Lou Engle: The Prophetic Esther Moment the Church Encountered Before Purim
As if from nowhere, the Holy Spirit caught us all by surprise, unleashing a sovereign national strategy that simply caught fire. No one saw it coming; it was like the silver sound of a trumpet on the inside. Suddenly, heaven was talking to everyone. We began receiving reports from all over the world, from leaders around the nation and the world: "We're doing the Esther Fast with you!"
Diverse ministries, prayer networks, churches and denominations. A woman in Antarctica joined the Esther Fast. The church spontaneously synchronized in purpose and prayer in response to a summons among witches worldwide to curse the president of the United States and his Cabinet. No one but the Lord of Hosts could have mustered this force, this fast.
What happened? Just a few days ago, from March 8-11, leading up to the Jewish holiday of Purim (celebrating Esther's daring leadership in the deliverance of the Jews from total annihilation), women and men across the earth entered into three days of fasting and fervent intercession to break the power of that witchcraft and the operation of death in our land.
Like Esther, the Body of Christ "put on her royal apparel and positioned herself in the king's palace courtyard ... When the king saw Queen Esther standing quietly out in the courtyard... the king held out the golden scepter in his hand to Esther. Esther approached and touched the top of the scepter" (Esth. 5:1-2).
I truly believe we seized a moment, a divine moment where we touched the scepter of God's favor and purpose. Unexpected breakthroughs and divine reversals are coming. Tidal forces have shifted. Things that haven't worked will suddenly prosper. Perhaps you will experience this on a personal level, but I am speaking at a national level. Policy and public perception will begin to shift. This was a battle against false ideologies, and we were greatly outnumbered. But together, we touched the scepter. It may take time, but I say with boldness: Time will tell what was just wrought in prayer.
And yet we must not miss our moment. Into the full, open breach of our prayers, we must add pointed action. Just as Esther had to stand before the king and make her petition, so must we. Our battering ram of united intercession has opened a window, but now the armies of dawn must march through. I am asking every woman of voting age to contact her federal congressman and senators—today, tomorrow, this week—and tell them the following:
- Abortion is not health care
- Abortion should not receive taxpayer dollars
- Any illegal activities of the abortion industry should be investigated and prosecuted. The women of America will no longer tolerate the scandals of legalized abortion.
All U.S. Senate offices and phone numbers: HERE.
All U.S. Congress offices and contact info: HERE.
Mothers, daughters, grandmothers. Wives, single ladies. Daughters of the King, all. An Esther generation. Call. Petition. Write. It is one thing to enter the courts of the heavenly King; it is quite another to rise in a day of testing to take your place in the courts of Earth. The offices of human power are not immune to the gracious but insistent thunder of righteous women who would countermand those who took to the streets in the Women's March. Immediately following the march, those same women moved from the streets to the public work, lobbying for their worldview to become the law of the land. The centerpiece of their efforts was the ongoing funding of Planned Parenthood and preserving the untouchable status of Roe v. Wade. The gears of democracy are greased with the manifest will of the people, and this is realized by those who make their voices heard. Their vision of the "empowered woman" begs for Esther's answer. Esther prayed, then executed a plan. I implore the Esthers: Take your place as the decider of the great issues of our day.
Prayer plus action must be our mission in these days. Pray and petition. Pray and vote. Pray and call. Tell your senators and congressman that you expect swift approval for the Supreme Court appointments offered by President Trump. His pre-released list of nominees is exemplary for the sake of life. Do this for Neil Gorsuch, then do it again for the next two, three or four nominees. There has never been a moment like this one. The fortifications of Roe v. Wade are crumbling before our eyes. Let's finish the task in our day. For more info, visit TheCall.com, or for further action points visit Bound4Life.com. As this movement grows, we want to stay connected with you. Please like TheCall and Lou Engle's Facebook Page so you can get our latest updates. 
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