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President Trump Mentions God Eight TimesDuring His Thanksgiving Address
President Trump gave a particularly faith-filled Thanksgiving address this year, and many Christians seem to be thrilled with the fact that... |
 | | John Crist Releases Part Two Of 'MondayMorning Pastor Press Conference' Comedian John Crist has released the second part of his hilarious sketch 'Monday Morning Pastor Church Conference' and it is as hilarious... |
 | | Texas Pastor Says Almost 30 People Have Come Back To Christ Since Shooting The pastor of First Baptist Church Sutherland Springs, the congregation that was devastated by a brutal shooting a few weeks back,... |
 | | VIDEO: Tyler Perry Was "On Fire" While Prophesying Over T.D. Jakes At a conference in 2013, acclaimed actor and filmmaker Tyler Perry found himself up on the platform laying hands on and prophesying over... |
 | | Prayer Of Thanks Removed From School After Atheist Complaint A prayer of thanksgiving that was on display at an Arkansas school has been removed following a complaint from atheist organization The F... |
 | | This Is What Happens When You Go To A Strip Club With A Pastor's Wife Anna McCarthy, writer and public speaker, has a passion for ministering to people, “especially ones who are broken”. Still,... |
 | | Outrage As ‘Crucified Cow’ Installed At Centre Of Church Sanctuary An art installation that has been erected at the centre of a Catholic Church in a Belgian town has sparked local outrage and accusations... |
 | | Two More Women Accuse Al Franken Of Sexual Assault Two more accusations of sexual assault have been levelled against Senator Al Franken, since he was forced to apologize for a previous ass... |
 | | Church Under Attack After Pastor Declares Unwavering Support For Roy Moore An Alabama church that was previously led by a Pastor who asserted his unwavering support of Judge Roy Moore, even if the allegations... |
 | | Desiring God: "Single Is Never Second Best" There is simply no argument that God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman, so why do some of us advance into m... |
 | | Christian School Fires Teacher After He Admits Being In A Gay Relationship A Christian school has fired one of its teachers after he admitted to being in same-sex relationship. Craig Campbell, who until last m... |
 | | Pastor Explains Why He Is OK With 'Hating' President Trump Pastor John Pavlovitz is certainly not afraid to speak his mind. He does so in pretty much every daily blog post he publishes, and he has t... |
 | | Huge 40-Foot Cross Removed To Honor Fallen Atheist Military Veterans When it comes to honoring the military, and particularly those who have been killed in action, everything must be done to ensure it is sen... |
 | | Jennifer Hudson Performs Stunning Version Of 'How Great Thou Art' On 'The Voice' Recording artist Jennifer Hudson is not afraid to talk (or sing) about her faith, and she certainly put it into action in a recent performa... |
 | | Are American Churches Losing The Power Of Their Evangelical Witness? With the intertwining of the political and the religious, are we seeing a drastic decline in the power and distinction of gospel witness in Ame... |
 | | Is The New President Of Zimbabwe A 'Born-Again' Christian? The resignation of Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe ushers in a staggering hope for the future in the Southern African nation. Today... |
 | | Greg Laurie Lists A Few Things EVERY Christian Should Be Thankful For Today Happy Thanksgiving! Today is all about giving thanks for the rich blessing that have been bestowed upon us. Oh, and turkey. I hope you... |
 | | VIDEO: Joyce Meyer Explains The Power Of Words God created everything you see, the universe and everything therein, using only His words! The Bible describes how our words can have... |
 | | Woman Fighting Breast Cancer Belts Out INCREDIBLE Version Of Amazing Grace It would likely rank in the top five Christian hymns of all time. 'Amazing Grace' was written by former slave ship owner John Newto... |
 | | Judah & The Lion - 100 Miles Alternative folk band Judah and The Lion are something of a phenomenon. Blending Americana, Folk and Hip Hop, they have taken the m... |
 | | Patricia Heaton Of "The Star" Says The Birth Of Christ Is A "Gift" Patricia Heaton, an acclaimed actress best known for her starring role in “Everybody Loves Raymond”, co-stars in the new... |