Showing posts with label March for Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label March for Life. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2017

If Bono, Adele and Paul McCartney Were Coming, Would You? - LARRY TOMCZAK CHARISMA NEWS

A silent siege in front of the Supreme Court. (Bound4Life/Facebook)

If Bono, Adele and Paul McCartney Were Coming, Would You?

Here's the Deal, by Matt Barber
Oftentimes people inquire about who will be at a particular event. This determines if they'll show.
Whether it's a party, pastor's luncheon or citywide event, we gauge the importance of a gathering by who'll be present. Just common sense, right? Star power affects attendance.
What about if the entire focus of a function was not on a celebrity but someone unseen, unattractive and unwanted? Add to the equation this individual is the target of an insidious Satanic scheme to snuff out his very life?
We've probably got better things to do. After all, what difference does one person really make?
 The Power of One
This Friday, a momentous event takes place in our nation's capital.
It's a massive gathering wherein hundreds of thousands of passionate and polite pro-lifers unite yearly to call attention to the silent screams of the estimated 4,000 unborn children exterminated through the dismemberment of abortion every single day in America.
The 44th annual March for Life has a simple mission: testify to the beauty of life and the dignity of each unborn person. This is the largest pro-life event in the entire world. The theme for 2017 is "The Power of One."
I'd like to encourage you to not only attend and unite with us in intercessory prayer but also to become more engaged in the defense of unborn children in this new political climate with Trump's election.
We now have a president who stands for the sanctity of human life and is committed to appoint only pro-life Supreme Court Justices. We have Vice President Mike Pence, who is a long-standing advocate for unborn babies. We also have a forthcoming attorney general, Jeff Sessions, who has a sterling 100 percent pro-life record from the National Right to Life.
This comes providentially only days after what millions assumed would be the inauguration of die-hard pro-abortionist, Hillary Clinton, and the Women's March on Washington, where throngs chanted support for Planned Parenthood and "women's reproductive rights." This organization, which is about to lose taxpayer funding, once articulated its position, "An abortion kills the life of the baby after it has begun."
The high point at the Women's March was a 15-minute tirade by actress/activist Ashley Judd, who not long ago spent six and a half weeks at a treatment center for depression and insomnia. She said she believes it's "selfish" and "unconscionable to breed" after sharing at the Democratic National Convention how glad she was to have had an abortion.
 Understanding the Annual March for Life
The "Joan of Arc" of the pro-life movement, the late Nellie Gray, was a hero to millions, including me. She pioneered the March for Life after gathering folks in her home following the infamous Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand in 1973. Our church honored her one Sunday with a commemorative plaque and prayer for her, and a standing ovation to let her know we believe in the power of one life to make a difference.
Despite minimal press coverage and mockery from rabid pro-abortion advocates, we saw attendance at the March for Life of 250,000 during 2003–2009; 400,000 between 2011–2012; and an estimated 650,000 in 2013. While living in the Washington, D.C., area for 24 years, we bundled up our children and made it an annual family event, no matter how cold or how wet it was. I participated by carrying a wooden baby coffin to call attention to our cause.
In a national conference call of 1,000 people, sponsored by our ministry, Intercessors for America, we recently heard from the woman directing this year's march. Her appeal was that we undergird this massive gathering with prayer for protection of everyone in attendance. Please unite with us for security to be perfect.
This sacred rally begins at 11:45 a.m.. this Friday, Jan. 27, and the actual march follows at 1:00 p.m. It convenes on the grounds of the National Mall and prayerfully proceeds to the Supreme Court.
No, Bono, Adele and Paul McCartney won't be present. But we are grateful that Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, will speak, along with senators, congressmen, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, author Eric Metaxas and Benjamin Watson of the Baltimore Ravens. A former Planned Parenthood Director, Abby Johnson, will also share her experience, to the dismay of Planned Parenthood officials.
In the past, President George W. Bush and Dr. Alveda King addressed us. President Ronald Reagan delivered phone messages to show his solidarity.
Nellie once asked former President Barack Obama to speak at the 36th annual March for Life, but he declined. Instead, he released a statement stating his support for abortion. How tragic.
Last Saturday's March for Women in D.C. was supposed to be an "inclusive" event for all women. Interestingly, the pro-life feminists who were originally included in the "partnership," were kicked out. I guess pre-born little women don't count, nor do those who dare to differ from pro-abortion proponents. At the march, Madonna called for a "revolution of love" after declaring, "[obscenity] you!" to all detractors.
 Three Closing Commitments
1. Prepare yourself to engage people in a charitable and clear way on the sanctity of human life issue.
Scripture commands us, "Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all such as our appointed to destruction. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy" (Prov. 31:8-9).
The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., who wholeheartedly supported the sanctity of life, said it best: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Can we count you among us?
We strongly encourage you to avail yourself of the Bullseye Challenge free videos and accompanying book that will equip you to respond courageously, winsomely and biblically to the 10 most common pro-abortion arguments in Chapter 24.
2. Pray regularly for God's intervention in this critical issue.
America's greatest casualties are not those killed in wars but the innocent and defenseless unborn. The Revolutionary War took 25,000 lives; the Civil War, 498,000; World War I, 116,000; World War II, 545,000 lives; the Korean War, 54,000; Vietnam War, 56,000; Iraq and Afghanistan, 6,600.
Since 1973, we have seen over 58 million unborn babies exterminated through abortion in America. We cannot remain passive but must pray fervently for God's strategy and divine intervention to see Roe v. Wade overturned in our generation.
3. This week, on the anniversary of the infamous Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion on demand, participate either in the National March for Life or a local event in your community.
Go to or the National Right to Life website for information. Make it a priority to be involved in the pro-life cause.
Before her death, Mother Teresa spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., with then-President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary (staunch supporters of unfettered abortion and Planned Parenthood), listening at her side.
Responding to those who say abortions spares "unwanted" children, the diminutive, saintly nun extended her arms and said as Bill and Hillary listened attentively, "There is no such thing as an unwanted child! Bring any such child to me. I will find them a home!"
Later she stated, "We cannot fight credibly against other social and moral ills, including poverty and violence, while we tolerate mass killings by abortion."
Here's the deal: The Hippocratic Oath (400 B.C.) until recently prohibited aborting an unborn baby. With our current changing political climate, it is time to make a quality decision that we will never again be silent on this issue. As secular forces are aggressive in propagating their deceptive viewpoint, we must rise to the challenge as we pray and respond pro-actively at this pivotal time.
Remember the power of one, and be a part of the pro-life generation! 
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 43 yrs, Intercessors for America board member and best-selling author. His new, innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see Click (here) for his "Here's the Deal" weekly podcast.
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With Synergy of Mercy and Truth, OneVoiceDC Prayer Gathering Raises a Song for Life - JOSH M. SHEPHERD/BOUND4LIFE

Matt Lockett in worship. (Courtesy)

With Synergy of Mercy and Truth, OneVoiceDC Prayer Gathering Raises a Song for Life
On Monday, President Donald Trump signed the Mexico City Policy as one of his first acts on his first Monday in office—banning any U.S. funding of overseas groups that provide or promote abortion. Many praised the executive order as a "great start."
Pro-life leaders see years of policy battles and work ahead to protect women and lives in the womb. "In this lifelong endeavor of upholding the value of every life, it is easy to grow weary," notes Bound4LIFE executive director Matt Lockett. 

"The only thing that can sustain our stand is making the space and taking the time to hear from God Himself," says Lockett, who has led a group standing in prayer outside the U.S. Supreme Court since 2004. "That's why, when Ryan and Bethany Bomberger floated the idea of a prayer gathering linked to the March for Life, we jumped at the chance to partner with them."
OneVoiceDC is an annual prayer and worship gathering to "speak life and biblical truth into the greatest human rights injustice of our day, which is abortion," according to event co-founder Bethany Bomberger. DC-area churches and pro-life ministries nationwide are represented with a diversity of ethnicities, denominations and worship styles.
For three years, she and her husband Ryan have brought together leading pro-life voices in a different format than one normally encounters in Washington. Rather than presenting formal speeches, leaders like Alveda King, Tony Perkins, Star Parker, Charmaine Yoest and Bishop Harry Jackson have shared their hearts in prayers to God.
Two leaders, both returning to the event this Thursday night, illustrate how mercy and truth infuse this non-denominational prayer gathering.

"We come to You tonight praising You for forgiveness," prayed Abby Johnson at OneVoiceDC. "We know that none of us is worthy of redemption, but because of Your precious blood—because of Your scandalous mercy—we are forgiven. You love us so much. Because You call us Your children, we are able to receive Your love."
Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director, now runs a ministry to help abortion workers leave the industry. "I pray for those who are still trapped inside the abortion industry—that they find Your grace and run into Your arms, like a child runs to her father! I ask that there would be an exodus from the abortion industry."
"God, touch their hearts as only You can do. I ask that You would replace the fear in their hearts with overwhelming joy," Johnson continued.
"Lord, would you give us Your compassion for these workers?" she asked, challenging those assembled to cast off attitudes of anger and offense. "No one is beyond conversion because no one is beyond Your power. I pray that the doors of these abortion facilities would be shut."
Right after Johnson, Catherine Davis came at the issue of abortion from a different perspective. Nearly two years ago, Davis led a prayer march in Selma, Alabama to close an illegal abortion center. Only months later, the abortionist closed up shop. The story is told in a new documentary, Hear from Heavenpremiering on the evening of March for Life 2017.
"Father God, we come before Your throne tonight with Thanksgiving. You do miracles in the earth today," Davis began.
"You showed us that with the Center for Medical Progress videos that revealed the truth about abortion in America. You showed us that in Selma, Alabama when You shut down that illegal abortionist—no one can take credit for that but You, Lord!"
She continued: "Father, we come today asking for another miracle: that You would raise up Your army to end the scourge of abortion in this nation. Awaken the black community who have been blinded to this scourge for so long. God, expose the truth that abortion has been about population control from its beginning. 
"We pray You will go from heart to heart and raise them up to join this fight for life—just like You did in Selma, where black, white, Hispanic, Native American and everybody came together as one. Together, our unity broke the influence of that illegal abortionist," she recounted.
Davis prayed with fiery passion: "We pray tonight for an unleashing, beginning here in Washington, D.C., and growing to an avalanche that will break the influence of abortion over this nation once and for all."
This Thursday evening, Davis and Johnson are slated to join other leaders such as Eric Metaxas, Terri LaShae, the Transform DJs (Jonathan and Angela Burgess), Bishop Vincent Matthews, Reverend Dean Nelson, Pastor Kate Costa, Father Terry Gensemer, Charismatic Episcopal Church youth, Pastor Bill Shuler and others at OneVoiceDC.
The prayer and worship gathering will begin at 7 p.m. at Renaissance Downtown DC Hotel. No registration is required and full event details are available online. As Davis concluded in her prayer: "Raise us up from OneVoiceDC to One Voice USA. We won't run from the fight, we'll run to the fight!" 
Josh M. Shepherd serves as communications manager at Bound4LIFE International, a faith-based pro-life group. He previously worked on staff at The Heritage Foundation and Focus on the Family. Josh and his wife Terri live in the Washington, D.C. area.
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Will This Pro-Life March Get the Same Media Coverage as the Women's March? - JEN RETALLICK/HAMILTON STRATEGIES

Participants in the 2015 March for Life. (American Life League/Flickr/CC)

Will This Pro-Life March Get the Same Media Coverage as the Women's March?

This past weekend, media around the country provided collective hours of coverage and pages of commentary on the "Women's March" in Washington, D.C., which, in essence, protested the inauguration of President Donald Trump and called for reproductive rights for women.
Now, a group of organizations concerned with saving the lives of the unborn is demanding that the media grant fair coverage to the March for Life at the nation's capital this Friday—Jan. 27, 2017.
The American Family Association (AFA), one of the nation's largest pro-family organizations, along with its One Million Moms division, has signed on as part of the Alliance for Fair Coverage of Life Issues.
"Those who are defending the unborn deserve just as much media coverage as those who are disrespecting the political process and marched in anger in Washington," said AFA President Tim Wildmon. "It's time that the mainstream media give Americans a true picture of our entire society, not only the liberal, progressive, politically correct messages it deems worthy for coverage."
Added One Million Moms Director Monica Cole, "Millions of women—mothers, daughters, wives and sisters—around the country fight every day for unborn babies who never had the chance to reach their God-given potential. Yet their dedication and commitment goes unnoticed to the point of where the rest of the world is kept blind to 'the other side.' Media is supposed to present a fair and unbiased view of the news, but is failing the American people."
Today, the Alliance for Fair Coverage of Life Issues announced its second annual #CoverTheMarch campaign, demanding the media cover the 2017 March for Life and cover it fairly. The annual event in Washington, D.C., draws hundreds of thousands of peaceful participants from all over the country. This year's March for Life marks the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand.
The Alliance for Fair Coverage of Life Issues, a coalition of 25 pro-life organizations and two members of Congress was formed in 2016 in response to the consistently poor coverage media outlets have given to important, newsworthy life issues. Last year's censorship of the March for Life (which received only 35 seconds of coverage total from the networks) confirmed the media's contempt for those who don't share their liberal social agenda. Since the media covered the pro-abortion "Women's March on Washington" this year for 4,518 seconds, they should give comparable coverage to the hundreds of thousands of peaceful pro-life marchers.
"The media are no longer the watchdogs for the American public, but the lapdogs of a liberal agenda committed to the destruction of life," reads the website. "The Alliance for Fair Coverage of Life Issues calls out journalists for their ongoing blackout of pro-life news and demands reporters live up to the standards of journalistic integrity by covering life issues." Read the Alliance's news release here.
At, organizers for the Alliance will engage in a "Tweet-fest" on Twitter on Friday and will represent all partners that have signed on, which include the American Principles Project, Family Research Council, For America, Human Life International, LifeSite News, Media Fairness Caucus, the Susan B. Anthony List, Students for Life, Heartbeat International, Live Action and the Young America's Foundation. View a full list of member organizations at
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Friday, January 13, 2017

Patricia Heaton To Lead Pro-Life Rally: “We Must Offer Women Hope” Not Abortion - Hello Christian

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton To Lead Pro-Life Rally: “We Must Offer Women Hope” Not Abortion

Hello Christian Jan. 13, 2017

Patricia Heaton may be a megastar actress and central character in 'Everybody Loves Raymond,' but she is also a committed Christian and fierce advocate for the unborn. Now, she is heading up a pro-life rally urging lawmakers to pass legislation that will protect babies, reports LifeNews. 
“When a woman finds herself unexpectedly pregnant, the world offers her the reality of isolation and we must offer the truth of community, hope and love,” said Heaton, who also spoke at the 2016 pro-life rally. Lately, Heaton also has been tweeting her support for the March for Life in Washington, D.C. and other pro-life projects. 
“Life begins at conception. Said every scientist ever. #ProScience #ProWoman #ProLife” she tweeted on Jan. 6. “I find it impossible to subscribe to a philosophy that believes that the destruction of human life is a legitimate solution to a problem that is mostly social, economic and psychological,” Heaton said. “In reality, most women ‘choose’ abortion because they believe they have no other choice.
“Women who experience unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy.”

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Bound4LIFE: What Happened at the Supreme Court During the March for Life? - THE ELIJAH LIST

February 3, 2016

"These Photos Show What Happened at the Supreme Court During the March for Life"by Terri Shepherd, Washington, DC via Bound4LIFE

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzPlease enjoy and be super encouraged by our good friends from Bound4LIFE!
It's amazing to see how God is using both young and old in the Army of the Lord!
Don't forget, we ARE in a War, and we are God's Army.

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"These Photos Show What Happened at the Supreme Court During the March for Life"by Terri Shepherd, Washington, DC via Bound4LIFE

Due to extreme blizzard conditions [last] weekend, the March for Life received unprecedented national attention. Beyond crowd estimates or miracles in the midst of travel, a longtime Bound4LIFE intercessor tells firsthand what she saw and experienced.
(Washington, DC)—
[] Hundreds of times I have stoo
d in silent prayer outside the court—but with a blizzard bearing down on the city, this time would be like no other. We had committed to stand in silent prayer for two hours, in solidarity with the silent cries of pre-born babies. 

(All photos by Aaron Wong for Bound4LIFE International. Used with permission from Bound4LIFE)

No matter what the weather threw at us, we were determined to pray.

As we arrived at the steps of the United States Supreme Court, the air was already charged.

We lifted up our fellow pro-life advocates who would arrive at this endpoint of the March for Life. If past years were any guide, their peaceful demeanor would clash with the raised voices and angry chants of the few pro-choice activists gathered.

With our fingers getting cold, we began to write out Life Tape for the three dozen intercessors who had joined us. One by one, we took our place before the barricades—making up a wall of intercession before the court.

Shoulder to shoulder, as the snow began to fall, we lifted our hearts in appeal to the court of Heaven for the Lord to release His wisdom and justice on behalf of unborn babies—and the women and men wounded by abortion.

Intercessors from across the nation, undeterred by the forecast and bitter cold, had joined us to intercede on this critical day. Many of these individuals have had their lives shifted by prayer sieges like this very one.

Like Randy Bohlender who came with his son Zion. While standing on this same stretch of pavement eleven years earlier, he felt the call of God to help raise up an adoption movement to be the answer to abortion.

Now he and his wife Kelsey have started up Zoe's House Adoption Agency in the midst of raising their ten children, six of whom are adopted.

Mindy and Denny, along with their three precious daughters, embody the Father's heart through adoption—dedicating their time and talents to the Orphan Justice Center. They also serve as directors of LIFE Initiatives at International House of Prayer-Kansas City, part of the Bound4LIFE prayer network.

In the midst of the tumult of protestors and bullhorns, our faithful band of intercessors experienced the peace of God. We set our hearts on our heavenly King, whom Isaiah 42ensures will faithfully bring forth justice in the earth.

For those like Jared from the International House of Prayer-Tallahassee, the snow would not deter him and his young family from taking part. He has labored for years in the Sunshine State praying and advocating for life.

This has opened doors for their team to present red Life Bands to a number of presidential candidates—a symbol of commitment to defend the unborn, and a daily reminder to pray.

Many of us, like these two pro-life advocates from Texas, focused our prayers on the nine justices of the Supreme Court who will be weighing eight pro-life cases in a matter of weeks.

Especially pertinent will be a challenge to the commonsense Texas law HB2 that requires abortion clinics to abide by widely accepted health, safety and sanitation standards.

For the leader of Bound4LIFE, Matt Lockett, this day brought a mixture of emotions: a solemn reminder of eleven long years of intercession as the injustice of abortion has continued, while filled with hope for the year ahead.

The driving wind and icy cold could not dampen our spirits, as we know the momentum is shifting in America: public opinion now reflects firm beliefs in upholding the value of every life, including among millennials.

Even young children like 12 year-old Samuel wanted to join us in prayer for the pre-born babies to have their right to life protected—before heading back inside, out of the cold.

For Monique, uniting in prayer with Bound4LIFE Chapter Leaders from across the nation was especially meaningful. As a strong single mother, she has been faithfully praying with a small remnant for years outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in the Bronx in New York City – where more babies of color are aborted each year than born.

On this pivotal day, she did not stand alone. Monique returned to the Big Apple with a renewed hope for her community.

Just as the cries of the unborn are heard by God, we know our prayers and tears are heard in Heaven. "Jesus, I plead Your Blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America."

We do not stand in prayer begging to get God's attention.

Regardless of the path we took—pro-life since childhood, adopted out of broken situations, or finding healing from our own involvement in past abortions—we see the common thread that God arrested our hearts over this great injustice that shatters His.

Jesus is serious about ending the scourge of abortion. It is He who called us here. He will use prayer, and advocacy like the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, to change hearts and shift culture.

It is out of love for Him—and for the pre-born children, mothers and fathers made in His image—that we will continue to stand in the gap. We are bound for life to this cause.

So week by week, day by day, small groups of intercessors will put on freshly hand-written pieces of Life Tape outside abortion clinics and court houses across America—as a witness to the silent unborn who are crying out for life.

If Roe v. Wade is still the law of the land in 2017, no matter the weather conditions, you'll know right where to find us at the March for Life—on that sacred space of pavement before the court of man and the court of Heaven.

For over a decade, Terri Shepherd has taken part in pro-life advocacy with Bound4LIFE—a grassroots movement to pray for the ending of abortion, carry the spirit of adoption, and believe for revival and reformation. She graduated from TheCall Institute at the International House of Prayer University in Kansas City, and earned a degree in social work from the University of Central Florida. Living in the Washington, DC area with her husband, Terri works at a leading Christian public policy organization. 

Reprinted with permission from Bound4LIFE International.
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Saturday, January 23, 2016

March for Life Protesters Brave Blizzard to Speak for the Unborn - Paul Strand CBN News

March for Life Protesters Brave Blizzard to Speak for the Unborn

CBN News
WASHINGTON -- Despite threats Washington officials might yank the March for Life's permit because of a dire storm threat, the march went on Friday. 
Its participants refused to let a record-breaking blizzard bearing down on the nation's capitol stop them from their mission. Like in the 42 years before, they came determined to bear witness that multitudes of Americans hate abortion.
Starting on the National Mall, they've been marching on the Supreme Court to protest ever since it legalized abortion January 22, 1973. This year's theme: "Pro-Life and Pro-Woman Go Hand-in-Hand."
"I'm so thrilled with the theme of this year's march," Maureen Ferguson, senior policy advisor for The Catholic Association, told CBN News.
"It's so wild-timed because the pro-abortion side, of course, loves to use this as a political football and bandy around terms like 'the war on women.' But we know there's a war on women in the womb," she said. "Half of those babies aborted are little girls."
Catholic Association Senior Fellow Ashley Maguire explained the earliest American feminists were pro-life.
"Starting with the suffragettes who were fighting against slavery and then fought for their own rights to vote - they were very pro-life," Maguire said. "And so the idea that women are by nature pro-choice is completely false."
"And we know that abortion sadly leaves a woman wounded, sometimes physically; emotionally scarred with a hole in her heart for the rest of her life," Ferguson added.
"A woman's capacity to be a mother is empowering and it's a beautiful gift  that's a part of who she is as a person," Jeanne Mancini, who leads the March for Life, said.
Subverted author Sue Ellen Browder was once a pro-choice feminist working at Cosmopolitan. That is no longer the case.
"To be pro-woman is to be pro-life, and of course that's true," she told CBN News before speaking at the March for Life rally. "You know, women want to have babies. Babies bring us joy, happiness, wonder."
Lauren Handy, with the group Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, counsels women heading into abortion clinics. She gets angry at those who accuse her of waging a war on those women.
"I think they use inflammatory language and scare tactics when we try to meet the needs of both the child and the mother, because we know abortion hurts the mother, the father and the child," she said.
Monica Miller, with Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, rejects that the right to this procedure is a key component of women's liberation.
"The sadness and the tragedy of that skewed, perverted point of view - that we actually would have to kill someone, end the life of someone else in order to be free - that's not a freedom," she explained.
"It looks easier and more fun not to have babies sometimes," Browder added. "But in the long run, especially when you get to be my age, and you see the women that did have children and how happy they are and how blessed they are with grandchildren and all that - whereas the old ladies in the nursing home, because they thought they were all free and alone, they're still alone."
"Abortion impacts women negatively, both psychologically and physiologically," Mancini insisted. "In fact we're hearing this week from a new Marist poll that the large majority of Americans believe that abortion hurts women, that it's not good for women, by a 35 percent margin."
Kristan Hawkins told CBN News how her group Students for Life of America constantly looks for ways to minister to young women considering this life-altering decision.
"We're always making sure that we're appealing to her and talking to her about how she's a victim, too," Hawkins shared. "And how the abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, is directly targeting her."
Planned Parenthood has become a major target of the marchers since it is by far the largest abortion-provider in the country. It ends the lives of more than 300,000 unborn babies every year. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

March: Why Should Only 'Perfect' Children Be Born?

March: Why Should Only 'Perfect' Children Be Born?

WASHINGTON -- Every year the March for Life has a different focus, and this year it focused on the group most aborted -- the pre-born diagnosed with some sort of disability.
As the marchers gathered on the National Mall near the Washington Monument, they declared those babies are every bit as deserving of life as any other child.
Americans abort about one out of five of their unborn children. But among these 'special needs' unborn, the abortion rate is a staggering 85 percent.
Kristan Hawkins, a pro-life leader who heads up Students for Life of America, is also mother to a special needs child who didn't get aborted. Six-year-old Gunner suffers from cystic fibrosis.
"Which is a deadly, incurable genetic disease," Hawkins told CBN News.
But she said Gunner's life is so precious, a world without him is unimaginable.
"He's smart. He's articulate. He's so tenderhearted," Hawkins said. "I can't imagine our lives without Gunner."
And Hawkins can't imagine denying him his rich, full existence.
"Gunner likes life. He has a pretty good life with his iPad, his brothers, and all of his Legos," she said, laughing.
Potential GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina also attened a pre-March for Life gathering this week held at the Heritage Foundation. She praised women who refuse to go along with the mainstream and give birth to special needs children or even risk their own lives with troubled pregnancies.
Fiorina spoke of one mother-to-be given a stark medical judgment in 1949.
"That an abortion was her only choice. Her doctors feared for her life," Fiorina said.
But the former Hewlett-Packard CEO told the Heritage Foundation audience that particular pregnant woman had deep faith and great courage. She trusted God with her life and refused to abort, giving birth to that baby she was carrying at tremendous danger to her own life and health.
"She spent almost a year in the hospital following his birth," Fiorina said. "But her son -- my husband -- was the joy of her life, and for over 30 years he has been the rock of mine."
CBN News met up with Dr. Grazie Christie at the March for Life. She often works with parents of the unborn as a radiologist.
But this Catholic Assocation Advisory Board member is philosophical about who is and isn't "disabled."
"All of us are disabled. All of us suffer," she said. "You know we can't avoid all the vicissitudes of life. So why should only 'perfect' children be born? Our lives won't be perfect anyway."
Dr. Christie came to tell the March for Life crowd that ultrasound technology is a wonderful thing for showing people so clearly that a fetus is indeed a human being.
"But ultrasound has a dark side," she explained. "It allows us to make pre-natal diagnoses that are then used to eradicate children that don't quite measure up to the standards that we are developing as a society."
And she said it's those standards that should be eliminated, not the children found unacceptable by them.
Even before this year's March for Life began, Fiorina summed up why the marchers come to Washington D.C. every year on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.
"We gather here because we know that no one of us is any better than any other one of us," she said. "We gather here because we know that every human life has potential and every human life is precious."
As every year before this since the U.S. Supreme Court announced it's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, the marchers made their way more than a mile from the National Mall, up Constitution Avenue, and massed in front of the Supreme Court.
There they bore witness to the more than 56 million unborn babies slain since Roe v. Wade.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

March for Life Pushes the 'Adoption Option' - CBN News

March for Life 

Pushes the 'Adoption Option' 

WASHINGTON -- Jan. 22 marks the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Although Washington temperatures were near zero, multitudes of pro-lifers still showed up Wednesday for the annual March for Life that protests the infamous ruling.
Marchers filled the streets in the bitter cold, knowing huge battles loom on every side of the abortion issue.
For instance, abortion opponents encourage pregnant women to go to pro-life pregnancy centers rather than abortion clinics. In response, the clinics and their allies have been trying to regulate such centers out of business.
Peggy Hartshorn is president of Heartbeat International, which represents some 1,800 pro-life centers.
"Abortion clinics are closing in the United States at the highest rate ever," she told CBN News. 'We had about 1,700 abortion clinics. We're down to just over 500 now. But pregnancy centers are multiplying. We have more than 2,000."
The theme of this year's March focuses on fighting for the adoption option.
Five years ago an unwed and pregnant Whitney Wall was planning to abort her unborn child. But after receiving help and support from a pregnancy center, Wall decided to form an adoption plan rather than abort.

She now encourages other women to do the same, not only for their own piece of mind and to save the baby, but because so many childless couples are anxious to adopt.
"I just remember when I had decided to make the adoption plan for my son, the boxes and boxes and boxes of profiles that I got of couples that were waiting for a family," Wall said. "It's just amazing to think of all the people that are relying on these women to make the right decision."
One battle inside the pro-life movement is whether to use gruesome images of aborted babies to ram the reality of the practice into the public's consciousness.
That's what Mark Harrington, executive director of Created Equal, was doing during this year's March: displaying such gruesome images on a JumboTron along the marchers' route.
"America's complicit in abortion. You have to see it to understand it," Harrington said in defense of showing the bloody photos. "A picture's worth a thousand words and nobody can explain it with words alone."
"That's the problem: it's all a bunch of rhetoric. Once you see the victims, you understand the injustice," he said.
Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric Scheidler marched in Chicago with many other abortion opponents on Sunday, Jan. 19. He said one battleground is just getting people to realize a human life is a net positive for the world.

"Many people believe that when a new child comes into the world, it's a big cost -- a cost for the parents; a cost for society. But we're finding that's simply not the case," Scheidler said. "In fact, a new study's just come out showing every child born on average contributes $217,000 to the national economy."
Scheidler pointed out polls show a growing number of Americans are turning pro-life. Now he's imploring those people to take action.
"The only way we're going to be victorious in the end is if every single person who recognizes the unborn child as valuable is willing to step outside their comfort zone and share that message with others," Scheidler said.

In the 41 years since Roe v. Wade led to legalized abortion, some 56 million babies have been aborted in America.