Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,
Please join us in prayer while our son Ariel and his co-worker Eliel, also from Kehilat Ha Carmel, and Richard follow the leading of the Spirit of G-d to reach Israelis on the streets:
The L-rd has put it on our hearts to interview Israelis on the street with a camera and share the Gospel with them. We believe this could have three benefits:
1. L-rd willing, lots of opportunities to share Messiah with Israelis.
2. We hope to put the video up on medabrim.org.il and impact thousands of other Israelis.
3. We hope this can inspire many Israeli believers to share their faith with more boldness and effectivness.
We've already seen the good fruit of doing this but please pray for an increase of wisdom, anointing and compassion. We believe the L-rd could use this powerfully, bringing conviction of sin and revelation of Yeshua!
Matthew 28:19-20
"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. Behold I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
It's great to be home after an amazing journey through America and Canada and once again our faithful G-d anointed us to minister to many through the Word, testimonies and worship. We're especially delighted for the many divine appointments that He arranged!
While sitting next to a Jewish friend at a wedding, she suddenly exclaimed, "I wish I had what you had!", referring to the vision I had of Yeshua. I asked her if she wanted Richard and I to pray for this and she said yes, so right there, at the wedding reception, we held hands and prayed!
Family times were so precious in New York and New Jersey. My wonderful cousins asked many questions and when one cousin asked me to pray for a cousin who was sick, that cousin was a bit embarrassed. But the first one said, "Why not let her pray? She's got good connections upstairs!" :)
Two more families who we've been encouraging and praying for just made Aliyah! And more are coming, especially from France. In fact, the "Supernatural or Just Remarkable" booklet is being translated into French and we're prayerfully considering a fishing trip to France after it's ready.
We are so grateful for you all who pray, support and stand with us in Israel!
Join us in our home for worship, Israeli folk dancing, and sharing testimonies plus dinner served from our balcony with a magnificent view of the Kinneret, Golan and Jordan Valley!
Chag Sameach - Happy Fall Feast season and thank you for your love, prayers and support. May the L-rd pour out His Spirit on you all and surround you with His presence more and more...
Blessings in Yeshua's love,
Richard and Carolyn Hyde
Heart of G-d Ministries * www.heartofg-d.org * hydefamilyisrael@gmail.com
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canada: First Century Foundations, Canadian Charitable Tax # 10780-1771-RR0001
Germany: Hilfswerk fuer Israel e.V. * VR Bank eG Steinlach Wiesaz-Haerten * Karl-Jaggy-Str 8 * 72116 Moessingen * IBAN: DE31 6406 1854 0031 0890 03 * BIC: GENODES1STW
We write G-d and L-rd like this according to an ancient Orthodox Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and loves to continue. This is done only out of reverence and respect for the name of the Holy One of Israel.
Thank you for understanding.