"Your Assignment Is Alive! God Is Paving New Road Ways"
Cindy McGill, Salt Lake City, UT
The Elijah List
The days ahead are exciting and we have been getting prepared to navigate them. Many people have been experiencing extremely difficult circumstances lately. Hope has dimmed and it seems, at times, it's been hard to have faith and see a bright future. The battle we all face is a spiritual one. There has been a direct attempt to "wear down the saints". There is a blueprint and pathway to know how to chart our course into this next season.
Finding Your Identity
You are bought with a price. Your value and worth are much greater than you realize. There is a purpose for you and plan for you and because of your influence, the devil has tried to sabotage your future and pollute your mind with thoughts of failure and unimportance. You must know that this is a LIE.
The assignment you have been created for is still very much alive. God is visiting many, many people in dreams to reawaken you to your purpose and destiny.
When you get before God, ask Him to reveal you to YOU. He will tell you what you are made for, why you are placed where you are, and what His plan is for you, your family, your future and your destiny. I like a quote I heard the other day, "Everything will be all right in the end. If it's not all right, it is not yet the end." LOVE IT.
Goodbye Depression
It has been a prolonged season of hope deferred that makes hearts sick. When our trust is in God, His joy becomes our strength. There is nothing too hard for Him and our lives become easier and filled with hope. He is the joy and the lifter up of our heads.
There has been a spirit of depression that has settled in over people to discourage and vaporize hope. It's a direct attempt to cause us to lose heart and give up.
David cried out to God
in Psalm 43:5:
Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise Him again—
My Savior and my God!
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise Him again—
My Savior and my God!
Where are we putting our trust and hope? If God cannot lie and is at work within us to will and to do of His good pleasure, then we have to reposition our hope in Him and not in our circumstances and the world around us.
"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad." Proverbs12:25
Our hope MUST be in God and Him alone. There are specific prophetic words from God's own mouth that are getting ready to be fulfilled. He has full intention on completed what He has started.
Prayer and Houses of Prayer
Houses of prayer and meeting times of unified, corporate gatherings for the purpose of prayer will cause the raging battle to cease and the atmosphere and circumstances will turn around immediately. We CANNOT navigate confidently unless we can see clearly. Without hearing clearly, we will definitely make choices that could and would hinder our process moving forward. There is a lot of information coming out from multiple sources that are generating confusion and causing us to become anxious.
Just the other day, God spoke almost in a thundering way, Philippians 4:6-7, "Be anxious for NOTHING at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Job 22:28, says, "We shall declare a thing and it shall be established." When we pray corporately, the "fog" lifts and we are able to see what is going on and the course direction we are to take. There is always an anointing on "agreement and unity", where God literally commands His blessing.
When people pray in agreement, healings happen, unresolved conflicts end, finances come, wars stop, evil backs down, people are set free from drugs, alcohol, sex, sins and any other "trap" the devil has fashioned to imprison people.
God is Financing What He Wants Done
I have said before that a huge transference of wealth is coming to those who are positioned to accomplish His purposes.
This is not "chump change". It's millions and millions of dollars for His Kingdom. The recipients of this kind of wealth have already been through the test of the "rich young ruler" and have not set their hearts on money. Psalm 62:10says, "If riches increase, don't set your heart on them." This is a warning so that the financial provision coming to God's people is not squandered but is given to the building of the Kingdom.
Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Japan
Australia and New Zealand are going to be hosts of a massive wave of His Spirit that will sweep all around the world. Japan is a going to experience a "volcanic" eruption of God's Spirit that will transform that place, and waves will go out from there. What exciting days.
Porn No More – Women Are Arising
God is invading this hideous industry. There are teams being raised up to go right into that arena and speak to the hearts of those deceived and caught up in this terribly destructive lifestyle. I saw multitudes of women who are willing to go into this field and be a "mom" to young women who need a mom. It is like an underground stream that will erode away at the "foundation" of this industry.
In the five years our teams have been taking teams into the adult industry, we have seen amazing favor from God on our efforts and He has opened the door for us to speak into the lives of these young people who have been so deceived and persuaded by money and "fame". When the truth about who they really are comes out, whether by interpreting a dream or giving a "spot on" word, their whole countenance changes and the "Truth" reveals a lie. We are watching as these girls make decisions to disconnect from this lifestyle and find their true life path as Jesus picks them up out of the dirt and gives them new life.
God is paving new roadways and we are entering into some of the greatest days of Supernatural expressions we have ever seen.
Miracles will flow easily as God is advancing His Kingdom in this earth and many will come to His light as we go out into places we are sent and to be His mouthpiece to a very dark and desperate world.
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest Ministries
Hope for the Harvest Ministries
Cindy McGill's passion to help people find their lives' purpose, receive healing from life's trauma and live their lives to the fullest. She travels internationally, teaching on the subject of dreams and dream interpretation. She also leads "dream teams" using innovative methods to help others discover the hidden meanings behind their dreams and give them a chance to find hope and truth at their point of need.
She's had the privilege to interpret thousands of dreams at events in the United States and abroad, including the Olympics, the Sundance Film Festival, Burning Man in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, other expos and festivals, or just one-on-one with people she meets. In 2011, her and her team were featured in Dreams, A Documentary, which chronicles live dream interpretation encounters that took place at the Sundance Film Festival at Park City, Utah, and won awards at various independent film festivals around the world. Since 1979, she and her husband Tim have given their lives to helping people redefine their lives and find healing and direction. They have two grown daughters and four grandchildren.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA