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he Lord has been giving me a great word, and many other prophets have received something similar: this is a time of acceleration, and this is a season of "suddenlies."
The Lord is saying, "Not only is it a time of acceleration, but I am taking you to a season of extreme acceleration. It is going to be fast when the 'suddenlies' come."
God is going to pull many threads together, and I want to remind you that just before your breakthrough—just before your season of extreme acceleration that releases your "suddenly" moment—Satan will attack with full force. Don't let it be a surprise to you. When the attack comes, don't lose it and say, "Oh, why doesn't God love me?"
It's a time to say, "Wow, if this is happening—all these attacks—I'm just about to have my breakthrough. I'm about to come to extreme acceleration. I'm about to come to my 'suddenly' moment."
Father, I thank You for this. We thank You, in the name of Jesus, that depression has to go, weariness has to go, loneliness has to go, harassments have to go.
Now be released into your new season.
Cindy Jacobsis an author, speaker and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband of 43 years—co-founded Generals International in 1985.
Jim Bakker said during a recent podcast interview with Charisma Media founder Steve Strang that God told him there will soon be an attempt on President Donald Trump's life, and that Christians need to be crying out in prayer for their president's protection. (Reuters photo)
Jim Bakker: The Lord Told Me President Trump's Life Is in Danger
During the same podcast interview with Charisma Media founder Steve Strang in which he discussed the WannaCry ransomware attack is an end-times event, Jim Bakker shared that he sometimes feels alone in his calls to pray for President Donald Trump.
But another word he received from the Lord has added to his urgency.
"There is going to be an attempt on our president's life very soon," he said. "We need to pray for the protection of our president."
Bakker said the president's election last November was a miracle, and "the adversary is so angry because they expected to win." They're not going to give up until they destroy him, he added.
"They want him killed—they refer to him as being like Nixon," he said. "They want him impeached. If they cannot kill him with words, they will try to physically murder the president of the United States.
"They have called for it online. There have literally been thousands of people online calling for the assassination of the president of the United States ... I believe voices of sound reasoning need to speak out, 'This is wrong. What is going on?'"
Bakker said the same Antichrist spirit that is responsible for the WannaCry ransomware attack is a "twisted, serpent spirit" that is twisting everything the president does. That is why he's so fervently calling on the church to pray.
"Pastors need to address this and have intercessory—I'm not talking about saying, 'In Jesus' name, bless him'—I'm talking about interceding, crying out, even having prayer meetings," Bakker said. "I know it's not dignified for some churches, but have the church cry out. When I'm driving down the road, and I'm by myself, I'll cry out, 'God! Save our president!'"
Strang said Bakker's call to prayer reminded him of something he covered early in his career as a journalist, when Derek Prince was calling on Christians to pray in 1980 for newly elected President Ronald Reagan, and to break the so-called "Zero Year" curse that had claimed the lives of every president elected in even-numbered years ending in zero since President William Harrison.
Reagan was shot, but the bullet missed the mark that would have killed him. He recovered and went on to have a deeply impactful presidency. President George W. Bush also survived his presidency, signaling the curse was broken.
Strang encouraged his listeners to pray for the president.
"We don't know what's happening behind the scenes, but we should know that there are evil people who would like to take [the president] out," he said.
Bakker said the church does have a responsibility, not just for prayer, but for covering, as well. He said now is the time for believers to come out of their shells, because the world is marching in the streets against our president.
"It is a war like I've never seen before," he said. "It's time—the church literally elected this man. ...
"It's not going to be a convenient time when these events take place. This is nothing compared to what is coming."
Bakker said God has been telling him for years that events of the last days will come in multiples. With the WannaCry ransomware attack, he expects there to be another attack or some other sign.
"You'll have a computer breakdown, but you're also gonna have a bomb drop, or we may have a hundred terrorists at the same time hit our malls in all of America," he said. "Earthquakes will take place, maybe multiples, because the Bible talks about one of the signs that Jesus is coming back will be earthquakes in diverse places. ...
"Rick Joyner has always warned us that we are to watch for the extremes. When you start seeing the extremes—the extremes in flooding, the extremes in heat, the extremes in cold—then the extremes of everything, that is one of the signs of the final days and warnings from heaven."
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