Showing posts with label J.D. King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label J.D. King. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2015

As ISIS Rises, Many Muslims Are Turning to Christ - J.D. KING CHARISMA NEWS

In the wake of recent terrorist attacks by ISIS in Paris, here's a reminder of how the kingdom of God is advancing among Muslims.
In the wake of recent terrorist attacks by ISIS in Paris, here's a reminder of how the kingdom of God is advancing among Muslims. (Reuters)

As ISIS Rises, Many Muslims Are Turning to Christ

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

I love reading stories from the great revivalists and evangelists. In fact, I own a number of books that recount wonderful healings and breakthroughs. Many of these are the kind of inspirational stories that make you want to get up and do something incredible for Jesus.
I recently pulled out a little volume called Miracles by the late R.W. Schambach (1926-2012). This book was originally published in the early '60s and recounts some of his experiences under salvation-healing evangelist A.A. Allen (1911-1970) and when he later launched his own ministry. This is an exciting little book that stirs up a lot of faith.
One of the stories Schambach shared in this book really leaped off the page. As I read it, I felt that it really needed to be recounted. As we think about evangelism and what it means to touch a whole new generation, this is the kind of story that needs to be shouted from the rooftops.
Schambach shares that he had been supporting a missionary to India for 30 years. He heard this missionary mention that he had never brought a Muslim to salvation. This statement made Schambach angry. 
Concerned that his money wasn't doing what it should, he decided to go over and see for himself what going on. So a big crusade was organized in India with over 50,000 in attendance. Schambach preached for hours; sharing powerful truths from Scripture. He assumed his anointed message would pierce the heart of the crowd. Yet, when it came time for the altar call, not one person out of 50,000 responded.
The missionary's words came to mind. Yet, Schambach had already decided that he wasn't going to stand for this. He knew God had called him to more than just preaching the Word. He was also commissioned to bring a demonstration of the gospel. Although the crowd was ready to leave, he told them, "I am not done yet. God says His signs follow the preaching of the Word. I have done my part and you are about to see Him do His part."
Then, out of the massive crowd, he invited three handicapped beggars to come forward. One was blind. Another was deaf and mute. The last was crippled. After bringing them up in front of the crowd, Schambach openly prayed in the name of Jesus. Healing came to the blind woman as well as the deaf and mute man.
He felt compelled to do something different with the crippled woman. He explained to the crowd that he was going to pray in the name of Muhammad, their supposed prophet, and see if anything happened. He got her up in front of everybody and prayed in the name of Islam's founder. Nothing happened.
Then Schambach said, "OK, I am now going to pray in the name that is above every other name. The name of the Savior, who is alive!" He then commanded the woman to be made whole in the name of Jesus. Strength immediately came to her legs in the sight of everyone.
In the aftershock of this moment, Muslims began jumping out of trees and running toward Schambach from all over the staging area. They were shouting, "Jesus is alive." A group of people who were once completely unresponsive to the gospel became radically changed within a few minutes. Many of them were passionately pursuing Jesus.
The preaching of the Word was essential, but the demonstration of power took things to a different level. Preaching prepared their hearts and provided a necessary clarification of Jesus' role. However, it was the signs and wonders that enabled the Muslims to truly visualize Jesus' authority.
This story reminds me that Christians are being called to greater displays of power. I'm thankful for all the wisdom and truth that we have to share, but sometimes God wants more to be on display. Believers must be willing to take a greater risk for the gospel.
Sometimes what we really need is a demonstration to go with our proclamation.

J.D. King, speaker and author, is the director of the World Revival Network.
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How Christians Should Respond to Terrorism - J.D. KING CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Throughout the Bible, we see that the people of God lived under terrorism. Here's a reminder of how we should respond.

Throughout the Bible, we see that the people of God lived under terrorism. Here's a reminder of how we should respond. (Charisma archives)

How Christians Should Respond to Terrorism

In this modern age of anxiety and unsettling images, fear seems to arrest the minds of many.
Based on what's being broadcast on television and social media, people are unsettled. Many envision atrocities that could afflict our families and unravel our quiet neighborhoods. Increasing unrest and suspicion grips the lives of multitudes.
I understand why. We live in an ever-plugged-in world of instant information and engagement. Every unfolding tragedy and crisis is presented to us in visceral video and sound bites. What once seemed far away, appears closer than ever.
I understand that being mindful of the world around us is essential. More importantly, as believers, we are called to carry the burdens of others and intercede for peace on the earth. No one who loves Jesus is given the freedom to disengage and ignore evil.
Yet, with all of that said, there's a line that cannot be crossed. Believers don't have the privilege of embracing fear. Whenever we're anxious, our incredible identity and calling is undermined. Christians simply cannot be world-changers if we're paralyzed by the fear of violence.
It may seem unnatural, but there should be an overwhelming freedom and joy - not trepidation. We shouldn't be anxious about anything. The trajectory of our lives should be shaped by the presence of God, not geo-politics. Those who love Jesus shouldn't fear man or be hesitant about where they stand - even as they take their final breath.
Even if a horrific event were to transpire, solace should be found in walking in the perfect love of Jesus.
The apostle John had the following to say about all this, "Perfect love casts out all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love" (1 John 4:18b).
Genuine citizens of the kingdom shouldn't be anxious about heaven or earth. Whether we live or whether we die, we're at peace. It's impossible to stop those who know the perfect love of God. Not even death can keep them from their destiny.
J.D. King, author and speaker, is the director of the World Revival Network.

For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW - Life in the Spirit is your Spirit-filled teaching guide. Encounter the Holy Spirit, hear God speak to you, and enjoy timeless teachings on love, mercy and forgiveness.LEARN MORE!