Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2017

My Yoke is Easy - Friday, May 19, 2017 | Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

My Yoke is Easy

Friday, May 19, 2017 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
Israelis consider one of Jesus' most central teachings, as the burdens of modern Judaism mount.
The full article appears in the May 2017 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
CLICK HERE to read it all
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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Are the Restorations of Israel and the Church Converging? - Brian Hennessy ISRAEL TODAY

Are the Restorations of Israel and the Church Converging?

Thursday, March 16, 2017 |  Brian Hennessy  ISRAEL TODAY
I believe God is doing an amazing thing in our day that has flown largely under the radar. It appears He is merging His restoration of the church with His restoration of Israel.
In my previous article I discussed how the Feasts of Israel were actually dress rehearsals intended to point to a spiritual fulfillment in Messiah. Passover, of course, was fulfilled in Yeshua on Passover when he died and was resurrected. And Pentecost on Pentecost when he sent the Holy Spirit to the early church. Only the third Feast of Tabernacles remained without a New Covenant fulfillment.
However, as I said, I now believe the first of the three Tabernacle feasts, the Feast of Trumpets, received its spiritual fulfillment on June 7, 1967 when Jerusalem was liberated in the Six-Day War. But as some commented, it didn’t happen on the exact date of the feast. Didn’t that disqualify it?
That puzzled me at first also, until I saw it in the context of the restoration of the church. Let me explain.
To begin, it’s important to understand that the church was taken captive in the fourth century when Constantine married the church to the state. He did so with the help of many church leaders whose Biblical understanding had been corrupted by Greek philosophy.
Convening at Nicea in 325 AD, the Emperor Constantine established Christianity as a new Gentile religion that would have its own feast days (Easter, a Sunday Sabbath), rituals and priesthood. His goal was to separate Christianity from Judaism. To quote the words of Constantine: “Nothing should be held in common with that nation of liars and Christ-killers.”
In doing so, Constantine severed the church from its Hebraic roots and established the Roman Catholic Church as the official expression of Christianity. His actions plunged the church and Europe into spiritual darkness for centuries. A period appropriately termed The Dark Ages.
But God in His mercy did not leave us there. In time He began to restore our stolen heritage and the spiritual truths connected to the seven Biblical Feasts of Israel. As it played out in history, His restoration came as extended seasons which didn’t necessarily start on the Biblical Feast dates.
It officially began when Martin Luther posted his 95 thesis in October of 1517 and the Protestant Reformation was launched. In his awakening to the truth that “the just shall live by faith,” and not by religious works, he discovered he’d been born-again. And the spiritual fulfillment of Passover was restored to the church.
Soon afterwards, the Bible was translated into the common language of the people, first by Luther in Germany, and then by Tyndale in England. As a result, more and more false teachings of the Roman Church were uncovered and discarded and slowly replaced with the correct Biblical understandings. The Feast of Unleavened Bread was restored.
In the process, many believers began to see God required more than just a true knowledge of salvation. He wanted us to put on the new man and live godly lives from then on. The first to switch obedience from the traditions of the Catholic/Protestant Church-state systems to the teaching of Scripture were called Anabaptists. They simply wanted to practice believer’s baptism, not the Church’s infant baptism. And for that they were cruelly persecuted. God soon raised up gifted teachers, men like John Calvin, the Wesley brothers, George Whitfield, George Mueller to build up the body of Messiah. And a new wave offering of faithful believers began to serve the Lord, restoring the Feast of First Fruits.
Then at the start of the Twentieth Century a small group of believers in Kansas sought for, and experienced, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with its spiritual gifts. That led to the Azusa Street revival, which spread around the world. And the power of Pentecost was back.
Then came June 7, 1967 when Israel miraculously recaptured Jerusalem and precipitated several historic awakenings in both the Jewish and Christian communities.
For Christians, it was the trumpet call that awakened us to the Hebraic roots of our faith. And to discover the enormity of the crime that had taken place at Nicea so long ago.
So even though the event itself didn’t happen on the exact date of Trumpets, it did happen in Jerusalem. And led to tens of thousands of Christians coming up to Jerusalem to bless the nation and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. But this restoration, which resulted in such a huge spiritual victory in the hearts and minds of so many Christians, was significantly different from all the rest. Instead of being initiated from within Christianity, it was instead triggered by a Jewish military victory in Israel.
Doesn’t that suggest a spiritual convergence of our two communities not seen since the first century?
If I am correct in this discernment, it means we are coming into the unity that Yeshua prayed for just before his death (John 17:21). Because the next feast to be fulfilled in both our restorations from “Babylon” will be the Feast of Atonement. If that feast results in a large scale Jewish/Israeli awakening to Yeshua, and a cleansing of the body of Messiah - as many anticipate - wouldn’t that bring about a complete spiritual merger of the church and Israel in Messiah? Wouldn’t that truly make us “one flock with one shepherd”? (John 10:16)
After Atonement, of course, comes the Feast of Tabernacles, also called the Feast of Ingathering. That convocation speaks loudly of “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together to him” (2 Thess.2:1) But before all that happens there must come the Day of the Lord with the apostasy and revealing of antichrist.
Surely we live in prophetic times.
Brian Hennessy is the author of Valley of the Steeples
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Friday, February 24, 2017

Christianity Banned From the Classroom While Islam Is Celebrated - CBN NEWS

Christianity Banned From the Classroom While Islam Is Celebrated

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A New Jersey middle school refuses to allow the Bible in the classroom but is perfectly fine with teaching Islam to its students. 
Nancy Gayers' son was just trying to get his classmates to donate to a good cause when he was shut down for "proselytizing" Christianity. 
Gayers presented a PowerPoint to his fourth-grade class advertising his attempts to collect gloves and hats for poor children. Everything was fine until he showed a slide that included a Bible verse.
His teacher immediately stopped the presentation, and said it "belongs in Sunday school, not the classroom."
The Bible verse he cited was from Proverbs 19:17, "Caring for the poor is lending to the Lord, and you will be well repaid" (CEV).
Gayers took the incident to the school district, which defended the teacher's actions, saying it was in accordance with their "proselytizing" policy. 
However, parents spoke up when that same policy was not applied to Islam. 
Gayers said her older son was taught about Islam in his seventh-grade class in an instructional video that included lines like "Allah is the creator of everything, the one true God."
"In my opinion, I call this proselytizing, for by definition of this word, it means convert or attempt to convert from one religion, belief or opinion to another," Gayers said according to the Daily Wire. 
The school refused to remove the course when questioned because, it says, "It is part of the New Jersey curriculum core content standards to teach students about the various religions of the world."
However, Gayers said the teacher only talked about Islam but would not touch the other two Abrahamic religions: Judaism and Christianity. 
 When Nancy Gayers and Libby Hilsenrath, another concerned mother, raised this point, they were called bigots by their community. 
"We were labeled as bigots immediately following the Board of Ed meeting in an op-ed," Hilsenrath told Fox News, "and then all over Facebook with people who knew us or didn't know us. Xenophobic, Islamophobe, I mean it went as far as the KKK, which I don't know what that has to do with this."
The op-ed Hilsenrath referenced was a letter by resident Susan O'Brien, who called Gayers and Hilsenrath's concerns as "at worst, veiled bigotry and at best, sad and ignorant."
Gayers and Hilsenrath have said many times that they are OK with their children learning about others' religions but are not okay with what they believe is the school's hypocritical treatment of those religions. 
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Friday, February 17, 2017

Lost Tribe of Israel Comes Home, Fulfilling Isaiah 49:22 Prophecy - UNITED WITH ISRAEL CHARISMA NEWS

Members of the Bnei Menashe returning to Israel (YouTube/Shavei Israel)

Lost Tribe of Israel Comes Home, Fulfilling Isaiah 49:22 Prophecy

A touching video shows the arrival of 72 Bnei Menashe in Israel, where they were led in prayers of thanksgiving to the Almighty—and to the State of Israel—for making their dream a reality.
Shavei Israel was founded in 2002 by Michael Freund. According to its stated mission, the organization "opens the door to all who have decided that Judaism and a return to the Jewish people are central to their fate and their identity."
While serving as deputy communications director under Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1997, Freund came upon a letter from a group in northeastern India called the Bnei Menashe—the Children of Menashe—saying they were descendants of the tribe of Menashe, one of the 10 lost tribes of Israel, and were pleading to return to the promised land. Their letter sent Freund on a mission to learn all he could about the lost tribes of Israel. In the process, he discovered that all across the world there are "lost Jews" dreaming of returning to their Jewish roots.
On Thursday, Freund welcomed 72 Bnei Menashe arrivals at Ben-Gurion Airport.
To watch the video, click here
This article originally appeared on
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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What Donald Trump's Prayer in the Western Wall Really Says - MICHELE CHABIN/RNS CHARISMA NEWS

A man clears notes placed in the cracks of the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest prayer site, to clear space for new notes ahead of the Jewish New Year, in Jerusalem's Old City. (Reuters/Ronen Zvulun)

What Donald Trump's Prayer in the Western Wall Really Says

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Hoping for divine intervention—or Jewish votes—Donald Trump wrote a short prayer to be inserted in between the stones of the Western Wall.
Trump's team photographed and sent a copy of the handwritten prayer to Ynet News and Yedioth Ahronoth, Israeli sister publications. The original was handed to David Faiman, a Trump adviser, who was heading to Israel, the news outlets reported.
"May you bless the United States, our armed forces and our allies. May your guiding hand protect and strengthen our great nation," the GOP presidential candidate's prayer said.
It is traditional for visitors to the ancient Western Wall to insert prayers and messages into the cracks between its stones. Known in Hebrew as the Kotel, the wall is holy to Jews because it is a remnant of the retaining wall that once surrounded the Second Temple, destroyed by the Romans in the year 70.
Those who cannot go to the wall sometimes ask friends or family to deliver their prayers. Various Israeli non-profit organizations run free delivery services.
Trump, a Christian, decided to write the note following a conversation with his daughter Ivanka, a modern-Orthodox convert to Judaism, according to Ynet.
His presidential campaign has been flagging for weeks and a majority of U.S. Jews favor his challenger, Hillary Clinton. The Republican candidate has also been criticized for failing to disavow anti-Semitic statements by some of his followers.
But David Weissman, an American citizen and Trump supporter who lives in Israel, believes the note shows that Trump "respects Jewish tradition and prayer, and acknowledges the Kotel belongs to the Jewish people and he believes in God." 
© 2016 Religion News Service. All rights reserved.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Do We Have the Faith of Our Fathers? - Brian Hennessy ISRAEL TODAY

Do We Have the Faith of Our Fathers?

Tuesday, July 26, 2016 |  Brian Hennessy  
Or do we just have a religion?
For most people, the word “faith” is but a synonym for “religion.” People ask, “What faith are you?” Meaning, are you Christian? Jewish? Hindu?
But in the Bible, “faith” is not presented as a religion in the traditional sense. Rather it is revealed as the unshakeable conviction that the words we heard God speak to our heart are absolutely true. “Faith comes from hearing” (Rom. 10:17). And our faith is revealed when we act upon those words as father Abraham did. 
That means, no religion should be termed a “faith,” because no faith is needed to practice a religion. “Religion,” from the Latin word religari, means “to bind.” It simply binds its adherents to a written set of doctrines and practices that only require intellectual assent and will power. It is something any devout follower can subscribe to without exercising a shred of faith.
In short, religion is law. And law and faith, like oil and water, don’t mix. It matters not if it is the very Law of God handed to Moses on Mount Sinai (Gal. 3:12). Or the man-made rules imposed on Christians from church councils. Or Sharia as quoted from the Koran to Moslem. It’s all an attempt to gain the approval of Deity by obedient performance – not by faith. 
The truth is God could care less about all our religious attempts to gain favor with Him, “For without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to Him must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Heb. 11:6). 
Now I raise this issue because I see how a fundamental misunderstanding about “faith” could become a hindrance to building a deeper relationship between Christians and Jews who love Israel. For it is written, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3) And how can we “be agreed” if our core beliefs are tied to incompatible, and at times hostile, religious systems? 
Worse, the two religions of Christianity and Judaism today have so many variations it’s hard to say which one truly represents our respective beliefs. For a Roman Catholic is as different from a Quaker in his theology and practices, as a Lubavitcher from a Reconstructionist.
Yet, in spite of all the obstacles, a new warmth has blossomed between us, knitting the faith-filled members of our two communities together in a way not seen since the first century. It‘s a warmth that can only be understood as divine intervention. The question is, how do we keep our religious differences from smothering what God has started?  For there are certainly many on each side who would see us retreat again behind doctrinal walls.  It is a pressure we must resist at all costs! 
I believe the way forward is to realize that we who love Israel represent the only two communities on earth actually founded on faith. And we each need to grab hold of that understanding with both hands. Because even though no religion can be considered true faith, faith could be described as God’s one true “religion.” As both God’s prophet and apostle have declared, “The righteous man will live by faith” (Hab. 3:4; Gal. 3:11).
It was this foundational principle that gained Abraham the most ringing endorsement found anywhere in Scripture: “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness” (Gen 15:6). That’s why Isaiah points to him as our model: “Listen to me you who pursue righteousness, who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug. Look to Abraham your father…when he was but one I called him, then I blessed him and multiplied him” (Isaiah 51: 1,2).
The first thing we should learn from Abraham is that righteousness is a reward for faith, not for obedience. Otherwise it would have been written, “Abraham _obeyed _God, and it was reckoned to him as righteous.” Obedience must follow belief, but it is no substitute. 
Unfortunately, both Christians and Jews have historically put obedience to religious precepts first. It certainly tripped up many Jews when Messiah came in the first century. “For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own [through obedience to the Law] they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God” (Rom. 10:3). And it will also trip up many Christians who are not walking in faith at his second coming. 
Obviously, Christians and Jews are not on the same page yet about Yeshua being the means to obtaining God’s righteousness. Nevertheless, many in both camps do believe God is restoring Israel today.
 We just need to nourish that faith and let the love of God heal the wounds we‘ve inflicted upon each other over the centuries. 
Brian Hennessy is author of Valley of the Steeples
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

DNA Study Offers Definitive Proof That Jewish Ancestry Traces Back To the Land of Israel By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

(Photo: API Flickr/Wikimedia Commons)

(Photo: API Flickr/Wikimedia Commons)

DNA Study Offers Definitive Proof That Jewish Ancestry Traces Back To the Land of Israel

“And He brought him forth abroad, and said: ‘Look now toward heaven, and count the stars, if thou be able to count them’; and He said unto him: ‘So shall thy seed be.’ And he believed in the LORD; and He counted it to him for righteousness. And He said unto him: ‘I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.’”
Genesis 15:5-7 (The Israel Bible™)
There are those who claim that present day Jews are not the descendants of the original Hebrews and therefore have no claim to the land. This claim also discredits the idea that the modern State of Israel could be part of the Messianic return, the ingathering of the exiles predicted by the prophets. For those willing to listen to scientific proof, this claim has been entirely discredited by recent studies in genetics.
Perhaps the strongest voice claiming the present day Jews settling in Israel are not descended from the original Hebrews is Tel Aviv University historian Shlomo Sand. In his international best-seller, The Invention of the Jewish People (2008), he asserts that the Jews of today did not originate in the Mediterranean and that a “nation-race” of Jews never existed.
Jews today, he claims, share a common religion but not a common ethnic background. His book argues that there is no evidence of the expulsion of the Jews from ancient Israel, and therefore it never happened, meaning that the diaspora is a modern invention.
He claims that Judaism was a religion which arose outside of Israel based on massive conversions that continued until the rise of Christianity in the fourth century and that most Jews today are the descendants of people who lived elsewhere in the world, the products of conversion.
Sand equates the Jews’ longing for Israel, what he calls “the mythical Kingdom of David”, with other European nationalist movements. The significant difference according to Sand is that the holy land was to be longed for but not lived in until the divinely sent Messiah arrives.
Sand’s theory has becoming a lightning rod for controversy, attracting criticism as well as high praise. His book received the “Prix Aujourd’hui” in France and has been translated into more languages than any other Israeli book. Haaretz called it a “success for Israel”. Eric Hobsbawm, a Jewish retired professor of history and fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, selected Sand’s book as one of his “Books of the Year” for 2009.
However, Professor Sand has also been criticized for his methodology and how he relates to sources and physical evidence. In addition, he admits that this area of history is not his expertise. But without a doubt, the strongest objection to Sand’s rebuttal of modern Jewish claims on the land of Israel comes from recent developments in the area of practical genetics.
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In 2010, Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, published a study concluding that many “geographically and culturally distant Jews still have more genes in common than they do with non-Jews around them,” and that such genes were of “Levantine origin”.  Ostrer said, “I would hope that these observations would put the idea that Jewishness is just a cultural construct to rest.”
Sand replied to the genetic study’s refutation by saying, “Hitler would certainly have been very pleased.”
Breaking Israel News spoke to Bennett Greenspan about the genetic aspect of Judaism and how it relates to the Jewish claim to the Land of Israel. Greenspan founded Family Tree DNA, the first American company to offer genealogical DNA testing directly to the general public, and his conclusions are based on a database of hundreds of thousands of genetic samples .
“On the Y-DNA test that tracks the paternal line, 75-85% of Jews have a Semitic ancestry, that is to say they are from the Middle East. ‘Semitic’ may also include Turkey and Northern Syria, going back 3,000 years,” Greenspan explained.
He said that according to the genetic results, “I am a Jewish Arab. The world has Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs, and Jewish Arabs. The difference is that 2,000 years ago, the Muslim Arabs didn’t yet have a religion, and the Jewish Arabs did. Our Temple was defiled, the Jews revolted, and we got beat. The Jews were exiled from our land by the superpower of the day.”
“Shlomo Sand is wrong when he says that Jews are no more related to other Jews in other places in the world than to Christians or Muslims,” Greenspan stated unequivocally to Breaking Israel News. “The genetic facts do not at all support that theory, and do support the opposite. The genetic evidence is strikingly clear.”
Sand’s premise, even when he wrote the book, was outlandish to many critics. His reason for taking such an untenable stance was that he believed a common ethnic basis for Judaism “nourishes anti-Semitism”. However, by denying Jewish ethnicity in an attempt to prevent anti-Semitism, Sand’s thesis has become a battle cry for haters of Israel.
The creation of the modern State of Israel has once again made Judaism a national identity and not just a religion limited to the occasional visit to the synagogue. The scattered children of Abraham have gathered together as an unmistakeable result of God’s covenant. Science has proven this to be undeniably true.