Best-Selling Author Jonathan Cahn Reveals How Christians Today Can Stand Steadfast in the Midst of Apostasy
Casino-owner. Reality TV star. Brash billionaire. Who would have thought Donald Trump would become the next president of the United States?
In his latest New York Times best-seller The Paradigm, Jonathan Cahn says the outcome of the 2016 election was predicted in the Bible. Referencing 1 and 2 Kings—a Middle-Eastern paradigm from 3,000 years ago—Cahn makes shocking connections between historical figures from centuries ago and all the major players in American politics. The Paradigm includes prophetic insight to the rise of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Osama Bin Laden and Donald Trump. Through these parallels, Cahn exposes a bigger picture at hand.
"Though the book will deal with the political realm and many other realms, it is not political but spiritual and prophetic. If one is to see its revelations, one must, before going forward, put away all preconceptions and presumptions, all politics and related opinions and judgments. ... it is crucial that such things be put aside for now, at the outset—if one is to uncover the mystery," Cahn writes.
The mystery that Cahn reveals involves a tie between President Trump and the ancient King of Israel Jehu. Like Trump, Jehu was an unlikely ruler. He lacked any political experience with no royal blood or lineage and, therefore, had no right to the throne.
Cahn cites 2 Kings 9:6-8, when a servant of the prophet Elisha sought Jehu to be the next king of Israel:
"So he arose, went into the house, poured the oil on his head, and said to him, 'Thus says the Lord, God of Israel: "I am anointing you king over the people of the Lord, over Israel. You will strike the house of Ahab your master, and I will avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the servants of the Lord from the hand of Jezebel. The whole house of Ahab will perish...'"
"With Jehu's anointing the die was cast," Cahn writes. "The overturning and end of Ahab's house was now set in motion."
The Paradigm details how ancient Israel had descended into a culture that defied God and perpetuated evil behavior. Jehu was chosen to right the wrongs of those before him. Except that he did not exemplify any of the qualities one would expect of a godly man.
Cahn writes, "He could be boastful and given to self-promotion. He could be reckless and at times appear to be out of control. He could act impulsively, rashly and in apparent disregard of the consequences of his actions."
A man of extremes and contradiction, Jehu was unlike any other leader of his time. But he spoke of having a zeal for God. While the culture and government were entrenched in evil, Jehu was destined to destabilize the system. Through this, Cahn shows how Jehu set a precedent for President Trump.
"So too Trump rose to power at a time when the nation's apostasy stood on the verge of attaining total supremacy, of being sealed into permanency, and of threatening to abolish the ways of God on every front," Cahn writes. "[Trump] was used to hold back at least for a time the encroaching forces of an anti-biblical, anti-God and anti-Christian onslaught. He would pledge himself to the defense of religious liberty and to the sanctity of life."
Cahn writes on how Trump's victory in the presidential election represents a unique opportunity for evangelical leaders and believers. The Paradigm identifies this time as a reprieve so that the culture could be restored to its biblical foundations. Cahn sounds a wake-up call for Americans to reject the culture's new definition of morality and stay faithful to godly morality. In the same way that Elijah was a light in the darkness, Christians today must be steadfast in the midst of apostasy.
Cahn writes, "Trump, like his ancient predecessor, was in spite of his flaws, a vessel for the accomplishing of purposes beyond his own understanding. This begs the question 'Can God use those who have not served, followed, or known Him for the outworking of His purposes?' He can."
The Paradigm refers to an ancient blueprint that reveals secrets to modern-day events. In his signature descriptive and precise writing, Cahn exposes shocking parallels between ancient Middle Eastern palaces and the White House, biblical leaders and today's political figures, scandals from 3,000 years ago and the current controversies on American soil. The Paradigm was released on Sept. 19, 2017, and is published by Frontline, an imprint of Charisma House. Learn more at

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