will to be done.
About a week later we were hosting a tour group from Sri Lanka in our home. During the worship the pastor began to prophesy over us and over Israel, reading from Amos 9:14-15:
Also I will restore the captivity of My people Israel and they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them.
They will also plant vineyards and drink their wine and make gardens and eat their fruit. I will also plant them on their land. And they will not again be rooted out from their land which I have given them," says the Lord your God.
Then we entered more deeply into worship followed by a time of quiet. Suddenly a man stood up and said, "The L-rd told me to give you 1/2 million NIS. Praise G-d! We hadn't mentioned a word about our housing situation so it was abundantly clear that the L-rd was honoring our prayer to buy this house.
G-d bless this dear saint from Sri Lanka who was used by the L-rd to allow us to live out my Father's dream. And now, praise G-d, we dwell in Zion with our children and grandchildren!
When you come to Israel, please join us in our home for
a time of worship and sharing, a time of Israeli folk dancing and a delicious meal served with love and magnificent view of the Sea of Galilee, the Golan and the Jordan Valley!
From this album, YouTube: Fine Linen "The Wedding of the Lamb"
"Deep Calls to Deep" "The Latter Rain" "Fine Linen" "He Will Appear" "Some of the Best of CH"
All five CD's are available via our website. Enjoy song clips here! Download lead sheets here.
Todah rabah - thank you so much!
We are so grateful for your love, prayers and support and we send blessings from out of Zion in Messiah's love!
If you'd like to partner with us, please visit our webpage or click:
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canadian charitable tax # 10780-1771-RR0001
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada 1-877-628-2800 *
We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd. Thanks for understanding.
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Heart of G-d Ministries | PO Box 461546 | PO Box 112, Kfar Avoda Poriya, Israel 15220 | San Antonio | TX | 78246