How You Can Help Reverse the Moral Collapse in America
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"That you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore" (Eph. 6:13-14).
It's breath-catching, heart-breaking and soul-searing to watch our nation implode morally and spiritually. The mental picture of the Twin Towers on 9/11 collapsing in a cloud of debris and dust comes to my mind as I pray for America.
It is not buildings that are collapsing today. It is us—our nation.
What can God's people do?
We can humble ourselves, seek God's face and pray. Yes, we can!
We can fast. Yes, we can!
We can turn from our wicked ways. Yes, we can!
We can return to the Lord our God. Yes, we can!
We can plead for God's mercy to hear our prayer, forgive our sin and heal our land. Yes, we can!
And we should do all of the above!
But I believe it's also time for something else. It's time to take a stand against evil by applying our biblical values not only to our worldview, but to all we say, do or think, which includes the way we vote.
In the Old Testament book of Esther, God's people were threatened by an evil decree. Queen Esther fasted and prayed. But if she had done nothing else, she would have ensured the triumph of the wicked. Instead, she acted on what God laid on her heart. She stepped into the situation, encouraged by her uncle, who exhorted her, "And who knows if you may have attained royal position for such a time as this?" (Esth. 4:14)
As a result of the action Queen Esther took after her prayer and fasting, the evil was exposed, but it was not defeated. So her action alone was not enough. God's people themselves were called to get involved. Each and every one of them were called upon to resist the evil that was threatening. They answered the call, stood up to the enemy, and the tables were turned (Esth. 9:1) God's people won the victory over the evil.
Like Queen Esther and God's people of her day, I believe it's time for you and me to take a stand against the evil that has come into our nation. Evil that defies God in rebellion against His Word and against His principles. Evil that is trying to destroy the very fabric and foundation of our nation.
This November we have the privilege of taking a stand the American way—at the ballot box. Make it your priority to know the candidates you are voting for, from the presidential race to the Senate races to the governorships to the judicial races to every other contest on the ballot. Go to the polls on Nov. 8 and vote your biblical values.
Nothing less than God's blessing, or judgment, is at stake in our nation. 
Anne Graham Lotz, the second child of Billy and Ruth Graham, is an acclaimed Bible teacher and the founder of AnGeL Ministries. She also is the author of books, including The Glorious Dawn of God's Story and The Vision of His Glory, both from Word Publishing.
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