Having Counted the Cost
by Yolanda Ballard
Identity Network
They did not have the time where they could hesitate in making this decision. They knew that if they did not make the right decision, they could lose everything that was dear to their heart. They could lose their loved ones, their home and money, and their life, but they knew that the one thing that was higher than anything they considered of having any value was their life hidden in Me.
They knew that one day they would come to the point where they would have to make this decision so they prepared their heart so that they would stand strong, that they would have their head set like a flint with no turning back. They knew that in order to build their house they would have to make preparations to have what it took to finish it.
And I am calling you also to be as these, who would overcome it all, to make it to the end victoriously, and receive their crown, and one day cast their crowns before Me because they loved Me above their own life.
Do You Have what it Takes?
Do you have what it takes to make it to the end? Do you love Me above all else? Will you say, "Here I am, use me," or will you be one of those who I will have to say that I never knew them? Many have given into compromise so they could justify their sin. They chose the pleasure that lasted a moment instead of walking in holiness. They never truly picked up their cross and followed Me so when the time came to make the decision, they could not stand faithful to Me.
This is the day of the great falling away. Yes, the Great Apostasy is at hand, and many will not be able to escape My wrath. I gave My life so that they would be free but they never chose Me. Many are in the Valley of Decision where they need to make up their mind what they will do. You cannot walk with Me with one foot in the world. You must sell all for the pearl of great price.
Choose this day who you will serve. Be of those who say for me and My house we will serve the Lord. Yes, many would say they would never deny Me, but who was the one who denied Me three times. He never thought he would do it because the heart can be very deceitful and only I can know your heart.
My Love and My Word
This is the day to examine your heart where there is still time to know that you have what it takes to make it to the end. Be of those who are as innocent as these, those who paid the price to make it to the end, to be of those who hid My word deep in their heart. For that is the only thing that will help you survive the coming days. My word hidden in your heart and My love will surely take you from the start all the way to the finish line. Yes, be of those who overcome by My blood, My love, the word of your testimony, loving not your life even unto death.
Surely you will overcome and be victorious. Because I am for you, no man can ever overcome you. Because I am for you, no situation will ever overwhelm you. Because I am for you, no darkness will ever put out your light. Yes, you will thrive and you will survive. You will stay in a safe place deep in your Father's heart underneath the shadow of His wing.
Yolanda Ballard
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