April 28, 2019
"The Generals Are Receiving Their Inheritance!"
Jamie Rohrbaugh, Chattanooga, TN
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Let me just say that I couldn't be more excited and expectant for what God is doing in this year and through HIS generals.
Here is just a part of what Jamie shares in her latest article:
I believe we are in a season in which the rewards of the former season will only be the rootstock of the rewards of this season. The generals will suddenly see efforts of former years as being only the foundation for what God is doing now.
Generals, you will see the Lord combine the former rain's harvest with the latter rain's harvest and pour them out together again. You will see this with your own eyes. It is not only for your children; it is for you.
In this article, you'll read an exciting, prophetic word about just WHAT this kairos season looks like for God's generals, and how WE can serve and be a part of what He is doing in this incredible time! Enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"The Generals Are Receiving Their Inheritance!"
Jamie Rohrbaugh, Chattanooga, TN
Are you a general of the faith, or do you serve a general? If so, be encouraged: the Lord is moving among the generals.
The Lord has been hovering over me with the spirit of intercession for the generals in the Body for some time now. I believe as younger ministers rise up, it is our duty not to seek to replace or compete with the generals, but to hold up their hands and be a guard for them.
Before I continue this word, let me be crystal-clear: I do not believe that standing guard is the sons' and daughters' path to promotion. Of course, the Lord always blesses and rewards humble service (Jesus taught us that), but purity of heart and intent is important.
It would be unholy for sons and daughters to honor the generals merely as a way to claw their way into favor or ministry, and I denounce that with everything in me. We are not to look for a kingmaker (someone of influence whom we hope will promote us) in order to fulfill our ministries. Rather, we are to look to the King, our Maker, who has already anointed us, called us, and appointed us. We are to be faithful to Him and to our call, between us and Him alone.
What Should Our Motivation Be?
What then should be the sons' and daughters' motivation?
I believe that standing guard for the generals is our privilege and responsibility as sons and daughters who operate fully in our own anointing. Part of the anointing of true, mature sons and daughters is to always stand guard around and hold up the hands of the fathers and mothers who have been fighting so many years. Such is the Spirit of Elijah, described in Malachi 4:5-6: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse."
I believe we are in a kairos season for the generals, and this season looks like three things.
1. Generals Will receiving Their Inheritance
I believe we are in an Isaiah 62:8-9 moment for the generals. Isaiah 62:8-9 says: "The Lord has sworn by His right hand and by the arm of His strength: 'Surely I will no longer give your grain as food for your enemies; and the sons of the foreigner shall not drink your new wine, for which you have labored. But those who have gathered it shall eat it, and praise the Lord; those who have brought it together shall drink it in My holy courts.'"
Generals, you have fought long and have received a reward. However, the reward you have received has been nothing in proportion to the seed you have sown. You have plowed up the fallow ground, but the ground has not produced for you as you believed and knew it should have.
I believe the Lord is saying to you today that the time has come for your recompense. You have only been rewarded a little bit, but the fullness of your reward is here. Your labors have borne a little fruit, but the days of fruitfulness in your vineyard have arrived.
2. Rewards of the Former and Latter Days Will Be Poured Out
Generals, the best parts of your former days plus the best parts of your current days are going to be poured out together again.
Joel 2:23 says: "Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you—the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month."
I believe we are in a season in which the rewards of the former season will only be the rootstock of the rewards of this season. The generals will suddenly see efforts of former years as being only the foundation for what God is doing now.
Generals, you will see the Lord combine the former rain's harvest with the latter rain's harvest and pour them out together again. You will see this with your own eyes. It is not only for your children; it is for you.
Your reward will benefit future generations, but your reward is for YOU. "For God is not unrighteous, so as to forget your work and the love which you showed toward His name, in that you served the saints, and still do serve them" (Hebrews 6:10). It would be unrighteous for Him to fail to reward YOU, and "righteous" is who He is. That means it is impossible for Him to fail to reward you, personally, for your labor for His name.
Generals, you will see many things come back to you in this season. Things that were lost will now be found. Labors you thought were in vain will suddenly produce fruit—and again I say, it will happen suddenly!
3. Hidden Generals Will Come to Public View
God has generals the world has not known like it should have, but He is bringing them to light in this hour. To the hidden generals, the Lord is saying: "You have been hidden in the secret place with Me for so long that you have become too valuable an asset for Me to hide anymore. You will stay hidden under the shadow of My wing, but I am going to flaunt you to the world. Your heart is pure and I trust you. The world is going to know the gold in you."
Generals are arising in this hour with new life, new breath, and a new song. The Lord is rewarding His generals. Generals, you will see the Lord's armies come to you. You will see His hosts stand by your side. And you will know that the chariots and horsemen of the Lord with you are more than the chariots on the other side.
Jamie Rohrbaugh
From His Presence
Email: Jamie@FromHisPresence.com
Website: www.FromHisPresence.com
Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker, and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about prayer, personal revival, and the supernatural lifestyle and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a Master's in Biblical Studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
The Lord has been hovering over me with the spirit of intercession for the generals in the Body for some time now. I believe as younger ministers rise up, it is our duty not to seek to replace or compete with the generals, but to hold up their hands and be a guard for them.
Before I continue this word, let me be crystal-clear: I do not believe that standing guard is the sons' and daughters' path to promotion. Of course, the Lord always blesses and rewards humble service (Jesus taught us that), but purity of heart and intent is important.
It would be unholy for sons and daughters to honor the generals merely as a way to claw their way into favor or ministry, and I denounce that with everything in me. We are not to look for a kingmaker (someone of influence whom we hope will promote us) in order to fulfill our ministries. Rather, we are to look to the King, our Maker, who has already anointed us, called us, and appointed us. We are to be faithful to Him and to our call, between us and Him alone.
What Should Our Motivation Be?
What then should be the sons' and daughters' motivation?
I believe that standing guard for the generals is our privilege and responsibility as sons and daughters who operate fully in our own anointing. Part of the anointing of true, mature sons and daughters is to always stand guard around and hold up the hands of the fathers and mothers who have been fighting so many years. Such is the Spirit of Elijah, described in Malachi 4:5-6: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse."
I believe we are in a kairos season for the generals, and this season looks like three things.
1. Generals Will receiving Their Inheritance
I believe we are in an Isaiah 62:8-9 moment for the generals. Isaiah 62:8-9 says: "The Lord has sworn by His right hand and by the arm of His strength: 'Surely I will no longer give your grain as food for your enemies; and the sons of the foreigner shall not drink your new wine, for which you have labored. But those who have gathered it shall eat it, and praise the Lord; those who have brought it together shall drink it in My holy courts.'"
Generals, you have fought long and have received a reward. However, the reward you have received has been nothing in proportion to the seed you have sown. You have plowed up the fallow ground, but the ground has not produced for you as you believed and knew it should have.
I believe the Lord is saying to you today that the time has come for your recompense. You have only been rewarded a little bit, but the fullness of your reward is here. Your labors have borne a little fruit, but the days of fruitfulness in your vineyard have arrived.
2. Rewards of the Former and Latter Days Will Be Poured Out
Generals, the best parts of your former days plus the best parts of your current days are going to be poured out together again.
Joel 2:23 says: "Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you—the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month."
I believe we are in a season in which the rewards of the former season will only be the rootstock of the rewards of this season. The generals will suddenly see efforts of former years as being only the foundation for what God is doing now.
Generals, you will see the Lord combine the former rain's harvest with the latter rain's harvest and pour them out together again. You will see this with your own eyes. It is not only for your children; it is for you.
Your reward will benefit future generations, but your reward is for YOU. "For God is not unrighteous, so as to forget your work and the love which you showed toward His name, in that you served the saints, and still do serve them" (Hebrews 6:10). It would be unrighteous for Him to fail to reward YOU, and "righteous" is who He is. That means it is impossible for Him to fail to reward you, personally, for your labor for His name.
Generals, you will see many things come back to you in this season. Things that were lost will now be found. Labors you thought were in vain will suddenly produce fruit—and again I say, it will happen suddenly!
3. Hidden Generals Will Come to Public View
God has generals the world has not known like it should have, but He is bringing them to light in this hour. To the hidden generals, the Lord is saying: "You have been hidden in the secret place with Me for so long that you have become too valuable an asset for Me to hide anymore. You will stay hidden under the shadow of My wing, but I am going to flaunt you to the world. Your heart is pure and I trust you. The world is going to know the gold in you."
Generals are arising in this hour with new life, new breath, and a new song. The Lord is rewarding His generals. Generals, you will see the Lord's armies come to you. You will see His hosts stand by your side. And you will know that the chariots and horsemen of the Lord with you are more than the chariots on the other side.
Jamie Rohrbaugh
From His Presence
Email: Jamie@FromHisPresence.
Website: www.FromHisPresence.
Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker, and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about prayer, personal revival, and the supernatural lifestyle and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a Master's in Biblical Studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA