Showing posts with label Franklin Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Franklin Graham. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#4 of 9)

Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. 
Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#4 of 9)

Published on Nov 7, 2018
Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#4 of 9) Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#3 of 9)

Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. 
Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#3 of 9)

Published on Nov 7, 2018
Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#3 of 9) Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#2 of 9)

Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. 
Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#2 of 9)
Published on Nov 7, 2018
Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#2 of 9) Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#1 of 9)

Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. 
Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#1 of 9)

Published on Nov 7, 2018

Walk With Me - Steve Martin. Franklin Graham book signing. Billy Graham Library. 11.07.18 (#1 of 9)
Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Obama Says ONLY Voters Can Stop the Hate in America, Franklin Graham's Answer Is Quite Different - CBN News

Robert Bowers, Cesar Sayoc, and Gregory Bush, suspects in recent violent attacks in the US
Obama Says ONLY Voters Can Stop the Hate in America, 
Franklin Graham's Answer Is Quite Different
CBN News Benjamin Gill
The man accused of sending at least 14 explosive devices to prominent liberal critics of  President 
Trump appeared in court Monday, facing up to 48-years in prison if he's found guilty.

Cesar Sayoc is facing five federal charges in connection with mailing bomb-like devices to top 
Democrats and media personalities. USA Today reports his family says Sayoc showed signs of mental 
illness and would get angry when his relatives asked him to seek help.

The world is also reeling from the attack against a Jewish community in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on 
Saturday. An anti-Semitic gunman murdered 11 people as they were attending a religious event at 
thousands more stood outside for the vigil. The suspected gunman, Robert Bowers, told police he 
wanted to "kill Jews."

Meanwhile, a Kentucky man faces possible hate crime charges in the killing of two black people at 
a grocery store in a Louisville suburb last week.

Police say Gregory Bush, who is white, tried to enter a predominantly black church just minutes 
earlier, but couldn't get in. New surveillance video shows that 10 to 15 minutes before the shooting, 
Bush tried to enter First Baptist Church. Police say he then went to a nearby Kroger and opened fire,
killing one person in the store and another in the parking lot.

Police have not yet provided a motive, but say Bush did not know the victims. Court documents 
revealed that Bush has a history of mental illness. The incident is being investigated as a possbile 
hate crime.

Amidst this disturbing spate of violent, hate-filled attacks, former President Barack Obama told 
a political rally that the "only" way stop all the hate is by voting.

"The only check on bad behavior is you and your vote. It's you," Obama told the crowd. "You could 
be saving somebody's life just by voting. That power rests in your hands."

Franklin Graham turned to prayer as the key to halting the hate, saying Jesus is the "only" ultimate 

And after last week's bomb scare Graham wrote, "Disagreeing with someone's politics or their stand 
on issues does not justify violence, harassment, or intimidation tactics. We can agree to disagree. We 
can argue our points passionately, but with civility. We are blessed to live in a country where we can 
still let our voice be heard in the voting booth. This is another reminder of how important it is to pray 
for our leaders and for healing for our nation. Also pray for all those targeted in these recent acts. 
Jesus Christ is the only one who can heal the hate in a human heart—He's the answer for each person, 
for our families, and for our country."

Sunday, September 23, 2018

HELL... Yes or No? Why Franklin Graham Is Suddenly Tackling This Eternal Debate - CBN News Emily Jones

HELL... Yes or No? Why Franklin Graham Is Suddenly Tackling This Eternal Debate
CBN News Emily Jones
A recent article in the conservative Wall Street Journal titled "Do We Still Need to Believe in Hell?
has raised questions about the issue of eternal punishment in the afterlife.

Dr. Scott G. Bruce, professor of history at Fordham University, argues in the piece that "Hell is a cruel 
and oppressive concept" that has lost its power on mankind thanks to new scientific theories like 

The professor believes humanity should rid itself of the concept of Hell.

"In some distant, better future, the foreclosure of Hell will be an important step in the maturation of 
human communities that can mete out justice on their own, without supernatural aid," he writes.

The article caught the attention of evangelist Franklin Graham who says Hell isn't a concept but a 
"reality." He says it's important not to doubt it because it's the reason Jesus died on a cross to save 
us from our sins.

"Jesus spoke about it a great deal. The Bible describes it as a 'blazing furnace, where there will be 
weeping and gnashing of teeth.' It will not change with the maturing of human culture, or anything 
else we might dream up. Hell is a very real place that will be the eternal destination of souls who 
reject the forgiveness and salvation that a loving God offers us through His Son, Jesus Christ," 
Graham writes in a Facebook post.

"Heaven is also a real place, prepared for those who put their faith and trust in Christ. Now is the 
time when we choose our eternal destiny—the Bible tells us '…now is the day of salvation" 
(2 Corinthians 6:2). If you die today, are you sure of your destination?" Graham continued.

Jesus talked about Hell more than any other person in the Bible. He told several parables describing 
Hell as a place of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" where the soul is destroyed in an 
"unquenchable fire."

The Bible says the sins of humanity are what separate us from God and send us to Hell. John 3:18 
says about Jesus, "Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands 
condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."
In other words, we condemn ourselves by our own choices.

Sin isn't just doing bad things, but rejecting God and ignoring his commands. "All have sinned and 
fall short" of God's standard of holiness by choosing to disobey him and going our own way.

It's clear from Jesus' teaching that the consequence of sin is eternal death, but there is good news – 
Heaven is a free gift to all who believe in Jesus.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," Jesus says in 
John 14:6.

"I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades (or Hell)," Jesus 
says in Revelation 1:18. In other words, he defeated death by his resurrection and he can rescue anyone 
from Hell – anyone who believes in him.

The Bible says anyone who confesses that Jesus is Lord and believes that he died and rose again will 
be saved from Hell and spend eternity with a God who loves them.

That's why Franklin Graham and so many other Christian leaders say we should never be dismissive 
or cavalier about a place where many will spend eternity – a place of torment they could easily avoid 
if they only knew it existed.

God has made it possible for you to know Him and experience an amazing change in your own life. 
Click here to discover how you can find peace with God."

You can also talk to someone by calling CBN directly at 1(800) 700-7000.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Franklin Graham on Judge Kavanaugh Accusation: 'Not Relevant' - CBN News

Franklin Graham talks with CBN News about the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Graham calls it irrelevant and notes that he did many things as a teenager that he's not proud of.

Evangelist and humanitarian Franklin Graham says the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is irrelevant.
He told CBN News Tuesday, "it's just a shame that a person like Judge Kavanaugh who has a stellar record--that somebody can bring something up that he did as a teenager close to 40 years ago. That's not relevant."
He added, "We've got to look at a person's life and what they've done as an adult and are they qualified for this position so this is just an attempt to smear him."
Graham said, "I hope the Senate is smarter than this and they're not going to let this stop the process from moving forward and confirming this man."
When questioned about the message that such a view sends to sexual abuse victims Graham said, "Well, there wasn't a crime committed. These are two teenagers and it's obvious that she said no and he respected it and walked away."  
Graham then noted that Kavanaugh has denied the accusation. "He just flat out says that's not true. Regardless if it was true, these are two teenagers and she said no and he respected that so I don't know what the issue is."
That's not the narrative that Christine Ford, Kavanaugh's accuser, has publicly stated. 
Ford, a psychology professor, wrote a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein in late July, accusing Kavanaugh of assaulting her at a party in a suburban Maryland home in the 1980's when they were both high school students. She described a drunken Kavanaugh pushing her into a bedroom, locking the door and getting on top of her while trying to disrobe her. She says he put his hand over her mouth and she feared he would inadvertently kill her.
She describes another student intervening, allowing her to escape. She told Sen. Feinstein she didn't want to discuss the assault and yet felt  "guilty and compelled as a citizen about the idea of not saying anything."
Graham told CBN News that his own life experiences have shaped his view. "There's a lot of things that I've done when I was a teenager that I'm certainly ashamed of and not proud of," he said. "And if we're going to hold people accountable for things that they did 40 years ago and say whether it's relevant or not relevant."
Graham has shared his rebellion as a young man many times over the years. He's recalled smoking, drinking and defying authority as typical patterns for him. At one point, he was kicked out of his Christian college for his behavior.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has asked both Judge Kavanaugh and Christine Ford to testify on Monday but it's not known yet whether Ford will appear. The committee is expected to vote on Kavanaugh's nomination next week.
Transcript from CBN News' Heather Sells talking with Rev. Franklin Graham about Judge Kavanaugh
Q-Rev. Graham you have blogged about the sexual assault allegation against Judge Kavanaugh saying the confirmation needs to move forward.  Do you think the Senate should disregard this accusation?
A-I don't think you'd disregard it but I think they're going to have to, no question, listen to it. But this accusation I guess was with Sen. Feinstein weeks ago so I think they've pulled it out here at the 11th hour for all political purposes and it's just a shame that a person like Judge Kavanaugh who has a stellar record that somebody can bring something up that he did when he was a teenager close to 40 years ago.  That's not relevant.  We've got to look at a person's life and what they've done as an adult and are they qualified for this position? So this is just an attempt to smear him. They couldn't find anything else in his record and so this is just an attempt to smear him and to smear his name and put a black dot on it. And I hope the Senate is smarter than this and they're not going to let this stop the process from moving forward and confirming this man.
Q-What message does it send to sexual abuse victims when they're told that it's not relevant something that happened years ago?
A-Well there wasn't a crime that was committed.  These are two teenagers and it's obvious that she said no and he respected it and walked away--if that's the case but he says he didn't do it.  He just flat out says that's just not true.  Regardless if it was true, these are two teenagers and she said no and he respected that so I don't know what the issue is. This is just an attempt to smear his name, that's all.
Q-Well I don't think she's saying he respected her decision. I think she's saying that someone else helped her flee the situation so, but it sounds like you think it's not relevant to him being considered on the high court.
A-No I really don't because how far back do we go Heather in a person's life? There's a lot of things that I've done when I was a teenager that I certainly am ashamed of and not proud of.  And If we're going to hold people accountable for things that they did 40 years ago and say whether it's relevant or not relevant.  This is a tactic by the left to try to keep conservatives off the bench and it's unfortunate that it's working. People are up in  arms over this like 'oh, this is  such a disaster.'  You're talking about two teenagers 40 years ago. That has nothing to do with what we're talking about today about this man being a judge on the Supreme court and they call it a sexual assault?  No, I don't believe it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

'Evil Does Exist': Franklin Graham Responds to Murder of Couple That Thought Evil is 'Make-Believe Concept' - CBN News Emily Jones

'Evil Does Exist': Franklin Graham Responds to Murder of 
Couple That Thought Evil is 'Make-Believe Concept'
CBN News Emily Jones
A young American couple was brutally murdered by alleged ISIS terrorists while biking along the 
Afghan border.

Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan quit their jobs last year and commenced a journey to see the world 
by bike. Austin wrote in his personal blog that he was tired of his ordinary life and wanted to see the 
beauty of the outdoors.

"I've grown tired of spending the best hours of my day in front of a glowing rectangle, of coloring the 
best years of my life in swaths of grey and beige. I've missed too many sunsets while my back was 
turned. Too many thunderstorms went unwatched, too many gentle breezes unnoticed." he wrote. 
Tajikistan. While in Morocco, Austin wrote on his blog that evil does not exist.

"You watch the news and you read the papers and you're led to believe that the world is a big, scary 
place. People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil. People are axe 
murderers and monsters and worse...I don't buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept we've invented to 
deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different 
than our own," he wrote.

Tragically, on July 29, the couple and two other cyclists were stabbed to death by terrorists on the Tajikistan/Afghanistan border.

CBS News reported that, "ISIS followed an initial claim of responsibility in print with a video showing 
the five purported attackers pledging allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."

The New York Post released a grainy video of the incident.

A Daewoo sedan passes the cyclists, circles back around and runs them over. Then, men get out of the 
cars and stab them. Two days later, the Islamic State released a video of the attackers sitting before an 
ISIS flag vowing to murder "disbelievers."

Evangelist Franklin Graham believes this couple's tragic death is an important lesson for everyone – 
there is in fact evil in the world and it is alive and well.

"This is evil. Be assured, evil does exist in this world; God warns us in His word that Satan is prowling 
like a roaring lion and we are to be on guard. My deepest sympathy to the families of those who were 
so tragically slain," he wrote in a Facebook post.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Franklin Graham to Chelsea Clinton: 'What a Lie' About Abortion - DONNA RUSSELL/CBN NEWS

Franklin Graham (T-Marsh Connors YouTube channel)

Franklin Graham to Chelsea Clinton: 'What a Lie' About Abortion

Evangelist Franklin Graham passionately criticized a recent speech by former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton who claims there are huge economic benefits from abortion.
"What a lie. Hitler probably also claimed that killing the Jews would be good for their economy," Graham wrote in a Facebook post.
Graham was referencing a speech by the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton where she says America's economy benefitted from legalizing abortion.
"It is not a disconnected fact ... that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. The net, new entrance of women—that is not disconnected from the fact that Roe became the law of the land in January of 1973," Clinton said in her speech.
As Graham pointed out, Hitler did, in fact, make a similar economic argument, claiming that the Jewish people were holding back Germany's working class from achieving success.
Graham says legalizing abortion has done the opposite of helping our country, saying, "It has cost this nation more than 60 million lives—lives precious to God. Just think of the contribution these people would have made."
Clinton spoke at the Rise Up for Roe Tour on its first stop in New York City. The pro-choice event is aimed at defending Roe v. Wade and opposing the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. 
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