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NFL megastar Ben Watson is using his platform to declare the gospel, and to spread the love of God. He made an appearance at t... |
 | | Christian Student SUSPENDED For Challenging Muslim Professor's Claim That Jesus Wasn't Crucified
A student at Rollins College has said he was suspended for challenging his Muslim professor over a claim they made that Jesus was NOT cru... |
 | | Jihadist Gives His Life To Christ: "We Used To Worship In Fear. Now Everything Has Changed"
A former Jihadist who has fought on the frontlines with a militant Islamic group has opened up about how he ended gave his life to Christ.... |
 | | 'Church Hunters' Episode 2 Just Dropped And It's HILARIOUS
There is no doubt that John Crist is an exceptionally talented comic. He understands the modern American Church consumerism and relen... |
 | | 5 Cheesy Christians Phrases That Need To Die NOW
As Christians, we can be guilty of developing our own, less-than-Biblically-sound vocabulary, can't we? Most of the time, our adoption o... |
 | | Christians Flock To See Virgin Mary Statue 'Weeping Blood'
A statue of the Virgin Mary located in Argentina has drawn Christians from across the world after it started weeping blood, according t... |
 | | California Gov Says It Is 'Not Christian' To Build Wall Along US-Mexico Border
Democrat California Gov. Jerry Brown has asserted his belief that it is 'not Christian' to build a wall along the US-Mexico border, as Pr... |
 | | 5 Ways Jesus Shared The Gospel, And How We Can Learn From Him
When it comes to sharing our faith, we can easily become a bit tight-lipped. It is scary! What will the person think of me? Will they think... |
 | | Even The Cuban Government Is Admitting It's Country Is Experiencing REVIVAL
Revival appears to be taking hold of many Cuban Churches. So much so, that even the government has confirmed reports of a massive i... |
 | | Persecuted Iraqi Christians Felt Betrayed By Obama, 'Supported Trump 100 Per Cent'
An aid official who has been supervising the resettlement of 12,000 Iraqi Christians has said that they supported Donald Trump '100 Per Cen... |
 | | 10 Things You Should Know About Fasting
If there is a single driving force in our society today it may well be what I call instant self-gratification. It is into this mindset in our society... |
 | | This Spoken Word About Eternity Will Inspire You To Look Beyond Your Circumstances
Life can be really hard. And as Christians, we all long for the day that we can be with Jesus forever. Heaven is real, and it will be eter... |
 | | 4 Marks Of A False Convert
When we give our lives to Jesus, he demands our all. But we all run the risk of holding on tightly to certain things of the world, and not... |
 | | Kris Vallotton: 10 Simple Ways To Destroy Fear
FEAR IS NOT YOUR FRIENDFear probably steals more people’s destinies than anything else. Ask yourself what you would do if you... |
 | | North Carolina Approves Bill That Would Allow Concealed Carry At Church
The North Carolina state house approved a billMonday that would allow people to carry a concealed firearm at certain Churches. The bi... |
 | | Vandal Throws Rocks And BIBLE Through Colorado Islamic Center Windows
Police in Fort Collins, Colorado are investigating a serious act of vandalism after a man threw rocks and a Bible through the window of an... |
 | | 5 Reasons Christians Do Not HAVE To Tithe
Giving is often a dreaded subject for pastors to preach on. Too often, we view financial giving as an obligation more than a privilege. We... |
 | | German Muslims More Helpful To Refugees Than Christians, Survey Reveals
The Muslim community is doing much more than the Christians to provide food, shelter, clothing and other assistance to the desperate re... |
 | | Kris Vallotton: 10 Simple Ways To Destroy Fear
FEAR IS NOT YOUR FRIENDFear probably steals more people’s destinies than anything else. Ask yourself what you would do if you... |
 | | 22 Things Christians Need To Stop Doing...Now!
Christian preachers are often talking about the "mission" of God's people, and this is absolutely right. Christians have a lot to do in this w... |
 | | The 3 Proper Responses To Disappointments
Life starts with a disappointment. The first thing you do is emerge from the safety of your mother’s womb, into blinding light and... |