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Revival that ignited along the West Coast will now burn to the East Coast as Lou Engle takes Azusa Now to Rick Joyner's Morning Star Ministries in South Carolina.
Called AzusaEast, the movement will feature Joyner and Engle with Dean Briggs and Ryan and Nina Landis.
"After decades of prayer by millions of Christians, the Lord is answering our collective cry for revival. We dare to believe that a new Jesus Movement is upon us! So let us maintain a relentless posture of prayer, yes, but let us also transition to bold faith and bolder action. Our vision of God must be expansive, not myopic. What if the next great move of heaven is already unfolding right before our eyes? So ... what's next?" according to a release.
And like the original Azusa Street Revival, a prophetic blueprint leads the way for Azusa East:
We believe the natural progression of the history of Azusa gives us a prophetic template for the present hour. Among several who journeyed to the Azusa Street Mission in 1906, one who was greatly touched by the unity of the brethren was a man from Dunn, North Carolina named G. B. Cashwell, later called "The Apostle of Pentecost to the South." After witnessing the evidence of love in the baptism of the Holy Spirit at Azusa, where it was said, "the color line was washed away in the blood of Jesus," Cashwell knew that the unity of the brethren was in direct contradiction to the racial prejudice of his beloved South. He repented of his racism and was filled afresh with the love and power of God. When he returned to Dunn, the anointing of the Azusa Outpouring followed him, and revival broke out in the Carolinas, which eventually spread all across the Southern states. This came to be known as Azusa East.
Interestingly, the original royal land charter for the Carolinas given by King Charles II extended coast-to-coast, from the Carolinas to Southern California, including the region of Los Angeles, where the original Azusa Street Revival began in 1906, and which spilled over to the Carolinas in 1907. We believe this is our model.
In 2016, once again, we stand at the 110th Anniversary. What began in the West must come to the East. A new hope for a Third Great Awakening has gripped us to the core. Revival strategy is unfolding, city to city, gathering to gathering, prayer upon prayer. The favor, power and love of God are coming to America again! It is not about names, ministries and agendas. It is about the presence of God, the unity of His church, and the salvation of the lost.
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The Nation-Shaking Prophetic Download I Got at Azusa Now
Dutch Sheets and Lou Engle pray during Azusa Now. (Facebook/Dutch Sheets)
Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at
The winds blew and the rains fell on TheCall Aszua Now, but that didn't stop tens of thousands of people from weathering the storms at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, the same venue where Billy Graham preached the gospel to over 134,000 in 1963.
If anything, the adversity intensified the determination of the masses to cry out to God in what became for 15 hours an outdoor house of prayer in the heart of California.
"William Seymour, the catalyst of that great revival, prophesied in 1913 that in roughly 100 years another revival far eclipsing Azusa would come," says Lou Engle, founder of TheCall. "The fulfillment of Seymour's word is overdue ... or right on schedule. Let us therefore "pray for the rain in the time of the latter rain." Who knows? Maybe like those who were baptized in the Spirit in the original Acts 2 upper room, we will say, "This is that which was spoken by William Seymour the prophet!"
Of course, Seymour wasn't there and Graham wasn't there, but Christ for All Nations' Daniel Kolenda preached the gospel and, instead of George Beverly Shay, a new breed of worshippers—including Bethel Live, Eddie James and Roy Fields—lifted up praises to Jesus. Although the final count isn't in and the stadium wasn't full because of the miracle rain that drenched a city in drought, some say there were between 60,000 and 75,000 people at this historic event that aligned with the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street outpouring.
Cindy Jacobs, co-founder of Generals International, released a prophesy that caused a roar from the stadium stands: "This is that which the prophets foretold. I'm getting ready to open up the greatest generation of young evangelists the world has ever known."
Dutch Sheets, the founder of the Appeal to Heaven Movement, took the stage to tell the world—multiplied thousands were watching the live stream on GodTV—that God is not done with America. He told the story of how God revealed a new strategy for prayer that is sweeping the nation. "Today's 15-hour gathering to worship and pray was epic. Lot of great moments from Asuza Now gathering in Los Angeles."
Indeed, social media were ablaze with the #azusanow hashtag as praying believers found inspiration in gathering together to literally act out 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Sean Fuecht, founder of the 24/7 Burn movement, insists "history cannot ignore this sound."
"The course of my life was changed at 16 while lying face down, weeping in the grace on the Mall in D.C. during the first Call gathering. I've joined with many others in this dramatic storyline ever since," he says. "A movement was born in my heart that day. I believe the same happened for countless thousands ... on the 110-year anniversary of Azusa. Let it begin."
Jeff Jansen, founder of Global Fire Ministries, says he believes Azusa Now was one of the most significant events of the past few decades.
"As we were driving on Interstate 5 to the Azusa Now event on April 9, I saw a large, gold angel standing over LA," Jansen says. "The Lord said, 'Just as the 1849 gold rush drew people to California ... So 4/9 2016 will mark a new gold rush of divine proportion that will once again draw the nations into revival."
Joshua Mills, a recording artist, author and revivalist, says he witnessed the ignition of a worldwide move of God. "I saw healing miracles happening and lives being changed by simply the hand of God resting on entire groups of people," Mills says. "I believe Azusa Now was the beginning, and now it will continue to unfold for those who were touched by that moment of glory."
So where do we go from here? I'm declaring right now that awakening is here, and it's coming. Azusa Now wasn't the only prayer event on April 9. United Cry gathered 30,000 pastors in Washington, D.C. There was an Azusa event in Houston and thousands of people watching, praying and agreeing in churches, prayer rooms and homes across America. Reset America will gather tens of thousands on the Mall in D.C. to cry out to God again.
I believe April 9 was a day of demarcation in America. It was a show of desperation and unity in the church. Prophetically, it was a shot heard around the world. Will we immediately see the impact of this historic, or as many are calling it, "epic" event? Probably not, but something shifted in the spirit in the City of Angels on Saturday. If you could pull back the curtain on the realm of the spirit, I believe you would have seen an intensified war in the heavens—and we're winning that war.
On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight, and I sensed Him offering this prophetic word:
There is a great awakening coming to this nation. For I have heard your cries, and I long to heal your land. I am a covenant God, and I will not forget the covenant I made with your Founding Forefathers. Yes, there will be a shaking, but the foundations will not crack, and they will not crumble. Only those things which can be shaken will be shaken that the sin in the land may be laid bare.
Repentance. I require repentance from My people who have through the generations allowed the enemy to take ground in this nation. I require repentance for the abortions and for the prayerlessness. I require repentance for the apathy and for the idolatry. You shall have no other gods before me. I am indeed the God of America.
Yes, there is a great awakening coming to this nation. I am the Author of it and I will bring it to pass. Just turn from your wicked ways and humble yourselves. Stand in the gap and make up the hedge. I am the Lord and I am a Warrior. I will not leave or forsake this country. I will fight through you and with you to regain what has been lost.
Be encouraged now, because as you go forth boldly with My Word and My Spirit, there will be the sound of truth and it will prevail in the land. Speak boldly and clearly and watch as the mighty men arise to take their positions on the wall and in the churches and in the marketplaces. For I am raising up deliverers and reformers in this generation who will not shrink back at the challenge that is coming in the days ahead.
Yes, it will grow darker before My light shines brightly from this nation again. But the light has not been extinguished and will not be extinguished. The time to rise up is now. I am calling you to war. I am calling you to repentance. I am calling you to My side. I am the captain of the hosts. I am calling you to victory. I am calling you to destiny. Will you answer?
On April 9, I believe we answered. And I believe we are standing at the door of transforming revival in America.
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LOS ANGELES -- Tens of thousands of Christians filled the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles over the weekend to pray for a spiritual revival to sweep across the nation.
Sponsored by The Call, the Azusa Now rally was strategically held on the 110th anniversary of the 1906 Azusa Street Revival, which broke out in Los Angeles and had a worldwide impact.
"I just knew in my heart that I was meant to be here. I was meant to experience this and that this was going to be an historical event," said Yuba City, California, resident Cameron Clark.
San Diego resident Lisa Baker remarked, "I believe that there's such unity that is opening the heavens. I really believe that we've opened up the gates and the doors so that the King of Glory can come on in… it's so exciting."
Tanya Zodulua traveled from Raleigh, North Carolina, to attend the event.
"I'm just here being totally engulfed in His presence and just believing for miracles," she said.
"So you've been praying for revival back in Colorado?" CBN's Wendy Griffith asked Colorado Springs resident Glenn Vasaturo.
"We just labor in the prayer room for our nation, for two years just praying in this room," he replied. "And it's like it's just happening... It's happening."
Lou Engle, founder of The Call, has been calling the nation to pray at strategic times for the last 15 years. He says the Azusa Now event was birthed from a dream that an even greater revival than the one that broke out at 312 Azusa Street in downtown Los Angeles in 1906 is about to break out again.
"I believe we're at the threshold of a third Great Awakening," Engle told CBN News.
"And if stadiums can be filled, and now evangelism coming, I have to believe that no matter how dark it is, what the political climate is, Jesus is going to keep His covenant and He's going to show us a great wave of awakening. I'm excited about that," he said.
Azusa Now kicked off with a series of prayers of repentance and forgiveness, beginning with the American Indians.
"Make us one in your son...Awaken the Native American! Awaken in Jesus name," one Native American prayed.
That was followed by prayers for Israel, the Jewish people, and for Jews and gentiles to unite.
"When Ruth and Boaz unite, when Jew and gentile unite in Messiah, it's going to release the greatest sound of revival the world has ever seen," Malibu, California Rabbi Jason Sobel said.
And just like the original Azusa Street Revival, there was a focus on racial reconciliation.
"If we want to be reconciled with men, we have to first be reconciled to God and that means our histories must be reconciled to God," one attendee said.
But most of the day felt like a huge celebration, with lots of worship, dancing and many people receiving healing miracles.
"When they prayed, they said for healing, my right ear opened up… and they snapped and I could hear it," Greg Gephardt, from Orland, California, said.
The celebration continued well into the night with worship from Bethel and an overall feeling that something big took place in the heavens that could soon be felt on earth.
Jeff Jensen speaks to the crowd at Azusa Now at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.
Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at
History was made in Los Angeles on Saturday as Lou Engle, Mike Bickle, CIndy Jacobs, Jack Hayford and other generals of the faith gathered at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for Azusa Now.
Jeff Jansen, founder of Global Fire Ministries, told Charisma News he believes it was one of the most significant events of the past few decades.
"Amidst the worship and intercession I believe something highly significant has shifted in the spirit and that we have stepped into a new timeline of revival in the Lord that will result in revival fires burning in nit only America but the nations of the earth," Jansen says.
"Most already know that I am now co-hosting the Fire and Glory Outpouring in San Diego with good friends Jerame and Miranda Nelson. An outpouring of Glory and Power has been burning there for 75 nights now and people are coming from around the world to get a fresh touch from heaven. Wild miracles marked by tangible power and Presence of the Lord are poured out every night and all are excited in this fresh outpouring."
Jansen reminds that Azusa street revival of 1906 changed the course of world history as many new denominations were birthed through the raw supernatural power and Glory of God. So now 110 years later another fresh move of God is now being birthed and fresh revival fires will burn in many cities in the nations of the earth.
"As we were driving on Interstate 5 to the Azusa Now event on April 9, I saw a large gold angel standing over LA," Jansen says. "The Lord said, 'Just as the 1849 gold rush drew people to California ... So 4/9 2016 will mark a new gold rush of divine proportion that will once again draw the nations into revival."
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