וְאָהַבְתָּ ‘…And you shall love…’
V'ahavta (...and you shall love...")
Hadassah from Jerusalem
"My Israeli Neighborhood"
וְאָהַבְתָּ ‘…And you shall love…’
Today I want to share with you our village. It’s actually a settlement just outside Jerusalem. I don’t know what kind of image the word ‘settlement’ brings to mind, but I thought you’d like to see for yourselves a bit of where I live. There will be more glimpses in the future, but for today, enjoy this brief invitation to my neighborhood.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. Psalm 16:6
Watch video here: My Israeli Neighborhood - Hadassah
Nissim & Hadassah
Jerusalem, Israel
June 2017
Hadassah and Nissim, her accountant husband, live in a settlement just outside Jerusalem with their dog Molly. After making Aliyah (immigrating) from the U.S. with their 5 children in 1989 they are now semi-retired and open their home to guests and those wishing to make Aliyah. When not busy with their 16 'GrandWonders', they enjoy a quiet life of study, prayer and learning to serve the LORD.
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