Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
The last couple of weeks have been particularly difficult on President Donald Trump, but even more so for his family and those who work with him, and that was the focus of the latest call to prayer Dr. Lance Wallnau made Thursday during a Facebook Live video, which you can see above.
"Witches have been releasing tens of thousands of curses against Trump," he said. "I found something out. People were praying for me, you know, at the inauguration. I got out of a vehicle before it got jumped by the goofball Antifa crowd, who destroyed windows, looted property, had a hundred people put in jail and had a lawyer who then got arrested with them.
"This is a machine, my friends, a demonic machine is out there. Before they could torch my limo, burn it to the ground and injure my driver, we got dropped off. So, I'm thankful for the prayers at the inauguration that kept my wife and me from harm."
But, Wallnau noted, most of the prayers had been directed only at his safety, not also for those around him. And, later, his wife fell and injured her wrist. He took that message to heart and shared with his online audience that we shouldn't just pray for the president, but also for his family—and given the current headlines, that's probably not a bad idea.
"As you watch this machine, this vicious machine that—basically, politics is all about destruction of your opponents," he said. "It's not about the debate of ideas anymore. It's about annihilating your opposition.
"[The president]'s watching his kids get torn apart. So, he needs his family. What's wrong with family? Any Christian should say the family should be together, especially when the father leaves the business world to go save a nation and to go lead it. He needs all the family he can have because he's got so many ideological enemies out there."
Wallnau prayed for the president, his wife, the president's sons, daughter and son-in-law, and he even prayed for Attorney General Jeff Sessions and for Sen. John McCain. Having heard another prophet suggest the president may suffer a stroke, he made another intercessory prayer to "veto that stroke in Jesus' name."
His video was eventually cut off due to technical difficulties—or perhaps the devil was unhappy with his message—but not before he shared some tough love for Pentecostals who have not yet taken action in the spiritual warfare that surrounds the Trump presidency. He said a number of them have lamented, "Why didn't we get a goodie-two-shoes president?"
Wallnau, following through on an earlier promise to say something "terribly controversial," said it's because Christians didn't deserve one, and even if they had gotten one, they probably wouldn't have shown up for him.
"We're out in spiritual la-la land thinking the world is going to change because we're having another prayer meeting with a prophecy over it. Not gonna happen," he said. "There's a deception in the church. The deception is this: The spiritual realm is somehow separated from the earthly realm.
"God took Adam and breathed the breath of life in him. Man functions as a physical being with a spiritual authority. Christians who keep going off to Spirit land and doing whatever there on a spiritual vacation and take their lobotomy out of the natural realm and say that everything is spiritual and say all they got to do is get more spiritual—now they're up in the courts of heaven teaching, and all thinking it's all going to resolve itself.
"I tell you what. You win a battle in the courts of heaven and don't go through the action on earth, opening your mouth and advocating your cause, and speaking the truth, and proclaiming the truth, then you are vetoed. Not because you didn't do your job in spiritual warfare, but because you didn't follow it up with corresponding action. It means nothing for you to do a sacrifice to God before battle and then not show up and go into battle.
"Joshua would not have taken a single mountain if he had followed today's Pentecostal theology about everything's in the spirit realm and nothing is in the natural realm. Well, at some point, you've got to walk over into the natural realm."
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President Donald Trump is getting tired of Democrats getting in the way of his agenda, but unlike past presidents who faced similar obstructions and sat on their hands, he's taking his message directly to the American people.
In a message released Tuesday afternoon, the White House stated:
Senate Democrats have decided to obstruct President Donald J. Trump's administration, and the American people, by refusing to confirm qualified nominations. In an effort to prevent the president from following through on the policies for which the American people voted, Senate Democrats are putting his nominations through time-consuming parliamentary procedures not seen by the previous administration.
In a pursuit to obstruct the will of the American people and the president's agenda, Senate Democrats have delayed crucial appointments made by President Trump. The blatant obstruction of President Trump's nominations threatens key aspects of the government, including national security, by leaving positions vacant.
Senate Democrats have shown they are willing to break irresponsibly with tradition that allows a president to choose his own appointees in a timely fashion. President Trump has nominated qualified individuals to key positions, but their confirmations have been delayed by obstructionism in the Senate.
This attempt by Senate Democrats to hamstring President Trump's agenda is most negatively affecting the American people. It is time to shift the focus back to the public and allow the President's vision for a better America to stand without hindrance from obstructionists.
The White House also took to social media, putting out the following facts in a series of tweets:
90 percent of President Obama's nominations were confirmed by voice vote at this point in 2009, while only 10 percent of President Trump's nominations have been confirmed by a simple voice vote
President Trump has made less than half as many nominations (220 compared to 454) as his predecessor, but the Senate has confirmed, proportionately, only a third as many of those nominations (23 percent compared to 69 percent)
total confirmations at this point in their respective presidencies: George W. Bush 130, Barack Obama 183, Donald Trump 50
so far, the president has nominated 197 people to agencies in the executive branch, but only 48 have been confirmed
so far, the president has nominated 23 people to federal court vacancies, but only two have been confirmed
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Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin has recommended that prayer teams walk the streets of Louisville to help curb violence there. (Video screenshot image) Christian Leaders Mock This Governor for His Belief in the Power of Prayer
Earlier this month, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin addressed the violence that is plaguing the West End section of Louisville with one government program few would expect even the conservative evangelical Christian to propose:
Prayer teams.
In a program he has called "Reclaiming Our Communities," Bevin invited churches and other community groups to commit to "adopt" an inner-city neighborhood block to visit two or three times per week over the course of the next year. They would then "respectfully" walk the perimeter in teams of three to 10 individuals, praying for and get to know local residents.
"I truly believe we're going to see a difference in this city," he said to a group of 400 faith leaders and concerned citizens at Louisville's Western Middle School on June 1. "I personally believe in the power of prayer. I've seen it evidenced in our community and across others."
Almost immediately, liberal activists in those communities, including a number of Christian faith leaders, mocked Bevin's proposal. Joe Phelps, the pastor at Highland Baptist Church and one of the leaders of the EmpowerWest coalition of African-American and Caucasian clergy and churches, wrote that he was "embarrassed" by the governor's "non-plan."
"Gov. Matt Bevin's plan to address violence was a low day for Christianity in Kentucky's Commonwealth," he wrote in an op-ed for the Louisville Courier-Journal. "Moments after his plan was unveiled I was asked for a reaction and responded that the governor's tepid non-plan was an embarrassment to Christianity.
"These harsh words were spoken in frustration in the heat of the moment. But upon reflection, I stand by them. I'm embarrassed that non-Christians will assume the governor's plan, couched exclusively in Christian jargon, represents our only response to violence.
"It doesn't.
"Perhaps this is the extent of the governor's understanding of Christian faith. Or perhaps this is the extent of his capacity to govern. Either way, I was embarrassed. I'm embarrassed that the governor, in his role as governor, lured hundreds of clergy to Louisville's Western Middle School to discuss his plan to end violence."
Harsh words indeed, particularly when they ignore more than half of Bevin's actual message. The prayer teams weren't the only method he wants to use to encourage an end to violence, but they were certainly the most unconventional.
In the same speech at Western Middle School, he also said:
Do we still need economic, political and law enforcement solutions? Of course we do.
This will not take their place, but we feel it will make a real difference.
Phelps' excoriating rebuke of Bevin never included that part of his pitch, and in fact ignored that it was even given—suggesting perhaps he wasn't even in the room and didn't know about it. But his op-ed compounded the problem, because every faith-based outlet that has commented on the governor's proposal since the article was published has ignored it as well.
And there has been a lot of "piling on."
Now, whether they were mocking Bevin because of his belief in the power of prayer, or simply because he's a conservative, they would do well to heed Romans 13. To learn more about his program, visit this website.
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U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, ripped the Human Rights Council over a new anti-Israel report on Tuesday. (Reuters photo)
Nikki Haley Rips Into UN Human Rights Council Again
U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, just one week after announcing she was evaluating whether or not the U.S. should remain in the Human Rights Council over its anti-Israel stance, was ripping into the organization once again on Tuesday.
Following a report entitled "Ensuring accountability and justice for all violations of international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem," she blasted the U.N. Human Rights Commissioner for the new round of anti-Semitism. She said actions like these are what force her to reevaluate the U.S.' future on the Human Rights Council, which she said was "founded on the principles of equality and fairness."
Haley said that, rather than providing an impartial and informative update on human rights violations, the report "reeks of the anti-Israel bias" she has been calling out since her first day on the job. It recommends that the U.N. General Assembly—through the Human Rights Council—ask the International Court of Justice to issue another advisory opinion focused on Israel, which she said is "completely out of the purview of the high commissioner for human rights."
"Among other one-sided conclusions in the report, terror attacks by Hamas and other violent groups are brushed over, instead choosing to fixate on matters like the human rights practices of companies in the region," she added. "This report is just the latest example of the Human Rights Council singling out Israel rather than focusing on the world's actual human rights abusers. Not only does it undermine the credibility of the Human Rights Council on human rights issues, but it once again highlights the unfair bias of the U.N. when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
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President Donald Trump has honored God, and America will be blessed with new prosperity through his presidency, Darren Canning wrote Thursday. (Reuters photo)
Prophecy: President Trump Will Bring Prosperity Back to America
Revivalist preacher Darren Canning recently had a vision on President Donald Trump standing next to what he described as a "working-class man" in which the man's hands were suddenly filled with pieces of gold.
"The United States is about to see a new boom in its economy, and it will be greater than what we have seen during previous years," he wrote in an article published Thursday at Elijah List. "If you remember the dishonor from the previous administration toward Israel, it is no surprise the people of the USA were struggling the way that they were. The polar opposite was displayed recently, when President Trump was seen saying a prayer at the Wailing Wall, and meeting and honoring the president of Israel. Something has changed in America. God is going to bless it again!"
Canning said that in the spirit of Genesis 12:3, God has seen the steps the president has taken with regard to His chosen people. The president has also taken steps to protect the religious liberties of Christians, which Canning said not only strengthens the voice of American Christians, but those of Christians throughout the Western world.
Elijah and Jezebel are at war, he noted, but the tide of that war has changed.
"The prophets of evil seem to be strong, but there is a change coming," he wrote. "God will not allow them to reign forever. He is raising up a standard against apostasy and He will be glorified in the USA again.
"Something is about to shift. The enemy will try to play his hand, and he will overplay his role and he will come crashing down. Jesus will be honored and the law of sin and death will be exposed for what it is: sin and death."
Click here to read the rest of Canning's article at the Elijah List website.
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Religious liberty groups are praising a leaked draft of a revised final rule that would change how the federal government enforces the so-called "contraceptive mandate" in Obamacare under President Donald Trump. (Reuters photo)
Religious Liberty Groups Praise President Trump's Rule Proposal
Wednesday, a draft of a final revised rule was leaked to the media that demonstrates President Donald Trump's continued dedication to protecting Americans' religious liberty.
The rule, which would apply to the Department of Health & Human Services and its enforcement of the so-called "contraceptive mandate" in the Affordable Care Act—also known as Obamacare—would protect the conscience of those who wish to follow their sincerely held religious beliefs. As several have pointed out, including the president himself, no one should be punished for following his or her faith.
Several religious liberty groups have applauded the draft, even though it's not yet in its final form. Among the first to do so was Family Research Council. Its president, Tony Perkins, issued the following statement after reading the leaked draft:
"While this apparent leaked document is a draft, it is a very positive sign to see the federal government work to cease its hostility toward Christians and those who object to the Obama era health care mandates. This draft regulation shows that Secretary Tom Price and President Trump intend to make good on their pledge to vigorously protect and promote American's First Freedom.
"As many Americans of faith have experienced, the extent of the Obama administration's hostility toward their beliefs was astounding. From President Obama's dismissal of people of faith as Americans 'clinging' to their religion, to threatening millions in crushing fines against charities like the Little Sisters of the Poor, the Obama administration made clear they believed people of faith had no place in the public square and that religious beliefs or moral convictions were irrelevant to the health care they provide.
"Respecting the freedom of Americans to follow their deeply held beliefs is a long-held American tradition and grounded firmly in the Constitution. The draft regulation would continue the process of righting this wrong and restoring Americans' full First Amendment rights. The freedom to live out faith in all areas of society without government punishment or intimidation is fundamental to making America great again."
First Liberty Institute also weighed in:
First Liberty Institute represents multiple religious ministries across the country seeking relief from Obamacare's so-called "contraceptive mandate." As a result of today's leaked interim final rule, First Liberty's clients—including retirement ministries like Shell Point Retirement Community and the Alliance Community for Retirement Living in Florida, Town and Country Manor in California, Chapel Pointe at Carlisle in Pennsylvania, and the denominational colleges of Simpson University in California and Crown College in Minnesota—look forward to having their religious liberty fully restored for the first time in well over three years.
The religious ministries first filed suit seeking relief from the Obama administration's contraceptive mandate in October of 2014 and have been waiting for resolution on appeal since the spring of 2015. Today's leaked interim final rule should end these lawsuits since the ministries would be exempt under this rule.
"The Trump administration has clearly announced its intent to adopt an important new policy for religious ministries across the country: the government will no longer force a religious ministry to violate their faith or face a government penalty," Jeremy Dys, Deputy General Counsel of First Liberty Institute says. "Our clients are delighted to see their religious liberty potentially restored and to be freed to pursue their mission without the threat of punishment by their government hanging over their heads."
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Dr. Lance Wallnau explains in a video how the spirit of Leviathan is twisting the words being spoken to attack President Donald Trump. (Facebook photo)
Lance Wallnau Explains How the Spirit of Leviathan is Working Against President Trump
In the video above, Dr. Lance Wallnau explains—with the help of a drawing—how the spirit of Leviathan is using the convergence of the liberal mainstream media and the politics of the Democratic Party to attack President Donald Trump.
He also explains how this isn't a "Mount Carmel moment" that Christians can simply spiritualize and then sit back and wait for God to intervene. He called on believers to pray for their president and to declare over him during this period of spiritual warfare.
Wallnau also announced some upcoming dates when he will be taking part in a "Glorious Chaos" tour to talk about what is happening in greater detail. Check it out!
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President Donald Trump gave a powerful speech Tuesday at the Israel Museum after making statements earlier in the day at Yad Vashem and with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in which he strongly defended Israel. (Video screenshot image)
President Trump Gave 3 Major Speeches on His Last Day in Israel
President Donald Trump spent much of the final day of his two-day visit to Israel speaking.
The president's most important speech, arguably, was his final speech of the day at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Prior to his remarks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about the thousands of years of Jewish history in the Holy Land, as well as the alliance between the U.S. and Israel.
The following is a transcript of President Trump's speech:
Thank you very much. It's very nice. And thank you to Prime Minister Netanyahu. And I also want to thank Sara for hosting us last night in really a very unforgettable dinner. We had a great time. We talked about a lot of very, very important things. And thank you to Ambassador David Friedman and Mrs. Friedman for joining us, along with a number of very good friends who have come from our country to yours, as we reaffirm the unshakable bond between the United States of America and Israel. Thank you.
I'd like to begin my remarks today by sending the thoughts and prayers of the entire American people to the victims of the terrorist attack in Manchester. You know—you've all been watching. You've seen just a horrible thing going on. I want to send our condolences to the many families who lost their loved ones. Horrific, horrific injuries. Terrible. Dozens of innocent people, beautiful young children savagely murdered in this heinous attack upon humanity. I repeat again that we must drive out the terrorists and the extremists from our midst, obliterate this evil ideology, and protect and defend our citizens and people of the world.
All civilized nations much be united in this effort. This trip is focused on that goal: bringing nations together around the goal of defeating the terrorism that threatens the world and crushing the hateful ideology that drives it so hard and seems to be driving it so fast.
It is a privilege to stand here in this national museum, in the ancient city of Jerusalem, to address the Israeli people and all people in the Middle East who yearn for security, prosperity and peace.
Jerusalem is a sacred city. Its beauty, splendor and heritage are like no other place on Earth. What a heritage. What a heritage. The ties of the Jewish people to this Holy Land are ancient and eternal. They date back thousands of years, including the reign of King David whose star now flies proudly on Israel's white and blue flag. Yesterday, I visited the Western Wall, and marveled at the monument to God's presence and man's perseverance. I was humbled to place my hand upon the wall and to pray in that holy space for wisdom from God. I also visited and prayed at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, a site revered by Christians throughout the world. I laid a wreath at Yad Vashem, honoring, remembering and mourning the six million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust. I pledged right then and there what I pledge again today: the words "never again."
Israel is a testament to the unbreakable spirit of the Jewish people. From all parts of this great country, one message resounds, and that is the message of hope. Down through the ages, the Jewish people have suffered persecution, oppression and even those who have sought their destruction. But, through it all, they have endured and, in fact, they have thrived. I stand in awe of the accomplishments of the Jewish people, and I make this promise to you: My administration will always stand with Israel.
Through your hardships, you have created one of the most abundant lands anywhere in the world—a land that is rich not only in history, culture and opportunity, but especially in spirit. This museum where we are gathered today tells the story of that spirit. From the two Holy Temples, to the glorious heights of Masada, we see an incredible story of faith and perseverance. That faith is what inspired Jews to believe in their destiny, to overcome their despair, and to build here—right here—a future that others dared not even to dream.
In Israel, not only are Jews free to till the soil, teach their children, and pray to God in the ancient land of their fathers—and they love this land, and they love God—but Muslims, Christians and people of all faiths are free to live and worship according to their conscience, and to follow their dreams, right here.
Today, gathered with friends, I call upon all people—Jews, Christians, Muslims, and every faith, every tribe, every creed— to draw inspiration from this ancient city, to set aside our sectarian differences, to overcome oppression and hatred, and to give all children the freedom and hope and dignity written into our souls.
Earlier this week, I spoke at a very historic summit in Saudi Arabia. I was hosted by King Salman -- a very wise man. There, I urged our friends in the Muslim world to join us in creating stability, safety and security. And I was deeply encouraged by the desire of many leaders to join us in cooperation toward these shared and vital goals.
Conflict cannot continue forever. The only question is when nations will decide that they have had enough -- enough bloodshed, enough killing. That historic summit represents a new opportunity for people throughout the Middle East to overcome sectarian and religious divisions, to extinguish the fires of extremism, and to find common ground and shared responsibility in making the future of this region so much better than it is right now.
Change must come from within. It can only come from within. No mother or father wants their children to grow up in a world where terrorists roam free, schoolchildren are murdered, and their loved ones are taken. No child is born with prejudice in their heart. No one should teach young boys and girls to hate and to kill. No civilized nation can tolerate the massacre of innocents with chemical weapons.
My message to that summit was the same message I have for you: We must build a coalition of partners who share the aim of stamping out extremists and violence, and providing our children a peaceful and hopeful future. But a hopeful future for children in the Middle East requires the world to fully recognize the vital role of the State of Israel. And, on behalf of the United States, we pledge to stand by you and defend our shared values so that together we can defeat terrorism and create safety for all of God's children.
Israelis have experienced firsthand the hatred and terror of radical violence. Israelis are murdered by terrorists wielding knives and bombs. Hamas and Hezbollah launch rockets into Israeli communities where schoolchildren have to be trained to hear the sirens and run to the bomb shelters—with fear, but with speed. ISIS targets Jewish neighborhoods, synagogues and storefronts. And Iran's leaders routinely call for Israel's destruction. Not with Donald J. Trump, believe me.
Despite these challenges, Israel is thriving as a sovereign nation, and no international body should question the contributions Israel makes to the region and, indeed, the world. Today, let us pray for that peace and for a more hopeful future across the Middle East.
There are those who present a false choice. They say that we must choose between supporting Israel and supporting Arab and Muslim nations in the region. That is completely wrong. All decent people want to live in peace, and all humanity is threatened by the evils of terrorism. Diverse nations can unite around the goal of protecting innocent life, upholding human dignity and promoting peace and stability in the region.
My administration is committed to pursuing such a coalition, and we have already made substantial progress during this trip. We know, for instance, that both Israelis and Palestinians seek lives of hope for their children. And we know that peace is possible if we put aside the pain and disagreements of the past and commit together to finally resolving this crisis, which has dragged on for nearly half a century or more.
As I have repeatedly said, I am personally committed to helping Israelis and Palestinians achieve a peace agreement, and I had a meeting this morning with President Abbas and can tell you that the Palestinians are ready to reach for peace. I know you've heard it before. I am telling you—that's what I do. They are ready to reach for peace.
In my meeting with my very good friend, Benjamin, I can tell you also that he is reaching for peace. He wants peace. He loves people. He especially loves the Israeli people. Benjamin Netanyahu wants peace.
Making peace, however, will not be easy. We all know that. Both sides will face tough decisions. But with determination, compromise and the belief that peace is possible, Israelis and Palestinians can make a deal.
But even as we work toward peace, we will build strength to defend our nations. The United States is firmly committed to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and halting their support of terrorists and militias. So we are telling you right now that Iran will not have nuclear weapons.
America's security partnership with Israel is stronger than ever. Under my administration, you see the difference—big, big beautiful difference—including the Iron Dome missile defense program, which has been keeping the Israeli people safe from short-range rockets launched by Hezbollah and Hamas, and David's Sling, which guards against long range missiles. It is my hope that someday, very soon, Israeli children will never need to rush towards shelters again as sirens ring out loud and clear.
Finally, the United States is proud that Israeli Air Force pilots are flying the incredible, new American F-35 planes. There is nothing in the world like them to defend their nation, and it was wonderful to see these mighty aircraft in the skies over Israel recently as you celebrated the 69th anniversary of Israel's independence.
But even as we strengthen our partnership in practice, let us always remember our highest ideals. Let us never forget that the bond between our two nations is woven together in the hearts of our people, and their love of freedom, hope and dignity for every man and every woman. Let us dream of a future where Jewish, Muslim and Christian children can grow up together and live together in trust, harmony, tolerance and respect.
The values that are practiced in Israel have inspired millions and millions of people all across the world. The conviction of Theodor Herzl rings true today: "Whatever we attempt there for our own benefit will rebound mightily and beneficially to the good of all mankind."
As we stand in Jerusalem, we see pilgrims of all faiths coming to this land to walk on this hallowed ground. Jews place the prayers from their hearts in the stone blocks of the beautiful Western Wall. Christians pray in the pews of an ancient church. Muslims answer the call to prayer at their holy sites. This city, like no other place in the world, reveals the longing of human hearts to know and to worship God.
Jerusalem stands as a reminder that life can flourish against any odds. When we look around this city—so beautiful—and we see people of all faiths engaged in reverent worship, and schoolchildren learning side-by-side, and men and women lifting up the needy and forgotten, we see that God's promise of healing has brought goodness to so many lives. We see that the people of this land had the courage to overcome the oppression and injustice of the past and to live in the freedom God intends for every person on this earth.
Today, in Jerusalem, we pray and we hope that children around the world will be able to live without fear, to dream without limits and to prosper without violence. I ask this land of promise to join me to fight our common enemies, to pursue our shared values and to protect the dignity of every child of God.
Thank you. God bless you. God bless the state of Israel. And God bless the United States. Thank you very much.
In the video clip above, you can see the president's full speech.
Prior to that, President Trump visited Yad Vashem, the memorial to the six million Jews killed during the Holocaust. The following is a complete transcript of his brief remarks at the memorial:
We are here at Yad Vashem to honor the memory of six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Two-thirds of the Jews in Europe were sent to their deaths. Words can never describe the bottomless depths of that evil or the scope of the anguish and destruction.
It was history's darkest hour. Millions of innocent, wonderful and beautiful lives—men, women and children—were extinguished as part of a systematic attempt to eliminate the Jewish people. It was the most savage crime against God and his children. And it is our solemn duty to remember, to mourn, to grieve and to honor every single life that was so cruelly and viciously taken.
As Elie Wiesel said: "For the dead and the living, we must bear witness." These words should be carved into the conscience of humanity forever. Only when we remember the families who were torn apart from everyone they loved, who suffered that terrible darkness and evil, who endured the unbearable horror of the Holocaust—only then can we prevent this agony from ever repeating.
This place, and this entire nation, are a testament to the unbreakable spirit of the Jewish people—and the hope that light can shine the path beyond the darkness. Through persecution, oppression, death and destruction, the Jewish people have persevered. They have thrived. They've become so successful in so many places. And they have enlightened the world. The state of Israel is a strong and soaring monument to the solemn pledge we repeat and affirm: Never again.
From the depths of the suffering, the Jewish people have built a mighty nation—and the Star of David waves proudly above this cherished land.
As long as we refuse to be silent in the face of evil, as long as we refuse to dim the light of truth in the midst of darkness, as long as we refuse to become bystanders to barbarity, then we know that goodness, peace and justice will ultimately prevail.
With sadness for the lives and dreams that were stolen from this earth, with determination to always keep the memories of the victims alive, and with resolve to confront evil wherever it threatens, we ask God to give us the strength, wisdom and courage to chart the righteous path.
Thank you. God bless the memory of the perished. God bless the survivors. God bless the Jewish people. And God bless the state of Israel. Thank you for having me. Thank you.
You can see that speech in the video clip below.
In his first speech of the day, however, he spoke jointly with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas following their meetings in Bethlehem. Much of his comments were directed toward the perpetrators of the Manchester concert bombing.
Abbas also spoke. You can see their entire event in the video clip below.
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Kathi Pelton writes that God is about to unleash a "Summer of Miracles" in which persecuted remnants of Christians will be allowed to rise up. (Reuters photo)
Prophecy: God Is About to Unleash a 'Summer of Miracles'
Kathi Pelton, who, with her husband, Jeffrey, leads the Inscribe Ministries prayer ministry in Eugene, Ore., wrote Monday that God is about to unleash a "Summer of Miracles."
She wrote for Elijah List, in part:
I continually see the months of May through August as a swell in the spirit that births a time in history where great miracles are seen throughout the earth. This "swell" will be like the miracle of birthing new life and will be marked by unprecedented miracles that occur in impossible circumstance.
This summer's miracles will establish a "new norm" (normal) in the church where miracles are no longer rare but frequent and widespread. Miracles will flow through children's prayers, the prayers of unknown saints and through those that God has raised up to stand before the masses.
These miracles will come upon nations that have been thought of as a "lost cause." Get ready to see a move of God come upon the darkest places. We will see that the saints in those nations who have been hidden and held captive will suddenly be like when Joseph was set free. Their prayers, their faithfulness in dark captivity and their worship will suddenly break through the darkness and light will come causing the darkness to be broken. Isaiah 66:8 will be seen.
Click here to read her entire article at the Elijah List website.
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Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott will sign into law a bill Sunday that will protect pastors in his state from being persecuted for speaking out about issues of a political nature. (Reuters photo)
Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott to Sign Bill That Protects Pastors' Religious Liberty
Sunday, Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott will sign into law Senate Bill 24, which codifies the religious liberty protections of pastors in his state that are enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Joined by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who championed the bill in the Senate, Abbott will sign the bill during the 12 p.m. EDT church service at Grace Church The Woodlands in Spring, Texas. The senior pastor there, Dr. Steve Riggle, is one of the now-famous "Houston Five" pastors who opposed the Houston city ordinance that allowed men to use women's restrooms, locker rooms, and other facilities that had been traditionally segregated on the basis of biological sex.
The Houston Five's sermons, in which they rebuked the unbiblical nature of the ordinance, were subpoenaed by government attorneys who sought to punish the pastors for their bold stance. SB 24 prohibits a government entity from compelling "the production or disclosure of a written copy or audio or video recording of a sermon delivered by a religious leader during religious worship of a religious organization or compel the religious leader to testify regarding the sermon."
Pastors from around the state are expected to attend the worship service and to join Abbott on the stage as he signs the bill into law. A reception has been planned for before the service begins, at which time it is likely the pastors will continue their lobbying efforts for the other piece of the puzzle created by the Houston city ordinance: calling a special session if the House of Representatives fails to pass the SB 6 "bathroom bill."
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Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke told a Wisconsin radio host he has accepted a post within the Department of Homeland Security in the Trump administration. (Reuters photo)
New Sheriff in Town: President Trump Hires a Big Name to Join DHS
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has been a pretty popular guy with any Republicans, conservatives, and Christians over the past several years, with many making it known they would like to see him in some form of law enforcement capacity in the Trump administration.
They're going to get exactly what they wanted.
The sheriff called into Wisconsin talk radio host Vicki McKenna's afternoon program on WISN-AM to make the announcement that he will be leaving his post to take a position an an assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland Security. He will depart his current job sometime in June to take his new post, he said.
"I'm both honored and humbled to be appointed to this position by Secretary [John] Kelly working for the Trump administration," he said. "It will be specifically in the Office of Partnership and Programs with several branches in there. We will liaison with state and local government and with the private sector, and in one that is very near and dear to me, we will liaison with local, state, and tribal law enforcement."
Clarke said his goal is ensure DHS is able to better serve state and local government and law enforcement. He discussed a "two-way" relationship in which they feel like real stakeholders in protecting their communities and the nation as a whole.
He said it would be "a huge undertaking."
"It's going to be a huge learning curve for me," he added. "I'm going to get in there and figure out the landscape; learn the people. I'll be developing who I have interplay with. And then figure out, after I talk with Secretary Kelly, figure out a strategy to create this better liaison between the Department of Homeland Security and our state and local partners."
Listen to the entire interview in the clip above.
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