My spiritual journey: How my parents & I came to faith in Jesus joelcrosenberg |
In recent days, I've written several column related to these religious holidays, including:
- What is the most controversial prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, and why read it at Passover?
- Israeli scholar says 1st century Jews awaited Messiah who would die & rise again. Argues “third day resurrection” an idea that pre-dates Jesus.
Today, I wanted to share with you some personal thoughts on these important and historic events and holidays, and how they intersect in my life. In this hour-long audio message (divided up in six 10-minute segments on YouTube), I explain the spiritual journey my parents and I were on to come to faith in Jesus Christ, as well as I how I experienced a powerful revival in my junior year of high school that completely transformed my life.
My hope and prayer is that as you listen to the story, it will encourage you in your own faith, and that it will be something you can share with family and friends to help and encourage them, as well. Thanks and may the Lord deeply bless you as you read His Word and seek a personal relationship with Him.
- My spiritual journey — part 1 — how becoming the author of The Last Jihad triggered people asking me a critical question
- Part 2 — how my Jewish grandparents escaped from Russia, my father’s Jewish upbringing, my mother’s Gentile heritage, and how they met
- Part 3 — my mother’s spiritual journey
- Part 4 — my father’s spiritual journey, and then how I came to faith
- Part 5 — how I learned I was Jewish, and then my crisis of faith in high school
- Part 6 — the conclusion of my story, and so what? Why should any of this matter to you?
- Special “Third Target” simulcast event for churches, small groups Bible studies and individuals set for Sunday, April 19th. Register today.
- I’m excited to announce The Joshua Fund’s 2015 “Prayer & Vision Tour of the Holy Land.” Come visit Israel & Jordan and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Here are the details.
- To order a copy of THE THIRD TARGET, please click here. It is now available in book stores across the U.S. and Canada in hardcover and audio book formats . It is also available in e-book formats like Kindle, Nook & others.
- To order a copy of THE AUSCHWITZ ESCAPE, please click here. It is now available as a paperback, as well as in audio and e-book formats.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA