Showing posts with label Judges 14:14. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judges 14:14. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015

"...Out of the Strong Came Forth Sweetness." - ISRAEL TODAY

"...Out of the Strong Came Forth Sweetness."

Thursday, October 29, 2015 |  Anat Schneider  ISRAEL TODAY
Israel's security situation continues to be precarious. Citizens stabbed, soldiers stabbed, people killed and wounded. There is no quiet.
But we would like to take the time to talk a little about the good things of "war in Israel."
Israeli soldiers are the soft underbelly of us all. They are, after all, our children that we raised with love and affection. And, as they reached the age of 18, are drafted into the army, not by choice but out of a sense of duty.
During these difficult days, as terror surrounds us on all sides, our soldiers are working day and night. We see them at each bus stop as they ensure civilians safety, checking buses, checking bags at the entrances to malls, performing guard duty at border checkpoints checking almost every vehicle. All this to prevent the next attack! You need to understand that this is not a normal state of affairs.
In most countries soldiers are occupied with the security of the state and NOT security within their state! But we are in the situation where the war against us affects every facet of life. Whether on buses, in the malls, bus stations on the streets, we face threats everywhere!
During these difficult times we see how Israeli citizens overwhelm our soldiers with appreciation. Mothers prepare home cooked meals for them and distribute them to our soldiers at checkpoints, to our children! Civilians stop and distribute packages of goodies to our soldiers out of thanks. Various organizations and donors adopt IDF units and treat our soldiers with lacking equipment so our troops can feel more comfortable and pleasant.
Everyone behaves as if each soldier is his own child and wants to express their thanks in their own special way. These things are the "good things of war in Israel." Differences are set aside and we are united as one nation.
These difficult days are both crazy and heartwarming. "... out of the strong came forth sweetness." Judges 14:14, is an expression that literally means out of a difficult situation good arises.
And we believe that it is in our power to hate the evil that is caused by our enemies and take this opportunity to build up and to love.
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