"Rapid Increase! Healers, Prophets, Dream Interpreters, Seers Receiving a Double Portion"
Darren Canning, Ontario, Canada
The Elijah List
Rapid Increase For Those New in Christ
In a recent dream, I saw that there is a new anointing rising in the earth in this hour in order to bring in the harvest. God is about to teach people to walk in the gifts in the spirit at a very rapid pace. I see people who are "new to Christ" learning to fly in the things of the spirit quickly, because they will be aligned to Godly mentors who will teach them quickly.
This will be like on-the-job training in the things of the spirit learning to operate in supernatural ways. God is going to bypass the normal learning cycle and even train people through dreams and visions.
This is the hour of Ezekiel 37 when the army of God is being resurrected from dry dead bones.
Those that are about to rise in the army are not even aware that the army exists, but arise they will into greater destiny than they ever imagined possible.
Let Them Join Our Flight
I saw in this dream that there was a young person that started to fly alongside of me. I was moving very quickly in the spirit, flying from city to city. I was operating by faith as I flew
between cities. The person next to me said that the gate to the city is not opened, so you will need to slow down, but in the spirit I knew we didn't have to slow down because the gate would open as we got near to it. (Photo via Pixabay)
We were flying side-by-side, and as we came to the city a glass door opened before us and we flew quickly into that city. We then began to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a way that I personally had not operated before. There was a young lady in that dream who was an aspiring actress. Because of disappointment she was not actually acting. She was living below her potential because depression came against her. She was far from Christ and banqueting at the world's table.
In my heart I was trying to get to as many people as I could in order to get the message of Christ to them. This young girl and those sitting with her, mocked the message of Christ when I approached them; but then I began to tell her things that only she and God knew, and as I did something shifted in her mindset. I told her that she would have been in the movies now if she had listened to the advice that one director had given to her a while back. She looked at me shocked and then began to listen to the message of Christ that we preached.
The person flying with me was learning as we walked together. I know that in this hour that many of us who have been in the things of the spirit for some time will be taking responsibility for training those that are young in the things of the spirit, but these ones will actually learn to fly by being with us. Those of us who have exercised our faith will have many people who will want to learn from us and we must let them join us in our flights.
They will learn to fly in the same way we do. They will also have gifting that we don't have and will teach us a thing or two. God is uniting the army in this hour. Get ready for expansion on your left and right.
Expansion and Giant Steps For the Kingdom
Isaiah 54:2-3 says, "Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities."
This is what the Lord is saying: Those of you who have ears to hear listen to what the Spirit is saying. Do not fear the finances, do not fear rejection, do not fear fear itself, because you are about to take giant steps for the Kingdom sake.
A few weeks ago I had another dream. This is a season where people are being upgraded into new anointings and mantles. Even with the passing of men and women who have gone before us, there is a transfer taking place between generations. People in their 20s and 30s are about to take their place in the Kingdom.
The Lord showed me in that vision that He is releasing many spiritual blessings over those who are ready to be raised to the next level. This new season will be very exciting for those in-tune with the things of the Holy Spirit. Get ready for a double portion. Even as Elisha received a double portion of Elijah's anointing (2 Kings 2:9-16), the next generation of healers, prophets, dream interpreters and seers are receiving a double portion.
You will move like Philip did, releasing the good news to many places (Acts 8:39). You will be like the man from Macedonia who showed up in Paul's dream to tell him to come preach the Gospel in Macedonia (Acts 16:9). God is going to do this by His Spirit.
Isaiah 44:3-4: "For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams."
Seek the greater gifts and you shall walk in them. Get ready for a new dimension of glory. Get ready for a new shift.
Even as we move between seasons in the natural we will be moving between seasons in the spirit. Watch for what occurs in the next number of months. With the abundant rains of spring will come a new thing in the earth in this hour.
Darren Canning
Ministry of Darren Canning
Ministry of Darren Canning
Darren Canning is a revivalist preacher who travels throughout Canada, the United States, and the world. His heart is for revival and believes that God will touch lives deeply wherever he travels. He teaches on hearing the voice of God and experiencing the supernatural. Darren's life was touched powerfully through an encounter with God and he was transformed from an Atheistic lifestyle to a Believer in a moment. He has spent 14 years working for the government of Canada as an analyst specializing in transportation issues related to Aircraft Safety and Security. He is married to Lydia and is the father of 7 children. He believes that if others experience the God of the supernatural then they too will be changed forever.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA