Showing posts with label Jeremiah 29:11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremiah 29:11. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2015

"I Called You Here" - Tiffany Ann Lewis

"I Called You Here"
Tiffany Ann Lewis, Rexford, NY
The Elijah List

Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away... Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea... But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid." And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water." 

So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!" And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased (see Matthew 14:22-32).

During a time of prayer and worship at our church, I sensed that there are many of us who have stepped out in faith, believing the Lord has called us upon the water, only to find ourselves sinking. We have believed God for a healing, a restored relationship, a career change, or a breakthrough of another kind and are taken aback because rather than rising above a situation, we are sinking under. Dazed and confused, we crawl back into the boat wondering why God let us sink.

In response to this prophetic moment in prayer, I felt the Lord say, "Peter...I called you out on this water for a purpose, and sinking even just a little, was part of it."

Storms Aren't a Surprise to God

Do we really think that the storms that come our way in life are a surprise to the Almighty? After all, we are talking about the God who holds the entire universe in place with the power of His Word and works things out through the counsel of His supreme will. Did this storm that the disciples found themselves in the midst of really surprise Him? I think not. (Photo via pixabay)

Let's look back at the text and I'll show you what I mean. Notice in verse 22, it says Jesus "made" the disciples go into the boat so they could go to the other side before Him. The Greek word used here for "made" is anagkazo (Strong's #315). Anagkazo is an odd way to get folks in a boat if you were to ask me. The Vines Lexicon explains that the word denotes "to put constraint upon (from the word ananke, 'necessity'), to constrain," whether by threat, entreaty, force or persuasion. 

You can see its intensity in Luke 14:23 when Jesus was giving the parable of the great supper in the Kingdom of God where it is translated "compel": "Then the master said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.'"Compel them to come!!!

It's almost as if Jesus was saying "Please...get in the boat! You must get in the boat." Now, you can imagine the intensity if they were already in a sinking ship and He was trying to get them into a lifeboat, but this situation is the other way around. Jesus was compelling them to get into a boat that was going to encounter a storm.

You see, sometimes, God calls us on the water and then allows us to go under just a smidgen so we can see His sovereign hand reaching out to save us. Although we feel forsaken because we are sinking fast, we are not. 

Jesus is with us, we are not alone, and He is aware of every single thing that is going on. From there (that place of feeling like we are sinking), we are learning an invaluable lesson. We are learning that we will see His hand reach out to us at just the right time.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). God uses both the good and the bad together. Not just the good and not just the bad. He uses all things: the good, the bad, and everything in between, and works it together for good. In His sovereignty, He uses them both.

Peter walked on the water (good) and Peter also began to sink (bad). Yet it was all happening under God's watchful eye and He had a purpose for it all that everyone on that boat would benefit from then and now. (Photo via flickr)

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Peter only sank a little, yet he was not sunken because He served a God who had a plan and a purpose for his life. This was all part of becoming the rock Jesus would build His Church upon. The same holds true for us all.

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you." Isaiah 43:2

God has called you here for a purpose and you are not alone. He is there with you and you will see His hand reach out to you. 

Amen and Amen.

Tiffany Ann Lewis
Dancing With the Flame of the LORD Ministries

Tiffany Ann Lewis is an enthusiastic Bible teacher with a unique focus on Biblical Hebrew and a worshiper of God whose heart has been awakened by a God who sees us in our shortcomings and loves us in spite of them all. He calls out to us so we can live fully free from the trappings of guilt and shame, because we are accepted in the Beloved, Christ Jesus (see Ephesians 1:6). She is passionate about empowering individuals through the Word of God, knowing it will instill a deeper devotion to Him and give them hope for the journey.

Tiffany Ann and her husband Rodney have been married for twenty-five years and have one darling daughter, Ashley, a glorious granddaughter, Gloriana, and two pups that are also a part of their precious family. They live in upstate New York where Tiffany is pastor at Crossroadz Christian Church in Rexford, New York.

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Monday, June 15, 2015

"Connecting the Dots of Your Purpose" - Joey LeTourneau

"Connecting the Dots of Your Purpose"
Joey LeTourneau, Redding, CA
The Elijah List

"I know the plans I have for you..." Jeremiah 29:11

Growing up, for my 16th birthday, my parents asked if they could give me a "Father's Blessing" for my birthday. I was reluctant while imagining the other things a 16th birthday could bring, but I ended up receiving a gift that has altered my life, family and purpose forever.

One particular line my dad spoke over me really stands out: "I hope you never believe that just because you're not like me in every area of life that I think you're a lesser person; that's a common belief among sons of type-A dads. In fact, I believe the very best hope for the LeTourneau name lies in the very ways that you are different from me."

What a revolutionary statement! As people, and Christians, we can struggle not to judge others or expect them to conform to our ways. We often condemn differences that are actually a big part of God's creative design. We often want people to recognize our way of doing things as the "right way."
But here, in a father-son relationship where such conforming expectations can often be at the greatest heights, my dad was actually blessing my differences, recognizing—and helping me recognize—that it was those very differences in my life that were not like him that would probably make the biggest difference in the world. I tend to think our Heavenly Father sees much the same way. (Photo via flickr)

"There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all." 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

You are going to reach people that I will never reach. You have gifts I can't dream of. You are called to different places, through different ways that I am not. And that's a beautiful thing

But those intentional differences crafted straight from the Father's heart are also why we often struggle to live out our purpose—because it's different than the person on our right, or our left. We too often compare and end up hiding the very light that is supposed to rise up and shine from within us!

Identifiers to Help "Connect the Dots"

Here is a stepping-stone like path of identifiers that can help you recognize different, important parts of your life and how they may fit with other pieces God has given you. 

These areas of our lives can look like a big, scattered "connect the dots" puzzle as we try and decide which one to pursue. But start to connect the dots and you just might see the picture He is trying to show the world through you! (Photo via pixabay)

Dream: What do you want to give the world, in a big picture sense? Do you want to give hope? Second chances? Education? Resources? What about new ideas and inventions?

Compassion: Who or what does your heart naturally break for? It might be a cause or subject that always wrenches your heart when you see it in a movie or story. It might be something you or someone close to you has passed through. Is your compassion for orphans or widows? The poor or oppressed? Perhaps broken families, or maybe for those impacted by slavery/trafficking? Your heart has probably already been talking with God about your compassion fairly frequently, we just have to slow down to recognize and identify that it just might be Him speaking to us.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Passion: What subjects do you enjoy? What talents or gifts has God given you? Is it art or music? Sports? Media or technology? Maybe business, government or education? When you combine your compassion with your passion, you can begin to see a new way you might be able to reach out to those you have compassion for.

Purpose: How are you going to make an impact? Will you open a facility or start a business? You could teach, coach, or mentor others in a formal or informal way. Might you write or speak, or maybe travel to encourage or deliver resources? You might simply become a professional in your field. And there are so many other ways.

Nations: This part is pretty self-explanatory. Where? What nation, community, culture or neighborhood grabs your heart? Is it your nation/neighborhood? Is it an Asian nation or an African nation? Perhaps it is a European nation or somewhere else. There are so many possibilities and yours is important.

So imagine you start to connect those dots: What if you wanted to give New ideas and inventions to those who are poor, using your passion for business to open a facility in an urban area. Or, what if you wanted to give hope to victims of trafficking in an Asian nation using art as a method of reviving their spirits. (Photo via pixabay)

First Steps

The truth is we aren't just called to dream big dreams; we must have the courage to persevere and live them out. This all starts with taking a first step into what may start out as unknown territory.
Our impact rarely comes from trying to live out some great thing, or build a great ministry. I believe it starts in a very simple way when we stop looking at what we do not have in our hands, and start to look at the pieces of His heart that He has put into ours. 

Great faith lived out is often little more than great obedience in the presence of difficulty, opposition or the unknown. Our obedience starts simply by taking those first steps with Him into the "Yes."

Our first steps might be to write out a goal or plan. Maybe start to research more about your compassion. You could even take a vision trip to visit the people or place you are called to—not necessarily to do anything yet—just to ask the Lord what He is doing and how He is calling you to join Him. (Photo via flickr)

Each dot in your life might not bring much clarity on its own, but together they represent something awesome! Whether it's a nation you are drawn to or a compassion that makes your heart well up with hurt and hope at the very same time. 

To truly live your purpose don't simply look for the road that goes towards one of these dots as a destination in your life, but get childlike before God and play a good ol' fashion game of connect the dots with your Father. See the picture He has already painted within you, the picture He is trying to reveal through you to the world!

"Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you." Isaiah 60:1

Joey LeTourneau
Imagi-Nations LLC

Joey LeTourneau, along with his wife Destiny and their five kids, live in Redding, California, and work across the nations to see the Father's heart revealed, and want to see God's children empowered to live out every purpose they've been created for–that no purpose would fall to the ground. Joey has authored six books and recently created a revolutionary new board game that helps people dream into their potential purpose–especially for youth around the world. Together, he and his wife founded Imagi-Nations LLC, a movement to "Imagine nations changed because you lived your purpose and dream."

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