Showing posts with label John Kilpatrick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Kilpatrick. Show all posts

Friday, September 11, 2015

John Kilpatrick: God Is Raising Up a New Breed of Prophets

John Kilpatrick: God Is Raising Up a New Breed of Prophets

John Kilpatrick says today's prophets are trying to communicate without modern technology, and that's why the message is failing to reach its true potential.
But it won't be that way for long.
Kilpatrick says the Holy Spirit told him He's about to raise up a generation of prophets who will have "such a clear, concise word that presidents and parliaments and news organizations will call them in and ask them questions and they will be so accurate they can predict things almost to the minute."
Watch the video to see what he means.   
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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Can You Hear The Prophets?

Published on Aug 20, 2015

Can You Hear The Prophets? Prophetic events are lining up and the prophets are calling for the United States to repent because judgment is coming.

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Friday, July 24, 2015

WATCH: John Kilpatrick Offers Prophetic Insight Into Natural Disasters

WATCH: John Kilpatrick Offers Prophetic Insight Into Natural Disasters

Could the consequences of turning against God be literally rumbling through the nation?
Just look to California, which is simultaneously experiencing flooding, fire, drought and earthquakes.  
"So what I'm saying is: The more filthiness and perversion, and the more God's cup of wrath is filled, where it's ready to overflow, the earth will manifest like crazy. There is a connection, definite connection, between sin and the land," pastor John Kilpatrick says.

What does it mean? Watch the video to see. 
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Monday, April 13, 2015

Will the Church Wake Up Before God’s Wrath Falls on the Nation? - JENNIFER LECLAIRE

Will the Church Wake Up Before God’s Wrath Falls on the Nation?

Dutch Sheets and the Appeal to Heaven flag.
Dutch Sheets and the Appeal to Heaven flag. (Jennifer LeClaire)
I'm sober. I'm awake. I see—and report—on the tsunami of perversion that's rising. I don't have my head in the sand. I lift my voice against the antichrist agendas that have infiltrated our government, schools, media, entertainment, medical and other fields. It's dark out there and it appears to be growing darker.
Yet, amid my sobriety and vigilance, I am not in utter despair. Desperate, yes, but not in despair. Indeed, I am wide-awake but ever hopeful that God will bring a transforming revival to America. I am watchful but confident that God is going to bring a Third Great Awakening—a greater Great Awakening; the greatest Great Awakening the world has ever seen—to our land. I see an emerging move of God even now.
Yes, many in our nation have turned their back on God—many never knew Him. But God has not turned His back on this nation. Yes, the hedge of protection around America has been at least partially lifted. But God still has His hand on these United States. God does not delight in seeing a nation that was birthed in covenant with Him fall—and God has not broken His covenant with us. He's just waiting on American to be repent so she can be born again.
Could America Crumble and Fall?
I was greatly honored this week to be on "The Line of Fire," revolutionary radio with Dr. Michael Brown. I work with Dr. Brown week in and week out on Charisma News, publishing his hard-hitting, yet compassionate columns. Over the years, I've learned quite a lot from how he approaches difficult subjects and he's been kind enough to help me wade through the backlash that often results from my own hard-hitting, yet compassionate columns.
Dr. Michael Brown also knows revival. He preached alongside John Kilpatrick and the late Steve Hill at the Brownsville Revival, otherwise known as the Pensacola Outpouring, in the 1990s. He's written books about God's holy fire, the power of God, holy revolution and other revival-oriented topics. In his show this week, we talked about the next great move of God, this transforming revival I believe God wants to bring to America. Here's how Brown opened the segment:
"We understand that revival is only needed, that awakening is only needed when decline has happened—but there are nations that have risen and fallen and are no more. Could that happen to America? Or could it be that Jesus is coming soon and things are only going down hill from here and we shouldn't pray for revival? Or is this the very time we should be crying out in holy desperation out of a desire to see Jesus glorified, out of desire to see a lost world touched, out of desire to see health and blessing come to the people of God?"
The Next Great Move of God
I believe we should pray for revival. I believe we should be crying out in holy desperation out of a desire to see Jesus glorified. I believe we should make intercession to see a lost world touched. I believe we should make an appeal to heaven to see health and blessing come to the people of God. I believe the next great move of God is emerging even now.
As Brown pointed out, I start my book with a chapter that declares, "It's time to wake up!" For the opening question of the program, he asked me why I think we need to wake up. I explained that the church at large has been drowsy for decades and is snoozing on the job. If the church was alert we would not have allowed prayer to be removed from schools, abortions to be legalized, gay marriage to become the norm and so on. The result: America is in a great crisis.
Is there time for awakening? Absolutely. Jesus gave Jezebel space to repent (see Rev. 2:20). Jehovah held back mass judgment when Nineveh repented (see Jonah 3:5). God gave Hezekiah 15 more years even after He declared his coming death (see 2 Kin. 20:1-6). Yes, there is time for an awakening. God's arm is not too short to save (see Is. 59:1). It's time to make an appeal to heaven. I believe God wants to sweep through this nation with a spirit of repentance that will bring transforming revival.
"I really encourage you to get the book. Your heart will be stirred. What got my attention with this book is that it's hard-hitting, no-holds-barred but full of hope," says Brown. "I'm really excited about the content here. Each page I want to read another quote from Leonard Ravenhill or Billy Graham or John Kilpatrick or different ones. Friends, get the book, the Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening."
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual AwakeningMornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still Small Voice of God, The Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Watching God's Heavens—What is He Saying through Blood Moon Tetrads and Solar Eclipses? - Aimee Herd

Aimee Herd:
The Elijah List

"Israel as a nation is 'God's time clock,'" –Pastor John Kilpatrick

blood moonsBy now the term "blood moon" is likely no longer alien to you, and may even have been discussed around the water cooler this week. 

(Photo by Luc Viatour/via

And now that you have the astronomical description for four of them in a row—a "tetrad"—you may be feeling like your vocabulary has experienced a nice upgrade.

But what is all the eschatological (there's another one—'end times') discussion about anyway? What are some of the things being said?

After watching a few messages by Pastors John Kilpatrick and John Hagee—who are both saying the same thing, for the most part—I thought breaking their main points down into a fairly brief article might be of service to some who are curious, but who may not have time to watch numerous sermons.

Not Just Christians

One thing I've noticed in digging into the subject of the coming astronomical event is that the interest is not just found among Bible Believers.

Those in the secular science community are also intrigued—not just by the blood moon tetrad—but also in the fact that it does coincide with major Jewish feast days.
blood moonsI've found several sites that have not only given a wealth of information on the tetrad, but also on the fact that this and next year's will occur at special times according to the Jewish calendar. 

(Graphic via John Kilpatrick Ministries)

That stood out to me—there are those who are not yet Believers who are paying attention… looking, watching and waiting to see if anything significant, God-oriented or major does indeed happen.

The Blood Moon Tetrad Facts and When to Watch

Interesting celestial events already began this week, with the "opposition of Mars"—it's perfect alignment with the sun, and also with Earth.

Next week—on Monday—Mars will be at its closest to Earth in 6 years; you'll be able to see it shining brightly in the night sky. Then on Tuesday morning April 15th (in North America) at approximately 3AM Eastern Time, the moon will be not only full, but there will be a full lunar eclipse as the Earth passes between the moon and the sun. The sun's light that reflects off the moon will then be filtered through Earth's atmosphere—basically all Earth's sunsets at once—and it will cause the moon to appear red like blood.

blood moonsThe blood moon will happen again this year, on October 8th; and then there will be two more blood moons next year on April 4 and September 28th—that makes a lunar tetrad. describes a lunar tetrad as: "Four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons)."

The Significance Relating to Israel

According to Hagee and Kilpatrick (as well as others), the moons relate to Israel because the Jewish calendar is mainly a lunar-based calendar. The solar eclipses relate to the world because the rest of the world goes by the solar-based Gregorian calendar.

Now, tetrads aren't necessarily that rare—there was one in 2003—but the fact that each blood moon in this tetrad coincides with major Jewish feast days is rare.

blood moonsTuesday's blood moon happens on Passover; October's on Sukkot; next April's on Passover again, and the final blood moon of the tetrad falls on Sukkot once again. That last one is the only one that will be visible by Israel—but because it occurs on Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) many Jews will be outside, sleeping under the stars so-to-speak, in their tents or booths according to the Jewish Feast tradition.(Photo via John Hagee Ministries)

And not only that, but the final blood moon will also be at perigee—also known as a "super moon" because it is at its closest to Earth on its lunar orbit.

It will be one SUPER BLOOD MOON!

So What? Wait, there's More…

Not only will the tetrad happen, but in 2015 there will also be two solar eclipses. The first one—a total solar eclipse— will fall on March 20th, or Nisan 1 in the Jewish calendar which is effectively their first day of their first month.

The second solar eclipse will be partial, and will occur on September 13th which is Rosh Hashanah; the first of the "High Holy Days" and also known as the Feast of Trumpets.

Why Is Any of This Significant?

Pastor John Hagee notes Genesis 1:14"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years."

blood moonsThat is, the sun, moon and stars can also be used by God as a sign to Earth's inhabitants. (Graphic via John Kilpatrick Ministries)
Basically the coming tetrad is significant to Israel, and to Christians who love Israel, because of history—Israel's history.

In 21 centuries there have only been 8 (including this coming one) blood moon tetrads that fell on the Jewish Feasts of Passover and Sukkot and the 3 most recent ones occurred during extremely important events for Israel.

Tetrad of 1493-1494 – If you go back one year, you know Christopher Columbus sailed his famous voyage to discover the "new world" in 1492. What many may not realize is that this happened during Spain's Expulsion of the Jews, when the edict came down that all Jews in Spain had 3 months to leave. So the blood moon tetrad of that time happened during great persecution of the Jews.
Pastor John Kilpatrick notes that Christopher Columbus was sympathetic to the Jews and carried some on board his ships to the new world, and that his trip may even have been financed by them.

Because of this, as the tetrad of those years occurred, a bond was formed between Israel and the new world—America.

Tetrad of 1949-1950 – This tetrad happened just a few years after the end of WWII and in 1948, just prior to the tetrad, Israel was formally recognized by the world as a nation.

Tetrad of 1967-1968 – The Six-Day War began when attacks were mounted against Israel and she retaliated; it ended with an Israeli victory.

What Does the 2014 – 2015 Tetrad Signify?

Both Pastors Kilpatrick and Hagee are quick to answer "I don't know." But they add that it is important to WATCH—not just look; but observe, keep vigil, stay alert and most importantly...
blood and pray.

Pastor Kilpatrick notes that Israel as a nation is "God's time clock," which means these things are important to Christians too. 

(Photo by: Fred Espenak of NASA/via

Certainly, when you look at Joel 2:31 in the Bible, you can't help but get a little excited considering the celestial events before us!

"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into
 blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD." -Joel 2:31

The thing to remember is, if you are a Christian (you know that Jesus is your Savior and you are living for Him), don't be fearful, but as Jesus said, "Be dressed in readiness and keep your lamp alight." And be ready to share about this great Hope that is in you with anyone who asks.

If in reading about these things, you feel conviction by the Holy Spirit, or you know your heart isn't right before the Lord, then don't wait—get right with the Lord Jesus today, and then rejoice!

If you want to learn more here are some good sources:

Sources: John Hagee Ministries, John Kilpatrick Ministries,,, Wikipedia

Monday, October 7, 2013

John Kilpatrick: "Victory Is Drawing Nigh As You Quietly Sleep...Have You Forgotten that My Name is 'The Lord of Hosts'?"

John Kilpatrick

"It is a day of long-awaited breakthroughs that are being won by the armies of Heaven." John Kilpatrick

"Victory Is Drawing Nigh As You Quietly Sleep...Have You Forgotten that My Name is 'The Lord of Hosts'?"

John A. KilpatrickThe Lord of Hosts Revelatory Word given to John A. Kilpatrick on September 28, 2013 at 2:22 AM:

"My angels ride upon the circuits of the heavens. They do My bidding. Have you forgotten that they are mighty in power? 

They do not relent; they prevail! Be reminded that they are engaged and enter conflicts as a result of the salvation I have bought for you. It is a perfect salvation and a complete one. Do not fear or allow your heart to be troubled, for even now they are defending your interests and concerns while you sleep.

"Have you forgotten that My name is 'The Lord of Hosts'? I have given the word, and it is the word of deliverance. You will prevail! Every evil plot will be foiled, and every evil enemy shall fall before the sword of the Lord of Hosts. My Kingdom is sure. My will is determined. My name is your guarantee.

"Do not be double-minded, and do not doubt this confirming word; for these are the days that men's hearts will fail them as they see coming upon the earth the things that I revealed would come to pass while I walked among men. But did I not also caution, 'Do not allow your faith to fail'? Lift up your head, for your redemption – your victory – draws nigh

I say that victory is drawing nigh even as you quietly sleep. Can you see it drawing nigh? I ask you again, can you see it drawing nigh?

Angel armies"Fix your eyes upon My prevailing army. It is My provision for My people, My heirs. You are not alone! I have told you it is not a few, but many, that ride the circuits of the heavens.

"Your salvation is sure; it was bought with a price. The battle is not yours, but it is the Lord's. See the salvation of the Lord. Rest in it, and rejoice in it. The greatest and most notable victories are even at the door.

"These are the days that you must learn to release the high praises of God. 

I say discipline your lips to release new, thought-out and thought-through praises – worthy of the Lord's works that He is working. Let the common, usual praises that you used yesterday remain there, for this is a new day; and the Lord is releasing new things – exploits not previously seen or experienced by you before. 

It is a day of long-awaited breakthroughs that are being won by the armies of Heaven.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"Adjust your praise accordingly. Train your lips to begin to express the depths of your worship. Be creative. New expressions of the soul will bring new depths of glory not previously known.

"These are not the days of the faint of heart, but these are indeed the days of the prophet Elijah.

"Tend your heart. Awaken your heart. Quiet your spirit, and rest in the Lord your God; for your salvation is closer than you suppose."

Look Up!

I received this word on September 28, 2013 at 2:22 AM and concluded writing it at 3:10 AM sharp. As I went back to bed and attempted to return to sleep, the Lord evidently wasn't through. In conclusion, He gave me these powerful words that stirred my soul:

"My people know little of My chariots, and they do not comprehend My chariot drivers. It has not fully come into the minds of My people that all power and might has been given into My hands.

Look up! Look up!"The heavens are even now declaring My glory and revealing My great power. Watch the heavens and understand that My great power shall shake the heavens, and all shall know that I am the God of Heaven and Earth. My armies are riding in their chariots, and they are prevailing. They shall shake the heavens above and the earth beneath.

"Your redemption is drawing near very rapidly. Be sure that you draw near to your redemption. My word to you this night is, 'Look up! Look up!' The heavens are already declaring, 'Look up!'"

John A. Kilpatrick
John Kilpatrick Ministries

John Kilpatrick experienced firsthand the glory of God as Holy Spirit entrusted to him the pastoral oversight of the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida. John Kilpatrick Ministries was established in 1996 as a result of the Brownsville Revival. He now travels extensively across the nation spreading the fires of revival and impacting churches around the world through media ministry. 

After nearly forty years of pastoral ministry, twenty-two years of which was his tenure at Brownsville Assembly of God, he and his wife Brenda are fulfilling their apostolic call by establishing churches and mentoring ministers. His hunger and passion for God's presence awakens and stirs the hearts of many to cry out for a move of God.
Website: The Elijah List