Showing posts with label identity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label identity. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Lance Rewind – The Science To Destiny | Lance Wallnau

July 29, 2020 Lance Wallnau 112K subscribers
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a science to destiny? You could know a formula to hit your target. What’s interesting about that whole question is that there was research done for 30 years in Fuller Theological Seminary by a guy named Bobby Clinton. His research was specifically on destiny and fulfillment, which is an incredibly relevant subject because so many people are interested in the prophetic. Not just because they want to know about what’s going on in the world around them, they want to know where they fit in the picture.
Where do I fit? Am I fulfilling the purpose for which I was created? Am I on schedule? And Clinton’s research came up with a term which I think is kind of fascinating. He referred to it as convergence. The fantastic thing is that the language in this is hidden in the Bible!
It’s almost in a coded form. It’s referred to as the work. Many of us can be involved with working out salvation, working in the ministry, and working in business. And all of that can be part of God’s plan. But there’s a moment when you literally step from working into the work, the assignment that God has given you.
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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Visionary People are the Same But Different by Bret Wade - Identity Network

Visionary People are the Same But Different 

Bret Wade Identity Network Sept. 26, 2017

As a visionary person, it's easy to feel isolated. You can be among others of similar or same gifting but differ in how it manifests in and through you. Others may not see what you see or understand what you envision. You'll discover who is who in your walk with some discussion. Though some may understand, they may not walk with you.

Your passions may be different then theirs. They also may not be stirred and connect with your passions. That's a good indication that though they walk with you, they may not be able to walk closely with your passion. Learn what you can from them but also find others who understand you and are able to help you develop as a visionary.

Identity Is Inherent In Lifestyle & Personality

Identity is very essential in being able to fully embrace and understand your function as a visionary. Rather than going by gifting as a cookie-cut method of identifying your particular visionary function, it's also important to look at the other side of the coin understanding that inherent lifestyle is also where we need to take a look. Now of course, I'm defaulting to the lifestyle that is flowing out of our being.

Books on the ascension gifting (Ephesians 4:11) will often have fully inclusive lists of attributes that are general in nature. None of us could ever fulfill every characteristic on those lists. For example, every prophet will be different and will only carry the portion for which they're designed. No one does everything. We each have our specialties.

Being visionary works very much through personality and is often of a very specific nature according to the assignment. Put personality with a specific assignment and the behavioral defaults can be very puzzling without the proper insight into identity and assignment.

The fixed internal defaults will continue to surface regardless of trying to resist. Our true self will shine through even when we don't want it to be seen. We will struggle with who we are when it comes to how we function if it doesn't fit the norm if we do not know who we are and why we are here. We will often try to be gifted like others until we've discovered our uniqueness and what's exclusively ours to possess. Then we can rest in who we are and how we were created.

Ask questions. You will get answers.

"So I say to you, Ask and keep on asking and it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you."  Luke 11:9, AMPC

1950's TV Western

It's quite possible you may know me or may have read my writing yet not know some things about me. I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself a bit more to you as a visionary. For instance, I use Bret "Maverick" Wade in promoting Fresh Vision. There is significance to my name and nickname that the Lord has used to speak into my identity and purpose. For the sake of demonstration, I'll show you how this applies to myself.

Note: This does not apply to everyone. It happens to be a part of what God used with me. He can and will access anything in your life that He choses to use as a mirror.

My parents named me after the gambler, Bret Maverick, in the 1950's Western TV show "Maverick" starring James Garner. Little did I know as I grew up that God had revealed a very important aspect of my identity.  It wasn't until ten years ago looking back that I could see it plainly.

I didn't like the idea of being labeled a maverick because I thought it meant I was rebellious. I shied away from it until the Lord had me do some research to find out what it actually meant. I made some real discovery about myself.

An abbreviated definition of a maverick is "a lone dissenter who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates as from an established church or majority opinion who refuses to accept the doctrines or usages."

I discovered that why I lived the way I had all my life as a loner and contemplative person was due to my design. My entire life has been outside of the box being true to that design. It was then that the Lord told me to embrace it and not be ashamed of it because it was part of my identity that He'd given to me. Up until then, my grandfather was the only person who called me "Maverick". It was special to me that he called me by it and still holds a place of endearment for me.

As to being a dissenter, I'm actually not opposed to systems if they serve us. What I'm opposed to is serving systems as if they're a suitable substitute for what they represent only to end up ruling us. For example, the organizational church system cannot replace the organic Body of Christ. Systems are servants, not life-giving saviors. Rules have been removed in favor of grace. But that can be it's own controversy to some who mix grace with law.

My focus has always been to live and function according to Biblical truth and application in submission to Holy Spirit. That is my default setting. My passion is to return the Body of Christ back to our foundations and original design free of hindering systemic mindsets and abuses. If I ever see a conflict between Scriptural truth and principle versus how it is being lived, it's time to get clarity and change either what I'm directing or myself.

What's In a Name?

Another realization that came around the same time was the meaning of my name. My given name is Bret Alan Wade. Bret means a gift from God. Alan means handsome. Wade means one who crosses water. What God revealed to me is that I am a beautiful gift that takes people to the other side.

I was quite surprised to see that I had been functioning for many years unconsciously according to His original design for me. In reflecting, I realized I have been created for this purpose. This answered why I don't fit in other's mold and mentality according to my gifting. I have a specific purpose and function.

No matter how many times people have tried to get me to adapt to the system, I kept defaulting! I would revert to the flow of how I was created. I had questioned and often criticized myself throughout my entire life for being a loner and not fitting in. I was still trying to sort this out internally at that time. I realized that I wasn't rebellious or difficult after all. I was true to my design! We often criticize within ourselves what we do not understand.

Discovering my identity that I had been carrying in my name and nickname since my birth boosted my confidence in who I am and how I function. My insecurities were answered. Ten years later, I am now much more focused and determined to function as I was designed. In a time where I'm moving into my specific purpose out of general ministry, it's vital for me to be on target in my niche.

Discover your identity outside of lists, gifts, prophecies or preferences. These are all helpful but the Lord is the One who created you and knows you. Let Him speak to you. Receiving yourself confidently will help others receive you with confidence. Knowing you are sent produces results. Get clarity all along the way.

"He who receives and welcomes and accepts you receives and welcomes and accepts Me, and he who receives and welcomes and accepts Me receives and welcomes and accepts Him Who sent Me."  Matthew 10:40, AMPC

Bret "Maverick" Wade

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

5 Prophetic Revelations About God's October Surprise - KEN MALONE CHARISMA MAGAZINE

In October, many things will be realigned in your life, including your vision. (Flickr )

5 Prophetic Revelations About God's October Surprise

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media

When the Lord spoke to me in August 2016 about the things that will begin to take place in October 2016, He said, "There is an October Surprise." I didn't know whether it would be good or bad.
What we have to remember about a surprise is that it is always a disclosure of things that have been hidden. The October surprise is just beginning. As it turns out it's not just one surprise but many surprises.
Below are bullet points on some good things He said would begin at Rosh Hashanah, Oct. 2, 2016:
Realignment of Relationships
The winds of apostolic change are blowing across the land and realigning you. The Lord is ready to re-position you for His kingdom harvest. Some who have been with you in the past can't go to the place God is taking you. Be willing to cut unhealthy soul ties and move forward into an ordained destiny. At Rosh Hashanah (begins Oct. 2), the Lord will unlock brand-new doors of destiny for you. Let go of your baggage. It can't go to the new place the Lord has for your destiny.
Realignment of Assignment                                                                                        
Jesus said, if it's not bearing fruit cut it off. There is a realignment of assignment that is coming to you. Take inventory of what your ministry is doing. Is it bearing fruit? If it's not bearing fruit, it's time to move on. Leave it. As we come into Rosh Hashanah (Oct. 2) the Lord is going to impart new assignments. With these new assignments will come another level of authority to accomplish His plan in the earth. Make sure that you discard old baggage and get out of baggage claim. Stop rehearsing your trauma and drama. A new, unusual and exciting assignment is coming your way. 
Realignment of Vision                                                                                                      
The Holy Spirit continues to send apostolic winds realigning your vision. How do you see? Do you see God bring a greater awakening (National Revival) into the earth or do you see it having no hope? Do you see the way heaven sees?  Heaven sees in seven dimensions, and heaven responds to what it sees (Zech. 4:10; Rev. 5:6). Align your vision with heaven and you will begin to receive heavenly results.
Doomsday preachers offer little to no hope. It's because man is reacting to what he sees in the earth rather than responding to the vision of heaven. There is hope if you begin seeing the way heaven sees. At Rosh Hashanah, the Lord will impart new vision. His vision will release heaven into Earth. Will you respond or react? Prune your negative mindset that has no faith and begin responding in faith to Christ's vision. A new vision awaits you!
Realignment of Identity                               
Holy Spirit continues to send you apostolic winds to realign you for His kingdom purpose. These winds are here to challenge your identity. Some today have a false identity and can't find their way. Those in LGBTQ community struggle with having a true identification. Some within the church have found their identity in pastors, programs, function and ministry. The co-dependency between ministers and sheep has created identification dysfunction. You're so busy with things you haven't found the "One Thing" (Ps. 27:4).
Your distinction can only be found in Christ. Realignment of your identity is essential in order for you to fulfill His destiny in your life. At Rosh Hashanah, a huge reset began to take place. Be ready, forsake your former identity and go after Him, and you will be found in Him (Phil. 3:9). As you go after Him, you will take on His character. In Him I live and move, and have my being (Acts 17:28).
Realignment of Paradigms
The winds of apostolic change continue to blow in your life. These winds are blowing against the paradigms that keep you from moving forward into your God inheritance. Think differently! When John the Baptist and Jesus said, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," they were saying, "Think differently because the kingdom of heaven is here." Beginning at Rosh Hashanah, watch as paradigm shifts begin to take place. Think differently—heaven will open up over you and your inheritance will begin to come in. ("Repent," Greek word metanoia, means to think differently.) 
Ken Malone is being used by God to mobilize the body of Christ throughout Florida and the nation. After being a pastor for 24 years, Ken has recently stepped down from a pastoral position. This has allowed God to launch Ken into his apostolic role within Florida and the nation. He is an ordained minister and serves as the founder of Forerunner Ministries and serves on the board of Dutch Sheets Ministries. Ken also serves as one of the leaders of Network Ekklesia International, an Apostolic Network founded by Dutch Sheets. Ken walks in a governmental apostolic mantle that releases the body of Christ into their destiny. He also ministers with a prophetic, seer anointing which enables him to identify activate and release redemptive gifts in individuals, churches and cities.
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Friday, March 4, 2016



© Morris E. Ruddick

Ghandi once commented that the teachings of Jesus are beautiful. His caveat was that if only he could find one real Christian.

Ghandi's claim was that he liked Christ, but that the Jesus followers he had met were unlike Him. His observation is a reflection of what the world sees in the faith that believers put in action.

Yet, Abraham was viewed as a prince by the sons of Heth, one of the dominant societies in his region The powerful biblical leader Abimelech's response to Isaac, Abraham's son was: "We see that the Lord has been with you. Let us make a covenant that you do us no harm." Pharaoh's discernment of Joseph was: "Can we find such a man as this, one in whom is the spirit of God?"

What Jesus imparted was not a philosophy or new religion. It was a dimension of reality bridging the natural and the spiritual. It was a reality, a threshold in God, that impacted everything. From the early days of God's people walking with Him, this reality of God, seen through His people, was recognized and acknowledged with awe as God manifesting. This dimension, this corridor of walking with God incorporated the knowledge of God with His ways, His truth.

It was this dimension that Jesus referred to as the Kingdom of God. It is both the gateway and pathway into knowing God. It involves what Jesus referred to as "abiding" or the process of abandoning ourselves to become one with God.

Jewish Foundations

This truth came from the foundations of what Jesus referred to as the law and prophets, which He noted that He had not come to change. They are foundational.

Jesus spoke very clearly to the issue of these foundations, of what we refer to as "our faith." As a Jew, Jesus made the point that He had come to bring completion to what Jews referred to as "the law," or the Torah and the prophets.

Yet, what followed digressed into the institutionalization of "the faith." This institutionalizing of the faith resulted in the loss of two key things: the foundations and the power that resulted, the result when what Jesus imparted is truly grasped and set in motion.

The Struggle for the Foundations

Instead, historically one generation beyond those of the first-century church and those so remarkably touched by this new dimension of the foundations, began seeing the replacement of the power of God with human effort. While retaining some of the essence of the faith, the effect lost the vibrancy of the foundations. The progressively embattled result became something akin to the settling of the wild west in America, which was polluted with lawlessness and corruption.

What played out in the next couple of centuries among the followers of Jesus was a serious division over matters foundational to the faith and with that a struggle for power.

When the foundations are restored, the Jesus I know and serve will not be misperceived as the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ or as having His birthplace in the Vatican. Jesus was a good Jewish boy who God sovereignly entrusted to a good Jewish home. He grew up expounding on the "law and the prophets."

However, in the early fourth century the struggle that ensued between those who adhered to the foundations and those who were institutionalizing the church converged with an unusual Roman emperor whose mother was reported to be a believer. In response to a battle he won, the emperor Constantine made Christianity the religion of his realm and in the process, he sided with the institutionalizers.

In that process, the Jewish foundations of the faith were expunged. The church that resulted started opposing anything related to the Jewishness of the good news, this fullness to the foundations laid out by Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.

This shift from the foundations marked the beginning of what some refer to as the dark ages. It resulted in a growing number of church leaders and sects taking a stand against Jews and anything Jewish tied to the "faith." It progressively produced deep rifts in the relationship with any of the Jewish faith with atrocities that created ripples that extend to this day.

The Foundations Recovered

Yet today, God is not only sovereignly restoring the Jewish roots to Christianity, but the biblical foundations of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to the Jewish people. These Jewish roots to the faith represent the foundations to be recovered. They are what was missing and caused Ghandi to say he liked Christ, but did not consider any of the Jesus followers he had met to be like Him.

To understand these foundations, how they affect what Jesus referred to as "the Kingdom" and how they impact every aspect of our lives: the mix of the economic, culture and power, we need to begin with the patriarch Abraham. Abraham is considered the father of the Jewish people. But before we talk about Abraham and how this all started, I'd like to outline some of the factors that are pertinent to this culture of business navigated by the people the world has accepted as being a people of business, the Jews.

The People of Business

Over the millennia the Jewish people not only have succeeded in retaining their cultural identity, but with disproportionate achievement have served as catalysts and influencers to the civilizations that would rise and fall around them, like the Greeks, the Romans, the Assyrians, the Ottomans, the Babylonians and others.

Historically, in civilizations without a middle class, the Jewish people have served that function, as merchants and bankers and people of business. They have been advisors to kings, rulers and leaders and financed national agendas in the societies in which they lived.

Yet, as a people, Jews have been distinctive. As a people, they have released nuggets of wisdom from the roots of their faith that have impacted the foundations: economically, governmentally, judicially, and morally, for what is now considered as the good and enduring virtues and values within Western civilization.

Today, despite being only one-fourth of one percent of the world's population, since 1950, Jews have been the recipients of 27 percent of the Nobel prizes awarded. Studies such as "The Golden Age of Jewish Achievement" and "Startup Nation" attest to their modern-day contributions, which statisticians would view as "beyond chance expectation."

In short, Jewish strategies have resulted in them outliving, as a people, the civilizations of which they have been a part. The keys to this remarkable phenomenon lie in the restoration of the foundations and its long-term, enduring model.

Pertinent Ancient Foundations

Identity. As already noted, at the foundations of Jewish culture is their identity. Jews hold to the belief of being a prophetic people of God whose ways reflect the pattern of their forefather Abraham: to be blessed to be a blessing. This distinction has been both unique and pertinent to their destiny. For the most part, they have resisted assimilation and from age to age they have maintained their unique identity as a culture within a culture.

Jews share with many Asian cultures the distinction of having had their share of centuries as a conquered people, yet without losing their foundations culturally that have made them unique and strong. Jewish and Asian diasporas share in both having retained their cultural identities and serving as positive influencers to the cultures of which they have become a part.

Community. Jewish beliefs nurture the dynamic of community much more than Western cultures. Historically Jews are an Eastern culture. As a culture within a culture, Jewish communities tend to operate with an approach of being a trust society. They foster entrepreneurship and creativity from within and build incisively from the bottom-up.

Self-Sufficiency. Within that context, community-wise, when adhering to their standards, they operate in a self-regulated, self-sufficiency within their communities. Self sufficiency will result from discipline, excellence and dependable stewardship. It is why Jews have succeeded even when the societies around them have made untenable legal requirements and even contained them within ghettos. Even during severe times of persecution, Jews typically have mastered fostering the type of stewardship that serves and reflects excellence, while profiting and overcoming.

Gifts.  Jewish communities are known for nurturing and mentoring emerging generations to excel as individuals, yet for the benefit of community. Everyone has a gift. First defining one's gift and then developing it to where what is being done stands out in excellence among others represents something that can be successfully commercialized. It is also the foundation of true leadership.

Leadership. The Jewish brand of leadership has the distinction of operating best through influence and service. Jesus described this brand of influence as being the salt of the earth, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. As a people, Jews are disciplined and are willing to pay the cost to live according to a higher standard, as well as to sacrifice for the future of their people.

Moral Standards. With many similarities to the ancient roots of some key Asian peoples, Jews are a moral society. Their distinctive identity upholds the standards of community, entrepreneurship, innovation, excellence and industriousness. While not exempt from corruption, Jewish standards in business, community and seats of power do tend to be higher, with corrupt practices less tolerated.

However, these moral standards are significant. They form a part of knowing God's ways. They explain why certain Asian cultures have excelled in business without knowing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However, moral standards are only a part of God's ways. That's the point of taking a closer look at the foundations embraced by Jews.

These observations provide the practical keys to opportunity. A recent Wall Street Journal article (Vietnamese Lessons for Burma, Chin and Collazo, 20 Nov 2013) has challenged whether Vietnam's doi moi economic reforms have lost their momentum and Vietnam, Asia's shining star for foreign investment, its advantage.

The answer lies within. Foreign investment will stir the economy, but building an enduring economy will follow the wisdom from the Jews, from within. That brings us back to the issue of the foundations and business. Jews have mastered the way they merge the economic with community and the spiritual.

Bottom-Up Foundations

Long-term economic growth that helps society as a whole requires bottom-up economic foundations. This doesn't discount either the opportunity or importance of leveraged development from top-down investment activity or business accelerator strategies.
Nevertheless, while the term "start-ups" and "small business" in the West has tended to embrace a threshold of anything under 20 million USD annually; the threshold tied to the foundations that has evolved from the people of business needs to be lower.

Healthy economic structures need to foster family-owned businesses that employ a handful of employees and serve a local neighborhood. In places like Vietnam, the reality is that a healthy ratio of Vietnam's GDP (roughly a fourth) comes from what has begun being referred to as the "sidewalk economy."

Historically in the West, some of the current, longest-lasting, more stable, larger organizations have grown from very humble beginnings. Ford Motor Company began in a garage. Again, this premise reflects the centuries-old approach employed by the people whose renown has been as a people of business and finance: the Jews.
What is most pertinent and warrants examination is the Jewish model which merges the spiritual, economic and community. From age to age, this model has operated with consistent success despite adversities and the very different, but dominant cultures of which Jews have been a part.

Cultural Compatibility and Entrepreneurship

A highly respected social economist has uncovered some unique insights into these issues in his examination of economies and cultures in "Trust: Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity." Francis Fukuyama contends that social capital may be as important as physical capital.

Dr. Fukuyama holds that only societies with a high degree of social trust will create the foundations needed for the large-scale business organizations that compete in today's global economy.

Nevertheless, large-scale organizations are only a part of the equation. Former Cambridge University entrepreneurial expert and author, Bill Bolton, stresses the importance of the creative and innovative dimensions which drive economic opportunity and the dynamic of entrepreneurship.

The challenge lies in the foundation of the economic structure. While the West has repeatedly gone through a process of reinventing the venture capital and "accelerator" investment models for fast-growth organizations; investment trends can be fickle and at times, abruptly cyclic. The reality is that without a firm foundation of entrepreneurship with community-level businesses; the economic structure will eventually soften and become top-heavy.

So, in wrapping up this brief introduction to Jewish business secrets, I want you to view this as a journey that we're taking together. We're going to look at foundations that fit into three categories: the spiritual, the entrepreneurial and the community and how they relate together.

What I'm outlining is a way of thinking. It taps the creative. It bears on your gifts, which we'll also talk more about. But more importantly it significantly impacts what we each call our destinies.

In this series, some of the highlights we will be addressing include both very practical and foundational issues like:
  • The Model: The God-Centered, Entrepreneurial, Community Matrix
  • Your Destiny Gifts: Developing your natural, spiritual and entrepreneurial gifts
  • Entrepreneurship and God's Economy: Create, innovate, build, multiply
  • Anointed Planning:  Learning to plan with God's guidance
  • Financial Stewardship:  The pathway to mastering financial cycles and growth
  • The Dynamic of Increase: Community responsibility and generosity
  • The Creative Advantage: Practical application of harnessing the spiritual
  • Opportunity in Crisis: Entering God's economy and succeeding in tough times
  • Understanding the Times: Prophetic insights into these times of change
  • The Power Factor: The reality of God and how good overcomes adversity
  • Success Groups:  A Jewish strategy for business success and opportunity
  • Community Building:  Understanding God's purposes for business
  • Jewish Strategies of Leadership: Keys to becoming agents of change
  • The Kingdom Factor: The paradox that restores the power and foundations.
What we're going to be covering was what was missing in the lives of the Christians that Ghandi had encountered, yet remains the essence of who Jesus is and the teachings He imparted. As has been written by the prophet Jeremiah:

"Stand at the crossroads and look. Then ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies. Then walk in it and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the higher dimensions of business leadership since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders to be blessed to be a blessing where God's light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. 

They are available in print and e-versions from

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at

Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your group's gathering on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.

2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiative Foundation

Global Initiatives is 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Your Assignment Is Alive! God Is Paving New Road Ways" - Cindy McGill

"Your Assignment Is Alive! God Is Paving New Road Ways"
Cindy McGill, Salt Lake City, UT
The Elijah List

The days ahead are exciting and we have been getting prepared to navigate them. Many people have been experiencing extremely difficult circumstances lately. Hope has dimmed and it seems, at times, it's been hard to have faith and see a bright future. The battle we all face is a spiritual one. There has been a direct attempt to "wear down the saints". There is a blueprint and pathway to know how to chart our course into this next season.

Finding Your Identity

You are bought with a price. Your value and worth are much greater than you realize. There is a purpose for you and plan for you and because of your influence, the devil has tried to sabotage your future and pollute your mind with thoughts of failure and unimportance. You must know that this is a LIE. 

The assignment you have been created for is still very much alive. God is visiting many, many people in dreams to reawaken you to your purpose and destiny.

When you get before God, ask Him to reveal you to YOU. He will tell you what you are made for, why you are placed where you are, and what His plan is for you, your family, your future and your destiny. I like a quote I heard the other day, "Everything will be all right in the end. If it's not all right, it is not yet the end." LOVE IT.

Goodbye Depression

I saw God literally lifting depression off of people and replacing it with supernatural JOY

It has been a prolonged season of hope deferred that makes hearts sick. When our trust is in God, His joy becomes our strength. There is nothing too hard for Him and our lives become easier and filled with hope. He is the joy and the lifter up of our heads.
There has been a spirit of depression that has settled in over people to discourage and vaporize hope. It's a direct attempt to cause us to lose heart and give up. 

David cried out to God 
in Psalm 43:5:
Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise Him again—
My Savior and my God!

Where are we putting our trust and hope? If God cannot lie and is at work within us to will and to do of His good pleasure, then we have to reposition our hope in Him and not in our circumstances and the world around us.

"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad." Proverbs12:25 

Our hope MUST be in God and Him alone. There are specific prophetic words from God's own mouth that are getting ready to be fulfilled. He has full intention on completed what He has started.

Prayer and Houses of Prayer

God is "shopping". He is looking for people who will gather in His name and cry out to Him in prayer. When people will do this, fires will start and the wind will come and blow this small fire into a massive fire that will set fires around the surrounding regions. God has always been a fan of "humble beginnings" and this is no exception. When people are in agreement and come together in His name, He commands His blessing. Sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people, just people who can agree for His will to be done. "Four of a kind" still beats a "full house".

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Houses of prayer and meeting times of unified, corporate gatherings for the purpose of prayer will cause the raging battle to cease and the atmosphere and circumstances will turn around immediately. We CANNOT navigate confidently unless we can see clearly. Without hearing clearly, we will definitely make choices that could and would hinder our process moving forward. There is a lot of information coming out from multiple sources that are generating confusion and causing us to become anxious.

Just the other day, God spoke almost in a thundering way, Philippians 4:6-7, "Be anxious for NOTHING at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

When we pray and are thankful making requests to God, PEACE is placed as a guard around our hearts. When we position ourselves before God, He literally GIVES US prayer. In other words, downloads or the things He wants us to declare – proclaim and pray, and then He causes them to happen.

Job 22:28, says, "We shall declare a thing and it shall be established." When we pray corporately, the "fog" lifts and we are able to see what is going on and the course direction we are to take. There is always an anointing on "agreement and unity", where God literally commands His blessing.

When people pray in agreement, healings happen, unresolved conflicts end, finances come, wars stop, evil backs down, people are set free from drugs, alcohol, sex, sins and any other "trap" the devil has fashioned to imprison people.

God is Financing What He Wants Done

I have said before that a huge transference of wealth is coming to those who are positioned to accomplish His purposes. 

This is not "chump change". It's millions and millions of dollars for His Kingdom. The recipients of this kind of wealth have already been through the test of the "rich young ruler" and have not set their hearts on money. Psalm 62:10says, "If riches increase, don't set your heart on them." This is a warning so that the financial provision coming to God's people is not squandered but is given to the building of the Kingdom.

Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Japan

There is HUGE spotlight over the Hawaiian Islands to be a "refueling station" for the south pacific and Asia. God has seemingly marked this place to pour out His Spirit in the next little while. There is a rekindling of the spark of His Spirit which will ignite the whole region. 

Australia and New Zealand are going to be hosts of a massive wave of His Spirit that will sweep all around the world. Japan is a going to experience a "volcanic" eruption of God's Spirit that will transform that place, and waves will go out from there. What exciting days.

Porn No More – Women Are Arising

God is invading this hideous industry. There are teams being raised up to go right into that arena and speak to the hearts of those deceived and caught up in this terribly destructive lifestyle. I saw multitudes of women who are willing to go into this field and be a "mom" to young women who need a mom. It is like an underground stream that will erode away at the "foundation" of this industry.

In the five years our teams have been taking teams into the adult industry, we have seen amazing favor from God on our efforts and He has opened the door for us to speak into the lives of these young people who have been so deceived and persuaded by money and "fame". When the truth about who they really are comes out, whether by interpreting a dream or giving a "spot on" word, their whole countenance changes and the "Truth" reveals a lie. We are watching as these girls make decisions to disconnect from this lifestyle and find their true life path as Jesus picks them up out of the dirt and gives them new life.

God is paving new roadways and we are entering into some of the greatest days of Supernatural expressions we have ever seen. 

Miracles will flow easily as God is advancing His Kingdom in this earth and many will come to His light as we go out into places we are sent and to be His mouthpiece to a very dark and desperate world.

Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest Ministries

Cindy McGill's passion to help people find their lives' purpose, receive healing from life's trauma and live their lives to the fullest. She travels internationally, teaching on the subject of dreams and dream interpretation. She also leads "dream teams" using innovative methods to help others discover the hidden meanings behind their dreams and give them a chance to find hope and truth at their point of need. 

She's had the privilege to interpret thousands of dreams at events in the United States and abroad, including the Olympics, the Sundance Film Festival, Burning Man in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, other expos and festivals, or just one-on-one with people she meets. In 2011, her and her team were featured in Dreams, A Documentary, which chronicles live dream interpretation encounters that took place at the Sundance Film Festival at Park City, Utah, and won awards at various independent film festivals around the world. Since 1979, she and her husband Tim have given their lives to helping people redefine their lives and find healing and direction. They have two grown daughters and four grandchildren.

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