Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
STEVE & LAURIE MARTIN - LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE FOUNDERS My good wife Laurie and I (45 years in October 2022!), through the ministry of Love For His People we founded in 2010, give love and support for our friends in Israel and in other nations with friendship, humanitarian aid, and social media support, along with Steve's messages, and our Ahava Adventures trips to Israel. Steve has also authored and published 35 books. We live in the Charlotte, NC area. We have four adult children, spouses, and eight grandkids.
As a visionary person, it's easy to feel isolated. You can be among others of similar or same gifting but differ in how it manifests in and through you. Others may not see what you see or understand what you envision. You'll discover who is who in your walk with some discussion. Though some may understand, they may not walk with you.
Your passions may be different then theirs. They also may not be stirred and connect with your passions. That's a good indication that though they walk with you, they may not be able to walk closely with your passion. Learn what you can from them but also find others who understand you and are able to help you develop as a visionary.
Identity Is Inherent In Lifestyle & Personality
Identity is very essential in being able to fully embrace and understand your function as a visionary. Rather than going by gifting as a cookie-cut method of identifying your particular visionary function, it's also important to look at the other side of the coin understanding that inherent lifestyle is also where we need to take a look. Now of course, I'm defaulting to the lifestyle that is flowing out of our being.
Books on the ascension gifting (Ephesians 4:11) will often have fully inclusive lists of attributes that are general in nature. None of us could ever fulfill every characteristic on those lists. For example, every prophet will be different and will only carry the portion for which they're designed. No one does everything. We each have our specialties.
Being visionary works very much through personality and is often of a very specific nature according to the assignment. Put personality with a specific assignment and the behavioral defaults can be very puzzling without the proper insight into identity and assignment.
The fixed internal defaults will continue to surface regardless of trying to resist. Our true self will shine through even when we don't want it to be seen. We will struggle with who we are when it comes to how we function if it doesn't fit the norm if we do not know who we are and why we are here. We will often try to be gifted like others until we've discovered our uniqueness and what's exclusively ours to possess. Then we can rest in who we are and how we were created.
Ask questions. You will get answers.
"So I say to you, Ask and keep on asking and it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you." Luke 11:9, AMPC
1950's TV Western
It's quite possible you may know me or may have read my writing yet not know some things about me. I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself a bit more to you as a visionary. For instance, I use Bret "Maverick" Wade in promoting Fresh Vision. There is significance to my name and nickname that the Lord has used to speak into my identity and purpose. For the sake of demonstration, I'll show you how this applies to myself.
Note: This does not apply to everyone. It happens to be a part of what God used with me. He can and will access anything in your life that He choses to use as a mirror.
My parents named me after the gambler, Bret Maverick, in the 1950's Western TV show "Maverick" starring James Garner. Little did I know as I grew up that God had revealed a very important aspect of my identity. It wasn't until ten years ago looking back that I could see it plainly.
I didn't like the idea of being labeled a maverick because I thought it meant I was rebellious. I shied away from it until the Lord had me do some research to find out what it actually meant. I made some real discovery about myself.
An abbreviated definition of a maverick is "a lone dissenter who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates as from an established church or majority opinion who refuses to accept the doctrines or usages."
I discovered that why I lived the way I had all my life as a loner and contemplative person was due to my design. My entire life has been outside of the box being true to that design. It was then that the Lord told me to embrace it and not be ashamed of it because it was part of my identity that He'd given to me. Up until then, my grandfather was the only person who called me "Maverick". It was special to me that he called me by it and still holds a place of endearment for me.
As to being a dissenter, I'm actually not opposed to systems if they serve us. What I'm opposed to is serving systems as if they're a suitable substitute for what they represent only to end up ruling us. For example, the organizational church system cannot replace the organic Body of Christ. Systems are servants, not life-giving saviors. Rules have been removed in favor of grace. But that can be it's own controversy to some who mix grace with law.
My focus has always been to live and function according to Biblical truth and application in submission to Holy Spirit. That is my default setting. My passion is to return the Body of Christ back to our foundations and original design free of hindering systemic mindsets and abuses. If I ever see a conflict between Scriptural truth and principle versus how it is being lived, it's time to get clarity and change either what I'm directing or myself.
What's In a Name?
Another realization that came around the same time was the meaning of my name. My given name is Bret Alan Wade. Bret means a gift from God. Alan means handsome. Wade means one who crosses water. What God revealed to me is that I am a beautiful gift that takes people to the other side.
I was quite surprised to see that I had been functioning for many years unconsciously according to His original design for me. In reflecting, I realized I have been created for this purpose. This answered why I don't fit in other's mold and mentality according to my gifting. I have a specific purpose and function.
No matter how many times people have tried to get me to adapt to the system, I kept defaulting! I would revert to the flow of how I was created. I had questioned and often criticized myself throughout my entire life for being a loner and not fitting in. I was still trying to sort this out internally at that time. I realized that I wasn't rebellious or difficult after all. I was true to my design! We often criticize within ourselves what we do not understand.
Discovering my identity that I had been carrying in my name and nickname since my birth boosted my confidence in who I am and how I function. My insecurities were answered. Ten years later, I am now much more focused and determined to function as I was designed. In a time where I'm moving into my specific purpose out of general ministry, it's vital for me to be on target in my niche.
Discover your identity outside of lists, gifts, prophecies or preferences. These are all helpful but the Lord is the One who created you and knows you. Let Him speak to you. Receiving yourself confidently will help others receive you with confidence. Knowing you are sent produces results. Get clarity all along the way.
"He who receives and welcomes and accepts you receives and welcomes and accepts Me, and he who receives and welcomes and accepts Me receives and welcomes and accepts Him Who sent Me." Matthew 10:40, AMPC
Music video by Passion performing God's Great Dance Floor (feat. Chris Tomlin). (P) (C) 2013 sixstepsrecords/Sparrow Records. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by EMI Christian Music Group,
Watch What Happens When Carrie Underwood Crashes a Christian Conference in Atlanta
CBN News 01-04-2017
Country music superstar Carrie Underwood made a surprise appearance at Passion Conference in Atlanta at the Georgia Dome on Monday. She showed up during David Crowder's set and led worship.
After the performance Underwood tweeted, "What an incredible night @passion268 ! Thanks for letting me be a small part of it! & thanks @crowdermusic for letting me crash your set!"
The Passion Conference is an annual Christian event that draws students from around the world seeking to grow in their faith.
Passion is a strange phenomenon. Less than 48 hours ago I sat in my hotel room in Jerusalem. I took a break from a training I was doing with First Ladies, Diplomats, and members of the House of Lords - all amidst terrorist attacks happening around me that left 5 wounded and 2 dead. As I flipped on the internet and took in the current news happening in America I could not help but get all fired up!The devil is bent on dismantling the Christian vote in 2016 and Pastors and conservative leaders are themselves defecting from the battle. It’s madness! Did you know evangelicals make up 27% of registered voters? Add devout Catholics and it is 37%! Together we are the largest, most vibrant, and most dynamic single constituency in the electorate today; a larger force than the Latino, the African-American, and all Unions combined. BUT nearly 14 million of us are thinking of sitting this election out! I grabbed my cell phone and recorded a live video rant on Facebook to address this. In less than 48 hours that video is nearing 3 million views!Someone just notified me the video was sent to Hannity for a Fox interview.
My friend, God is doing something in this season… You and I have an assignment to save this Nation! Before flying out this morning I had to fill in for Chuck Pierce who could not attend the Jerusalem gathering. He was supposed to speak for Yom Kippur, and reveal the meaning of the new Hebrew year 5777. This forced me to do some thinking. The Rabbis teach that Yom Kippur is the day that God looks at us and makes judgments and decisions for the coming year at Yom Kippur. As I prayed for you, my children, our nation, this election, and the course of America, something struck me about the significance of this new year, 5777.There are three 7's in this Jewish new year. Interestingly, the number “7” in Hebrew is the letter “zayin” which represents both the number “7” and the word “sword.” What we are looking at in 5777 is, “The year of supernatural grace (5) to engage the clashing of swords (7).” The clashing of heaven and hell will show up in the conflict of ideologies. This collision of kingdoms has already started. Someone gave me prophetic word today that, “there are spirits being dispatched to put blindfolds on the minds of Christians.”We are so easy to manipulated through media mind control: sound bites, talking heads, and an onslaught of progressive liberal ideologies baked into our entertainment. “Zayin” means more than just “sword” or “weapon.”It also connects with a modern Hebrew word "mazon," meaning "food" or "sustenance," and "nourishment," both coming from the same root as Zayin. 5777 is the year of the clashing of swords!We are taking on giants just like the children of Israel did. I choose to believe what Caleb said in Numbers 14:9,“Do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them.” Caleb saw the giants in the land not as obstacles but as bread. I believe that as you take on your Giants and defeat them they will become nourishment for you! What you bow to will increase your bondage but what you overcome will increase your power! The enemy will be bread for you IF YOU FEED YOUR SPIRIT the Word of God. Jesus says in Matthew 4:4: “But he (Jesus) answered and said, it is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” The Word of God, is the bread you eat that becomes a sword in your mouth! Inthis new year, 5777, God will open up His word to you and reveal a “sword” in the scripture! When you see it – grab it. Speak what God gives you. Prophesy and proclaim what you see. Expect your utterance to authorize angelic activity through your prayers! If you have not gotten hold of my book “Gods Chaos Candidate – Donald J. Trump and the American Unravelling” grab it NOW! It is available as an e-bookor in print. I expose what is at work in the subterranean depths of Satan’s counsel against America and reveal important information about the next chapter of American history. Read it and write a review! If we can get this book into the hands of a million Christians, we can impact the nation - before it is too late. Your Friend, Lance
"Prophetic Word Through Patricia King: Seniors Arise!"by Patricia King, Maricopa, AZ
From the Desk of Steve Shultz: Being barely 60 myself, I really appreciated this word from my good friend, Patricia King. What I really appreciate about Patricia's prophetic insight and ministry is that she ministers to the masses...and ALL are included!
This is a very short word, yet it is ever so powerful...and if you are a senior this is EXACTLY the word you needed to hear from Patricia. For those who are a part of the more "experienced" generation, get excited...for God is far from being done with you yet!
Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"Prophetic Word Through Patricia King: Seniors Arise!"by Patricia King, Maricopa, AZ
Prophetic Word for Seniors:
Are you 60 years of age or older? If so, this word is for you! I am launching Seniors on the Frontlines this July, and as I was seeking the heart of God for this event, I received this prophetic word for the Senior Generation. It is awesome!
I see a company of radical Believers in their 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond arising in these days.This generation will experience personal revival that will re-ignite their passion and their purpose. They are full of wisdom, zeal, and they carry dreams yet to be fulfilled. Their latter glory will be greater than the former.
I see them walking with the younger generations and empowering them with encouragement.
They are gathering together and redefining the term "senior". They will be a sought after generation. They will be honored and respected by the younger generation. Many will rise into places of predominance and leadership. They will produce more fruit in their latter days with less effort.
Financial increase and sudden provisional surprises will come to them. Favor will rest upon this generation and a wave of healing, health, and rejuvenation will visit them. Their "latter glory" will be greater than the former and they will be filled with joy that overflows!
Patricia King Founder and Director of XPMEDIA.COM INC
Patricia King is a respected apostolic minister of the Gospel, successful business owner, and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer, and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom's advancement in the earth. She is the founder of XP Ministries and co-founder of
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There are moments when we need an intimate encounter with God. Every person reaches a place in life that makes him or her cry out to God in desperation. (Charisma archives)
You can tell a lot about how someone is feeling just by looking at that person's face. An expression can reveal a person's mood—happiness, sadness, anger or annoyance. Though various modern methods of communication are available such as cellphones, e-mail, texting, and video web chat, nothing compares with face-to-face communication.
You are able to read a person's emotions through facial expression and know how that person feels in the moment. Face-to-face conversation provides an opportunity for intimate connection. There are times when only face-to-face interaction can meet the need for a clear understanding between two people.
There are moments when we need an intimate encounter with God. Every person reaches a place in life that makes him or her cry out to God in desperation. If you have reached that place before, you may have prayed "God, if You are with me, show me You are here in this moment." Such yearning for connection with God occurs often in the Bible. There are many instances where biblical figures struggled in their relationship with God. So what does it take to encounter the presence of the Holy God? We will begin our inquiry with Moses and the theophany on Mount Sinai. Let's take a look at Exodus 33:12-23 and 34:28, 29. Scripture says:
Moses said to the Lord, "See, You say to me, 'Bring up this people,' but You have not let me know whom You will send with me. Yet You have said, 'I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight.' Now therefore, I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You, and that I may find favor in Your sight. Consider too that this nation is Your people."
And He said, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
Then he said to Him, "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. For how will it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we will be distinguished, I and Your people, from all the people who are on the face of the earth?"
The Lord said to Moses, "I will do this thing of which you have spoken, for you have found favor in My sight, and I know you by name."
Then Moses said, "I pray, show me Your glory."
Then He said, "I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy." He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live."
Then the Lord said, "Indeed, there is a place by Me. You must stand on the rock. While My glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock and will cover you with My hand while I pass by. Then I will take away My hand, and you will see My back, but My face may not be seen (Ex. 33:12-23).
Moses was there with the Lord 40 days and 40 nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant—the Ten Commandments. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.
God had just brought the Israelites out of the land of Egypt. As they made their way through the desert, they came to Mount Sinai. Moses had the daunting task of leading the Israelites into the promised land, but this was a difficult job. Moses was under pressure. If he was going to continue to lead thousands of people through the desert, he wanted to make sure that God was going to be with him. On Mount Sinai, Moses asked God to reveal His glory to him. God agreed to his request but emphasized that no human could see the fullness of His glory and live. Moses witnessed the glory of God and it had an extraordinary effect on him. Those who seek God earnestly desire the same experience. So how do we seek God's face? How can we become witnesses to His glory? What can we expect to take place when we encounter the living God?
The foundation for drawing closer to God is a holy desire to know God. Passion is born from a love and honor of God and His Word, thanksgiving for what God has done for us, and an awe of God's greatness and goodness. Passion comes from a choice to seek after God in the good and bad times, when we're strong and when we're weak. It was passion that propelled Christ to carry the cross to Calvary. Passion should lead to obedience.
Christ tied love and obedience together when he said in John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commands." A passion for God is not just a feeling; it leads to actions of obedience to God's Word. Moses' passion for God was expressed when he said, "Teach me Your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with You." His desire was to know God and learn His will. Obedience to God's Word develops holiness in the life of the believer. Holiness pleases God and leads to the same response given to Moses: "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name."
Scripture is filled with many examples of people who expressed their passion for knowing God. The writers of the Psalms demonstrated passion in their prayers. We can see glimpses of the beautiful pictures of passion painted throughout the Psalms:
As the deer pants after the water brooks, so my soul pants after You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When will I come and appear before God? (Ps. 42:1-2).
How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my body cry out for the living God (Ps. 84:1-2).
As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I will be satisfied when I awake with Your likeness (Ps. 17:15).
When You said, "Seek My face," my heart said to You, "Your face, Lord, I will seek" (Ps. 27:8).
These passages also raise questions. Why would these writers want to seek God's face? They most certainly knew the story of Moses' encounter with God. They knew they could not see His face and live. It was their passion to seek God that made them want to know God on a deeper level, even being willing to risk their lives to know the God they loved more personally. During your next time of prayer, pray these verses to God and let Him know that you desire to know Him more deeply.
When you are passionate for God, you want to talk with Him all the time. Most people know what it is like to fall in love with someone. When you want to know someone more intimately, you feel compelled to talk to that person as much as possible. I remember the early stages of my dating relationship with my wife. I texted, called, emailed and spent time with her as much as I could. Eventually, I wanted to be with her so much that I decided to spend the rest of my life with her. This is the kind of relationship God wants with His people. He calls us His bride and He wants us to pursue a relationship with Him daily.
Moses spent 40 continuous days and nights with God. What did he do during that time? He talked with God. Sometimes our concept of prayer becomes overspiritualized. It is not a magic potion we use to get what we want on our wish list. Prayer simply means talking to God. In the same manner in which you can have a conversation with your friend or relative, you can talk to God too! If we want to learn how to pray more effectively, a good place to start is by studying the Lord's Prayer. We find that there are different types of prayer and that the right attitude should be exhibited as we pray. Matthew 6:9–13 says:
Therefore pray in this manner: Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Within the Lord's Prayer we find these types of prayer:
Prayers of praise and worship
Prayers of request for provision
Prayers of confession and repentance
Prayers of request for deliverance
There are other types of prayers, but how we pray is more important than what we pray. Our attitude is of utmost importance. In contrast to the poor examples of prayer found in Matthew 6:5-8, we should always pray with humility, recognizing God's place as Creator and Sustainer of all things and our place as those in need of God's mercy and grace. How often should we pray? According to 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we should "pray continually." This means we should be in communication with God every moment we have the opportunity; at home, at work, at study, at play and at rest.
Bible Study
Moses says in Exodus 33:13, "Teach me Your ways." We cannot know God without knowing His Word. Hearing sermons on Sunday is not enough. We need to engage in consistent study of God's Word. If you have not read the entire Bible all the way through, I encourage you to do so. You will learn many wonderful things about God that will amaze you.
Begin your journey through the Bible with the Gospels, and then proceed with reading the entire New Testament. When you have done that, read through the entire Old Testament. Reading God's Word is the surest way to know that preaching and teaching is in line with the Word of God.
I challenge you to pray and read your Bible when you have a question about something you have heard. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom to understand His Word. If you continue to have difficulty understanding a passage, ask a trusted church leader or experienced church member to guide you in the interpretation of the passage. As you begin to read God's Word regularly, it will stay with you. In the middle of a struggle, God's Word will come back to encourage you. Why can we always rely on God's Word? These passages provide the answer:
How shall a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word (Ps. 119:9).
The word of the Lord is proven (Ps. 18:30).
Jesus cited God's Word when tempted by Satan in Matthew 4.
And that since childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through the faith that is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:15-17).
Have you ever become so lost in conversation with someone that you lost track of time? Imagine losing track of time for 40 days, even forgetting to eat, drink or sleep? It appears that Moses was not worried about food and water when he was communing with God on Mount Sinai. According to Exodus 34:28, Moses was with the Lord for "forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water." It could have been this experience along with God's provision of manna in the wilderness that prompted him to declare to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 8:3: "Man does not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord."
We need to keep this Scripture verse in mind when we fast. Fasting demonstrates dependence on God. We recognize that we need God more than food and water, more than the very basic human needs required for survival in the physical realm. Jesus reminds us: "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who remains in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit. For without Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). Apart from God, we can do nothing and we are nothing. God is our lifeline, and in Christ, we can live life to the fullest. As you seek God's face, engage in times of fasting. Allow this experience to draw you closer to God as you tell Him that you recognize He is all you need.
During his experience with God on Mount Sinai, Moses experienced tunnel vision. His focus was exclusively on God. Unfortunately the busyness of today's world has made it difficult for many of us to spend regular quality time with God. Daily meditation on God and His Word allows us to enjoy moments with God during any time of day. Meditation simply means to think deeply and consistently on something. In the biblical sense, it does not mean emptying your mind of everything but rather thinking regularly about and ruminating on God's Word. When you are seeking God's face, you think about Him constantly. Dwell on His Word. Contemplate what God is telling you and how He wants you to respond.
Moses' desire was to please God and find favor with Him. He actively thought about what it meant to honor God and serve Him well. Psalm 19:14 says, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." What does your heart meditate on the most? Does it meditate on the worries of this world or the promises found in God's Word? Do you find your mind focusing on everyday problems or thinking about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable—anything excellent or praiseworthy that comes from God?[1]
A Greater Experience than Mt. Sinai
As we seek God's face, are we willing to listen when He speaks? What is God telling you today? What part of this message is God impressing on you the most? Does God want you to respond by embarking on a journey to read the Bible in a year? Or maybe God is challenging you to pray at least five minutes a day instead of just praying for your food. Perhaps God is impressing you to meditate on His Word daily or to begin a fast. Listen to what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do. As you seek Him, your encounter with Him will lead to an even greater transformation than the one experienced by Moses. Our experience is contrasted with that of Moses in 2 Corinthians 3:7-8:
If the ministry that brought death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, the glory which was to fade away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious?
As exceptional as the prophet Moses was, his experience with God was limited because of the limitations of the Law he lived by. We however, are beneficiaries of the New Covenant. We have the opportunity to have an uninhibited encounter with God because we have direct access to the Father through Christ via the ministry of the Spirit. This access provides complete freedom to experience the fullness of the glory of God today. This experience brings transformation.
We are assured in 2 Corinthians 3:18 that "we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." As you seek Him, be encouraged that He will reveal Himself to you and you will never be the same.
Reprinted with permission fromWhite Wing Messenger, published by the Church of God of Prophecy.Michael Hernandez—@hello2uwwjd—is a licensed counselor and minister currently serving as coordinator of the World Language Department of the Church of God of Prophecy. He is a graduate of both Lee University and the Pentecostal Theological Seminary and resides in Cleveland, Tennessee with his wife, Kara.
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