A Christian Perspective on the Manchester Attacks
Nearly 21 years since Manchester was so brutally bombed, we awoke to another attack. This time it was the young, the very future of the nation, who were singled out. It was an act of evil. Twenty-two people lay dead this morning, 59 injured, some fighting for their lives, families torn apart.
That's what evil does.
In 1968, Enoch Powell warned of these events and was derided at that time. Today his words echo. Manchester, our second largest city of about 2.5 million, is resilient, and 77 years ago, they survived two nights of Nazi bombing. They survived Arndale in 1996, and they will survive again.
Crimes of this nature can only be responded to by the authorities, we've had advance warning, but again, we are reminded that one can damage many, and it is mankind that perpetrates evil from within the heart (see Jer 17:9). Meantime we stand in prayer alongside the broken, and it is all we can do.
Frustration reigns, tears well and hearts break with ache and angst.
Never in the field of war has so much damage been done by so few to so many. We ask America to pray for the people of Manchester, twinned with the great City of Los Angeles, and we ask the Lord to send His ministering angels to those families and friends of those directly affected. We pray for the police and emergency services for their bravery and service at this time. 
Martin Clarke is a London businessman and a member of Holy Trinity Brompton Anglican Church in London.
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