God Talks Through Many Things if You're Open
by Kathie Walters
Identity Network
But I did say to the Lord, "Is there anywhere you want me go with this week?" I wasn't really expecting an answer as I had already decided where to go. I was really just being polite. To my surprise He said, "Yes I want you to go to Israel."
"I was actually going to Florida," I replied.
"Israel" He said again. I couldn't just say no, so I ended up going to Israel to see my friend, Juinnine. She was living in Jerusalem at the time. I told some people I was going to Israel and people started sending money for the trip - I had about $2500. And then a friend from Ohio called me and said, "I want to buy your air ticket to Israel." "I have plenty of money for Israel," I said. Suzanne insisted on getting the ticket so I ended by taking the $2500 with me to Israel.
Juinnine was happy to see me at Tel Aviv Airport but told me, "We need to pray because I don't have money to renew my lease and I am behind on the rent." "Oh well I think I brought you the money for that," and handed over some of the money I brought with me from USA.
So for a week I just hung out with Juinnine who had a great ministry, especially in the Arab villages.
I just followed her around and didn't do anything much myself in the way of ministry.
I Have to Check this Out
It was the last day before I was to leave and we were walking around the Old City. I had kind of complained because apart from seeing a friend, it seemed a bit pointless my being there, when I could have gone to Florida which is only a six hour drive.
As we walked around, I passed a jewelry store - you know I love jewelry especially antique jewelry - rose gold in particular. Well this store had Michal Negrin jewelry, which I also love. Michal Negrin is an Israeli designer.
"I have to check this out," I said and grabbed Juinnine. We went inside the store and were met by a very neat looking couple who looked like Israeli Barbie dolls. He had black curly hair and she was a glamorous blonde.
I started looking at the neat bracelets and necklaces along with Juinnine. The couple who owned the store walked away to the other side of the store. I realized that they ceased to be interested in me when they heard my English accent. In a lot of places English people are known as "just looking" people. As the stores depend on tourism for a living they don't care too much for people from the U.K who are "just looking."
I loved the jewelry - this is nice costume jewelry, not diamond and emeralds or anything. But not cheap either.
Not to waste this opportunity to get a piece of Michal Negin jewelery, I said to Juinnine, "I am in one of my favorite stores, I just have to buy a bracelet at least." As I was picking up a bracelet I liked, The Lord said to me, "Buy four, and buy something for Juinnine."
I was surprised, "They aren't cheap you know," I replied, but God repeated it.
So I found myself choosing four bracelets and I told Juinnine to pick whatever she liked best. "Really, anything?" she said.
As I was pointing to the various bracelets I liked and Juinnine was choosing her necklace, the couple who owned the store heard me saying, " I think I will get this one and this one" and they heard Juinnine saying "Oh I think I will get this necklace." They suddenly got very interested in me and came back around to where we were standing.
Are You those Born Again People?
We purchased the four bracelets and a pretty necklace for Junnine. Juinnine said, "Praise the Lord!" The nice looking Barbie doll looking man looked up and said, "Oh are you those born again people." We said, "Yes,"
He explained, "A missionary lady from Sweden came into the store a few months ago and she told us about the Messiah, Jesus. And she emails us every week to tell us more about Him." She emailed us this morning and said some people would come in here today and tell his about the Messiah. It must be you. Junnine prayed with them to know the Messiah.
Before we left they told us this: "The reason we did not accept Jesus before is because we thought if we did, He would take away our business and make us poor, and we want to be successful." When I bought four bracelets and bought a nice necklace for Juinnine that hit that misconception about God on the head and they were free
And then we talked about being born again -
They had a wrong mindset about God from Christians and missionaries who came to the store, so when I bought the four bracelets and something for Juinnine it squashed that idea they had, and left them open to a God who may enjoy them being successful. I kept one bracelet and gave the rest away
The last I heard they were very successful and had another couple of stores.
God talks through His word, His prophets and minsters. He speaks through signs and wonders and aromas and all kinds of demonstrations. He also talks to people through money. So be open as He is looking for some vessels to flow through.
Kathie Walters
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA