Checks Are in the Mail
by Doug Addison
The Identity Network
This is the start of the seven-year cycle that is being broken from 2008. I have been prophesying for a while that God is repaying us for losses we have suffered over the past seven years.
I got a prophetic word that "The Checks Are in the Mail." Watch for repayment to come in many forms.
Not just money but in lots of different and creative ways such as: healing, favor, spiritual gifts and restoration of relationships. Prayers you have been praying for a while are going to be answered. Be open to the answers looking different than you once expected.
"I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten … " Joel 2:25 NIV
For us, we took a huge hit financially in 2008 and went into debt for five years. Although we got out of debt, we have still not fully recovered all that was lost.
There were things that God had promised us that never came about. This was because the enemy has overplayed his hand against people like you and me.
If you have been following my prophetic words over the last few years, you might remember I have been saying to make a list of things that have been stolen or never came about since 2008. Well, what is on your list?
Renewing Vows from Ten Years Ago
God spoke to me that He is now renewing promises from ten years ago. In 2005 my ministry received a grant for $125,000 to do an outreach coffeehouse in Los Angeles. God had spoken to us clearly and we got a lot of favor and prophetic words for it.
It was during that time that many people around us in Hollywood were leaving, burning out, blowing out, and sadly, even dying. We ended up under intense warfare. We returned the grant and moved to Moravian Falls, North Carolina. This is a time to look back to the things that God had promised you ten years ago because He is renewing these promises and commitments as well.
Here it is 2015 - exactly ten years later and we are back in L.A. and going for the things that God has spoken to us. God is renewing ten-year commitments right now. They will come with interest and upgrades! Call out to God for the things that have been stolen from you.
Spring Forward on March 8
God spoke to me that again this year, when we set the clocks forward in the spring that things are going to spring forward in the spirit. For the U.S., this was March 8. Watch for something significant to begin to happen around this day and season.
This month will align things to come into a greater level of fulfillment. What is happening right now is a time of being propelled, and for some even - catapulted forward.
Twenty-seven years ago I had a radical encounter with Jesus and came out of the occult on my birthday, which is March 8,1988. Yes, "3.8.88" was the date. Eight represents new beginnings. It was the greatest birthday present ever! In fact, every year after that I would always get a special gift of blessing on my birthday.
That was until 2008. It was the worst birthday ever and we went through a terrible time of testing and betrayal and every birthday after that I suffered losses instead of gains. God spoke to me that this is a breakthrough year for me and many others who have suffered losses over the past seven years.
This year my birthday is on the same day as we "spring forward." God is saying to us all to expect to see radical turnaround and changes. You can trust this time. Watch for sudden good breaks.
"Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around." (Proverbs 13:12 The Message)
Your Case is Being Heard in Heaven
On February 24, I saw that many people's lives and ministries were being called into the courtroom of Heaven. This is happening to many people right now to reevaluate your life callings to determine your new assignments.
As each person was brought in, I saw Satan and others lined up to bring accusation against the people who are being called into a new season of advancement.
I heard the cries of people as the enemy's accusations were spoken before the courtroom of Heaven. It was gut-wrenching and I wept for them, crying out to God for mercy for all these people. They all had one thing in common: the enemy had overplayed his hand against them.
Then suddenly it was my turn. I stepped up and the accusations of Satan and the cries of many of my accusers were hurled at me like insults. The spirit of condemnation was so strong and thick that I could hardly stand. I fell down, crying out for mercy.
Then, Jesus was standing there. Like all the others in line, He pleaded our cases and many were promoted. These were the ones who have made it through the extreme testing and losses over the past seven years.
And the Lord says, "You are going to move forward into this new season and the voice of the accuser has been silenced." This was a result of people crying out against those who are up for promotion.
Many people who are reading this right now are in this season of promotion. Don't believe the lies or accusations of the enemy. Watch as Jesus steps up for you. But you will need to receive this by faith and get ready to move forward.
Shaking Happening Right Now
I came out of that experience shaking. God spoke to me that there is a shaking happening in the Kingdom. We are going to see a lot of movement and shifting.
Many people are misinterpreting this to be judgment on America. This shaking is designed by God to get us back on track with our callings.
"At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus' resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people." Matthew 27:51-53
The shaking happening right now is going to shake open some ancient things, like when Jesus was crucified, the earthquake opened and brought the old prophets back to life.
The shaking happening now is not judgment but it is going to open up the tombs that have held callings, gifts and anointings from the past.
"… the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom." The veil that is holding people from entering into the "Holy of Holies" or the deeper things of God has been removed.
We are going to see deep revelation come and deeper intimacy. People who were thought to not be fit to encounter God are going to have radical experiences!
This is an amazing time to be alive! Focus on the promotions you are receiving and ask God to reveal the new assignments available to you now.
Doug Addison
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA