Isaiah Prophecy Coming to Pass? Sea of Galilee Hits Lowest Water Levels in 100 Years
Israel's Sea of Galilee, also known as the Kinneret, hit an all-time-low recorded water level in May, prompting concerns about Israel's largest freshwater lake and heralding the fulfillment of a prophecy by Isaiah. According to Israel's Water Authority, the Sea of Galilee lost 15 centimeters (5.9 inches) of its water level in May, decreasing the level to 9 million cubic meters (318 million cubic feet), an all-time low since recording began in 1920.
The situation in the Sea of Galilee has deteriorated in recent years, as Israel's north faces an ongoing drought. Hydrologists estimate that the water level will drop by a meter (3.3 feet) before the rainy season begins in November. The book of Isaiah foretells of waters "failing from the sea" in the times of redemption: "The waters from the sea shall dry up, and the river shall be parched and dry. The canals shall emit a stench; the streams of Mitzrayim [Egypt] shall diminish and dry up; the reeds and rushes shall wither" (Is. 19:5-6). 
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