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Karen Pence is making a name for herself as second lady for all the right reasons. She has been labelled the 'prayer warrior' behind her... |
 | | Chuck Norris: 'Reading The Bible Brought Me Back To Christ'
Chuck Norris is still one of the most recognizable figures in the entertainment industry. The Karate champion turned actor 'tough... |
 | | Billy Graham: "Thank God That He Has Forgiven You"
Billy Graham has been preaching the gospel for decades. Now reaching 100 years of age, he is still bestowing pearls of Godly wisdom. When... |
 | | Muslim Migrant Conversions Sparking Mini Revival Across Europe
Muslim refugees fleeing the brutal violence in their home countries across the Middle East are leaving Islam behind and embracing European C... |
 | | Cindy Jacobs: 'I Had A Vision Of A Swamp Being Drained'
Cindy Jacobs is the founder and president of Generals International, an "international prayer ministry that works to build prayer movemen... |
 | | Indian Pastor Predicts Worldwide Revival, And Here's Why
Pastor Sam (not his real name) leads the India Center for Revival in South India. Sam is a Church planter as well as encouraging an... |
 | | Franklin Graham: 'Republicans Need To Get Behind Trump As He Leads Our Country Forward'
Evangelist Franklin Graham is sick of politicians holding President Trump from leading the US forward and out of the "deep hole that... |
 | | SC Lawmakers Considering Bill Declaring Unborn As Protected Persons
Lt. Gov. Kevin Bryant recently introduced the 'Personhood Act' of South Carolina, seeking for the state constitutions to acknowledge... |
 | | Discovery Of 3000-Year-Old Donkey Dung Validates Biblical Account Of King Solomon
Researchers are claiming that a new archaeological discovery has validated the Bible’s account of King Solomon’s riches and w... |
 | | Colorado Pastor And Family Rescued From Utah River
A Colorado pastor and his family have been rescued after becoming stranded in a Utah river, reports ABC News 13. The group ma... |
 | | Pastor Reveals The Hidden Work Of God When Franklin Graham Came To Preach In Vancouver
When Franklin Graham's 'Festival of Hope' event in Vancouver was threatened by a boycott from Christian leaders, all seemed a bit hop... |
 | | Dr. Alveda King And 20,000 Americans Tell Congress To Stand Up For Biblical Values
Over 20,000 Americans have sent a letter to every member in Congress asking them to take a firm stand for Christian values, reports C... |
 | | Trump Defunds UNFPA Which Chinese Abortion And Population Control
The United Nations Population Fund is a well-known arm of the UN that has had long-term links to the Chinese one-child policy. Now, Pr... |
 | | Washington Sunday School Teacher Shoots His Son Before Killing Himself
A disturbed Sunday school teacher has shot and killed his 7-year-old son before turning the gun on himself, authorities in Longview, Washin... |
 | | 6 Key Reasons People Are Leaving Your Church
There are many reasons people leave the Church; some are justified, others are a bit suspect! But the fact is, people are leaving, and... |
 | | How To Break The Power Of Hurry
We live in a world that bombards us with incessant visual stimuli and noise. It’s easy to become addicted to that noise without real... |
 | | Senate Committee Approves Neil Gorsuch As Supreme Court Justice
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Mondayvoted 11-9 along party lines to move Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination t... |
 | | Televangelist Owes Workers $300k Ater Forcing Them To Work In His Restaurant, Judge Orders
Televangelist Ernest Angley has been ordered to pay $388,000 in back wages to his employees who he forced to volunteer at his Cathedra... |
 | | 4 AWFUL Reasons To Stop Serving The Lord
Serving the Lord can be tough. God calls us to his service in many different areas, and alongside many different types of people. You will... |
 | | President Of Mormon Church Hospitalized In Salt Lake City
The 89-year-old leader of the Mormon Church has been hospitalized in his hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah. Eric Hawkins, a spok... |