Letter from the Directors |
Dear CF Partners and Friends of Israel,
"Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed she gave birth to her children...Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all you who love her; rejoice for joy with her, all you who mourn for her...Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream...When you see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like grass; the hand of the LORD shall be known to His servants, and His indignation to His enemies." Isa. 66: 8-10,12

Seventy years ago this year modern Israel was "birthed in a day." On November 29, 1947, the U.N. General Assembly adopted Resolution 181. This resolution would return to the Jewish people part of their ancient homeland that had been given to them by God. On May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion, head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the state of Israel. However, it wasn't the U.N. who gave the Jewish people back their land, it was God Himself. It was His divine timing, and under His directionthere were enough nations who voted to pass this historic partition of Palestine that would become the Jewish homeland once again. In this passage from Isaiah, the God of Israel is saying, when we see all these things happening that we should turn our hearts towards Jerusalem, Israel's capital, and rejoice with joy for her and be glad with her in this restoration! He also states that the LORD, Yahweh, will be known to all His servants but His indignation will be known to His enemies. We are living in such amazing times and the LORD Himself is going to show His power and glory on behalf of those who trust in Him and also to His enemies who are the enemies of His people and nation. This is a time to be in prayer and intercession over Israel, the Middle East and those who worship the true God like never before. God desires that we partner with Him to pray and declare His word as big changes unfold in the Middle East. It would seem we could be very close to the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1-3 and possibly a war with Iran if they do not back down from their threats and increased presence in Syria, near Israel's border. Pray for President Trump and advisers as they make decision's on Iran and moving the Embassy this month into Jerusalem. Pray for other national leaders as they ponder their strategy with these decisions that they would see the truth and join in with what is the right thing to do. Pray that God would turn their hearts to Him and His plan in all of this.
From our hearts to yours thank you for supporting the Cyrus Foundation. Your partnership with the Lord to help with this great Aliyah has touched and changed many Jewish lives. May God pour out His blessing, favor and protection over you all!
With His love and shalom,
We already have 95 people who have applied for assistance to make Aliyah in May and June! Please pray about helping them to make their dream of returning home come true.
Ask, "Why This Crazy Move"? |

"...Many people including our family has asked us WHY ARE YOU MAKING THIS CRAZY MOVE??? The reality is that it is a very irrational move as our family all lived in the U.S. and our 4 children have great relationships with our family. It is very difficult to put into words the feeling my wife and I had when visiting Israel once. It is an amazing feeling and we believe our children desperately need this move for their Jewish identity. We are very nervous but extremely excited... We are very nervous for our financial situation. I do not have a job in Israel when we get there, we have no family members living there and this is very hard for our children psychologically...therefore my wife and I feel our children at the least need the comfort of their own furniture that they are used to...Please take us into consideration for assistance." the Cohen Family
Have Experienced Anti-Semitism |

"We are moving to Israel for a few reasons. We have experienced anti-Semitism in the past and do not want our children to go through it as well. We want our children to grow up in their ancient homeland...We are not a family of means, there are many expenses involved with this move, and we have 2 young children. Any help to make this possible would be greatly appreciated...We want you to know that we really appreciate what your organization helping Jews make Aliyah and I hope that one day we will all be there. " the Meltzer Family
A House of Prayer for All |
"For it is a house of prayer for all peoples (Isaiah 56). All the worlds prayers and eyes are on Israel, that is where we are meant to be. My spouse and I are both grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. There was no country for their families to find refuge when it was too late in the late 1930's/early 1940's. There was no Jewish army to protect them. We have the privilege to live in these special and unique times for the Jewish people. It is our desire to take full advantage of the special opportunity to live in the Sate of Israel, a place we can call home, a reality our grandparents in Poland could only have dreamt of...The costs of relocating cause a serious financial challenge. In particular, the initial costs of relocating overseas is significant and poses a financial strain on our very tight budget...We would be very thankful for any assistance you may be able to provide to move and are humbled by the mission of this kind organization." the Kleinberg Family |
Your Words of Encouragement and Blessing Give Us Strength...Thank you! |

"Wow! I am incredibly grateful to you, the Cyrus Foundation and all it's supporters for their generosity. This gift is so meaningful to us and certainly has eased our financial burden. Your words of encouragement and blessing help to give us strength during this exciting but stressful time. We very much look forward to our move to Israel and thank you for helping us get there..." the Berk Family
"Thank you so much!! This is wonderful news !! Thank you so so much for helping us!" the Hoffman Family
"Thank you so much. This is so generous and takes some of the burden off our move. May you and the donors in your organization only know times of peace and prosperity." the Herman Family
Good News and Developments
Trump Kills Nuclear Deal. Netanyahu Responds! |
Image Courtesy of The Times of Israel |
PM Netanyahu gives over full support to President Trump. Finally the free world has a leader with the guts to lead and not appease. This is a step to make the world a safer place for all.
Watch the two videos of President Trump's speech and PM Netanyahu's response (link to page on Israelunwired.com website). |
Image Courtesy of The Jerusalem Post |
The classic Israeli song Halleluyah just got a new twist.
Check out this video and join along for a tour of famous Jerusalem sites (link to page on Israelunwired.com website)! |
Liberman: Israel Destroyed 'Nearly All' Iranian Military Sites in Syria |
Image Courtesy of The Times of Israel (AFP Photo/Atta Kenare) |
Defense minister Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman warns Tehran: "If you give us rain, you will get a flood"; opposition MK calls on government to prepare for "broader confrontation".
Image Courtesy of The Times of Israel (AFP Photo/Atta Kenare) |
Liberman said Thursday morning that the IDF had destroyed "nearly all" of Iran's military infrastructure sites in Syria overnight in response to a rocket barrage on Israel's north, and warned Tehran that attacks on Israeli territory will be met with "the strongest possible force."
Read more... |
Minister Warns Israel Could Kill Assad If He Lets Iran Attack From Syria |
Image Courtesy of The Times of Israel |
On Monday, Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz threatened that the Jewish state could kill Syrian President Bashar Assad if his regime doesn't prevent Iranian forces from launching attacks against Israel from his territory.
The warning came amid reports that Tehran is planning a revenge missile strike against Israel.
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Flammable Kites From Gaza Border Reach Judea and Samaria |
Image Courtesy of World Israel News |
"Fire kites" launched by Palestinian terrorists at Gaza's border with Israel have now reached the Judea and Samaria region.
A "kite bomb" similar to burning kites sent over the Gaza border in recent weeks reached a central junction in the Binyamin Regional Council, a military source confirmed to Tazpit Press Service(TPS) on Tuesday afternoon. The source said that the kite was taken by the military for further investigation and that no damage had been caused.
Read more... |
Iran-Backed Rebels in Yemen Fire Missiles Into Saudi Arabia |
Image Courtesy of The Times of Israel |
Yemen's Shiite rebels fired ballistic missiles at the Saudi capital on Wednesday, according to the rebels and Saudi state TV, which said they were intercepted by the military.
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And I will cause the captives of Judah and the captives of Israel to return, and will rebuild those places as at the first. Jer 33:7 |
The articles that are included in this update are for information and the purpose of prayer.
Cyrus Foundation Ministries |
(970) 223-3307