Showing posts with label Maimonides Daily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maimonides Daily. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Poll: Most Israelis Interested in Studying Bible

Poll: Most Israelis Interested in Studying Bible

Wednesday, February 04, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
A new survey shows that a majority of Israeli Jews, while identifying as “secular” or “traditional,” are nevertheless interested in gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Bible.
Conducted by the Motagim Institute on behalf of the religious website Maimonides Daily, the poll revealed that 54 percent of Israeli Jews feel they only have a “basic grasp” of their national faith, and that 57 percent would commit at least five minute a day to reading the Bible.
On Hanukkah 2014, the Israel government launched a three-year nation-wide Bible study under the banner of Project 929, named after the number of chapters in the Tanakh (or Old Testament).
The Project 929 website will let visitors know the current daily chapter, which they can read or listen to in Hebrew.
The obvious aim is to get all Israelis to read the Bible. But the array of associated commentaries by celebrities and other contributors has been a source of controversy among religious authorities.
The February 2015 issue of Israel Today Magazine examines this issue in greater depth.SUBSCRIBE NOW to read it all
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