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#PrayForManchester - Powerful Words Of HopeAnd Prayer In The Darkness
With the Manchester terror attack sending shockwaves across the world, it can be difficult to articulate any prayers in the immediate a... |
 | | President Trump Prays At The Western Wall In Jerusalem During Historic Visit President Donald Trump has continued his first foreign trip by visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem's old city. Trump spoke with religious&... |
 | | Christian Artist Alex Medina Accuses Franklin Graham Of Racism In Brutal Tweet Designer, artists and music producer Alex Medina has posted some harsh words to Franklin Graham. Writing on twitter, Medina, who pr... |
 | | 22 Killed In UK Suicide Bomb Attack At Ariana Grande Concert 22 people have been confirmed dead in a brutal suicide bombing that took place just after the conclusion of a pop concert in Manchester,... |
 | | Dr. Brown: 4 Key Reasons God Is Calling Trump To Move US Embassy To Jerusalem The relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has been a hot topic for a while now. But with President Trump in Israel a... |
 | | Justin Bieber Plays Prank On Hillsong's Carl Lentz And Joel Houston Mega popstar Justin Bieber has been spotted hanging out with worship group Hillsong United during a break from his Purpose World Tour.... |
 | | Franklin Graham: 'May Trump Remember That God Gave Israel To The Jews' As President Trump visits the Western Wall and attempts to bring about a peace agreement with the Israeli's, evangelical leader Franklin... |
 | | Christian Satire Website Compiles Hilarious List Of Christian Movies That HAVE To Be Made Christian satire website The Babylon Bee is nothing short of hilarious. With ti's finger firmly on the pulse of Church culture, and with its a... |
 | | Bishop T.D. Jakes Does NOT Want To Pay His Taxes, And Here's Why Famous pastor and evanlgeist T.D. Jakes has spoken out about his frustration over the current taxing system in America. Speakin... |
 | | Church Greeter Shot In The Head Believes God Spared "His Life His favor Was Upon Me" When a gunman entered a Kansas City Church at the weekend, Church greeter Montell Bruce thought it was the end of the road. Th... |
 | | Can President Trump And Pope Francis Find Some Common Ground? As Presdident Trump wraps up his visit to Israel and prepares to head to the Vatican to meet Pope Francis, many are hoping for a pro... |
 | | Why Pastor John Gray Didn't Change His Preaching Style For Joel Osteen's Megachurch Pastor John Gray preaches to thousands of people every Wednesday night at Lakewood Church. But there's a reason Pastor John Gra... |
 | | John Piper Explains Why Muslims Don't Sing Like Christians Why is it that in worship Christians sing and Muslims don’t? John Piper explains it in a new video. "Why did Christianity produce cen... |
 | | 'Bible Belt Executions Are A Total Hypocrisy' When it comes to capital punishment, there is no greater supporter than the Bible Belt. But as the issue of lethally injecting convicted&n... |
 | | Joyce Meyer: 'God Promises To Heal And Restore You From Your Past' One of the most incredible things about being a Christians is knowing that God forgives you of your past. No matter what you have done... |
 | | Christian School Discriminates Against Student For REFUSING To Get Abortion A student has been harshly discriminated against after refusing to have an abortion. Heritage Academy, a Christian school located in... |
 | | Optional Bible Class Cancelled After Civil Rights Complaint Is Filed An optional Bible class has been cancelled at a school in Michigan following a complaint from a civil rights group. Fox News reports tha... |
 | | Five Reasons Church Members Attend Church Less Frequently About 20 years ago, a church member was considered active in the church if he or she attended three times a week. Today, a church... |
 | | Killing Comparison In The Church Have you ever sat on a Sunday at church and thought, “If only I could be like that worship leader, with the passion they carry an... |
 | | This Is Such A Beautiful Song - God Is Always WAITING For You! God is good. God is love. God is awesome. And you know why? Because he's always waiting for you. With patience. No matter what y... |
 | | Pope Francis: “The Church Must Never Tire” In Its Fight Against Abortion The leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, has urged Christians to never give up in their fight against abortion, reports LifeNews.... |