"The God of the 'Best' is Restoring MORE than What You Lost"
Jun 28, 2019 THE ELIJAH LIST
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Our God is a God of restoration and He does this very well. I've seen this time and time again in mine and others' lives.
What the enemy "thought" he stole from you, the Lord will restore and far greater.
Just read this word of the Lord through Jamie Rohrbaugh:
"Even now, as I am restoring you, I am expanding your territory. I am preparing more joy for you than you have ever had before; and indeed, if you will look around you, you will notice that you are already in that place of more joy. I will not stop until I have rebuilt your life better than you could have ever dreamed."
Be encouraged that God's BEST plans for you are just up ahead! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The God of the 'Best' is Restoring MORE than What You Lost"
Beloved, are you in the middle of a period of great loss right now? If so, the Lord wants you to know: "I am restoring you BETTER than you were before!"
This is what the Lord showed me from the past:
Starting in the summer of 2015, many of God's people began experiencing great losses. The losses you felt may have been brutal, and even beyond your wildest imaginations; something so bad or so painful you never dreamed it would happen to you. Like dominoes, valuable things in your life fell away, one after the other, as the enemy robbed you of what you held dear. However, the losses didn't last forever. After a while there was nothing left to strip. That season of loss ended abruptly in a way you had never planned on it ending.
What is the Place of Restoration?
For many of you, in the past two years or so, you've been in a place where the Lord has been healing you. However, you have missed the big point the Lord wants you to know today: The place where you are is not just a place of healing. It's a place of restoration.
In a place of restoration, according to the Biblical definition of the word "restore," things actually become better than they ever were before. And the place where you are is going to turn out BETTER for you than the old place ever would.
In this place here is what you will experience:
• You will have more joy.
• You will have more peace.
• You will have greater friendships.
• You will walk in the ways of the Lord with more power and less hindrance than you ever knew possible.
• You will hear the voice of the Lord behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it." and you will be able to obey without resistance and without major obstacles.
• You will have more peace.
• You will have greater friendships.
• You will walk in the ways of the Lord with more power and less hindrance than you ever knew possible.
• You will hear the voice of the Lord behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it." and you will be able to obey without resistance and without major obstacles.
You've Already Won the Battle

"I am healing your life, but I am also redesigning your reality based on the fact that you've won the battle. The enemy sent his most sinister forces against you, but you abode in Me and in My Word, and the enemy did not succeed. (Photo via Unsplash)
"I realize that you thought the enemy did succeed, and it's true that he stole some things from you, however, I allowed it to happen only because I had something so much better for you. The enemy played right into My hands as I can now force him to restore what was stolen seven times over.
"I have healed your heart, but you haven't realized the journey you've been on. The journey you've been on has been steep and rocky, but you have been building muscles of faith. Now you are so much different than you were before. The enemy does not even recognize you! I repeat, the enemy does not even recognize you because you look so much like Me!
"Stay hidden in Me as I personally walk you through the process of restoring your life. Take a moment and have a look at what I am doing.
"I am assigning new territory to you. The angels of Heaven are ascending and descending right now upon the ladder of your prayers—yes, even the prayers you have forgotten about. I have not forgotten about a single prayer you have prayed. I have been keeping those prayers in Heaven, and even now I am answering.
"New alignment is coming to you. New places, gates and doors are opening to you in the spirit right this minute. You have proven yourself a good and faithful servant, and you are entering right now into the joy of the Lord. Watch and see what I do as you enter a place of rest.
"The battlefield has been hard, but I am pulling you into a 'Holy Spirit spa.' Even now, you feel it. Even now, you sense it. Even now you can feel the pressure—including the pressure you put on yourself—falling off. Stay in this place of rest with Me. Make conscious decisions to rest and relax every day. Work hard, yes, but do even that from a place of resting in Me.
Look out for Distractions & Watch God Expand Your Territory
"When I tell you to do something, do it without delay. Watch out for things that would pull you away from My instructions, for many are the devices of the wicked one, but I am a God of clarity, order, and rest. If you feel harried, it is not from Me. Go back to the place of rest and recalibrate your actions and your thinking.
"I am restoring you and building you right now, even as we speak. I am making you better. I am expanding your territory and making it fuller. I am EVEN NOW stretching out your tent pegs and enlarging the place of your tent. As it says in Isaiah 54:2-3, 'Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited.'
"Even now, as I am restoring you, I am expanding your territory. I am preparing more joy for you than you have ever had before; and indeed, if you will look around you, you will notice that you are already in that place of more joy. I will not stop until I have rebuilt your life better than you could have ever dreamed.
"I am restoring you. I am committed to this, for My Son Jesus died on the Cross to see your complete and total restoration. You are going up with My Spirit into territory that is uncharted for you, but is very familiar to Me. Restoration is the place where I dwell. I dwell in the BEST and the BETTER, and even in the BETTER THAN BEST. Those things that 'eye has not seen nor ear heard' are the things I have for you.
Beyond What You Can Even Imagine
"Ask Me daily to do things for you that you cannot imagine. Petition Me daily to do the things that you don't even know to ask Me for, then BELIEVE that I am doing them. And when you look at your situation right now, look and see that you are on the slope of My glory, being lifted over time into a better reality than you ever had before.
"The things that you lost will pale in comparison to what you are gaining RIGHT NOW. I am indeed restoring you better than you were before. I am rebuilding your life to an unrecognizable state; it will be that good.

Even to the End of the World
"I am with you always, even to the end of the world. You had no idea what it would take to get here, but you haven't seen anything yet in comparison to the grandeur of what I desire to do for you. I will keep going with My plan, child, as long as you keep cooperating with Me—which I know you will, for you are a good and faithful servant.
"Enter into My joy now, My child. Delight in My joy; revel in it. Enjoy the place where you are, knowing that I have given you this place of restoration as a good and perfect gift. I am the Father of lights with whom there is no shadow of turning. I have not brought you this far to leave you; indeed, I am showing Myself to you now more than I ever did before.
"I can trust you, now. I allowed you to be tried in a fire hotter than you thought you could stand, but I knew you could stand it. I know what you are made of, for I formed you in your mother's womb. I knit you together in secret, one cell at a time. I knew exactly what you could take, so I allowed the fire to be hot so it would burn the dross off of you all at once.
Well Done, Good & Faithful Servant
"I delight in you, and you have My name, My esteem, and always My affection, but I want you to know that I am SO proud of you. I am SO delighted in who you are to Me, and in who you have become. You have clean hands and a pure heart, and you will not lift your soul to another, nor swear deceitfully.
"Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter now into the joy of your Lord. Enjoy your restoration as I also enjoy it, for I delight in both you and in restoring your life. You are the object of My delight, and you serve Me well. You warm My heart every single day, and I delight in you, My child."
Love, Abba.
Hallelujah! Does this word from the Father speak to your spirit? If so, receive it, pray over it daily, and act on it. God's words never return to Him void! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker, and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about prayer, personal revival, and the supernatural lifestyle and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a Master's in Biblical Studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.