Danny Steyne: "God Says the 'And Now!' Moment is Upon Us! Many Things Will Happen NOW!"
Danny & Karen Steyne
This is a most exciting season that is upon the Body of Christ. It's truly a time of: "Enlarge the place of your tent; Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; Lengthen your cords and strengthen your pegs" (Isaiah 54:2).
Danny Steyne, who moved to the New England area, shares his prophetic journey, how the Lord encountered him and met him there...and all that is taking place NOW.
AND Danny shares this NOW word to the Body:
The "... AND NOW!" time is upon us. It's the shift that takes us beyond what is happening around us to participate with the shift in our thinking. It's time for the visions of old to be restored to the hearts of the young and old. It's the prophetic words about stadiums being filled, not because we try to make them happen, but because the reality of the Kingdom is so vivid and real that it's occurring in our lives every day. It's the place where sporting events are canceled because the facilities are needed to carry on the work of God.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God Says the 'And Now!' Moment is Upon Us! Many Things Will Happen NOW!"
Testimony: "And Now to What I've Called You!"
The word came so clearly on a recent morning. A crystal clear, "And now!" I knew exactly what was happening. In August 2012, I was doing a conference in Natick, MA called "The Greatest Awakening III: For Such a Time As This!" In the first session Brian Simmons prophesied that I would be moving to New England and that the favor of God would be on it. Later, he told me God was going to give us a house...a huge one in New England. Following that conference, a flurry of spiritual activity began surging through our lives.
Two weeks later I heard the Lord say to me, "What are you doing?" I told Him I was waiting for an open door, and He quickly reminded me that apostolic ministry never requires an open door—it requires obedience. I knew I had to announce we were leaving South Carolina and moving to New England, although we had no idea where, and we sent an email to all those who had been a part of our lives and ministry through the years, indicating so.
A couple who live in the shadow of Cape Canaveral, Florida said as they opened the email I sent, they heard their windows rattle. Thinking that it was a space shuttle taking off, they looked outside and realized it wasn't happening that day. They went back to read my email and one said to the other, "What is God up to?"
Two weeks after that my wife Karen put our home on Craigslist, and two days later a contract was signed to lease our house in South Carolina. We had to be out of the home one month later. Two weeks after the lease was signed, I was with James Levesque and Brian Simmons in New England for a conference and scheduled an additional day to look for housing. I still had no clue where our house would be, but thought it must be in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, or Connecticut because the housing we had picked out online was in those three areas.
That Monday morning only seven of the twenty-some houses we had gleaned from were available. At the fourth house the Lord spoke audibly that this was the house for a season. Two weeks later we moved into that house, and one week later over a hundred people gathered with us there. Suddenly the "...and now" began to happen!
"I began realizing that the "...and now" was much bigger than what I thought."
This part of the journey has continued as we meet every Tuesday night in my home with people coming literally from all over New England, the northeast, as well as visitors from Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, the Pacific and all across the United States...often packing our home out beyond capacity!
Redefining Church and the Awakening Angels
As I drove the truck up to New England (while moving there), several encounters would inspire me to realize that this was going to be one of the most significant periods of history to come to New England. I asked the Lord, "What do You want me to do here?" His response seemed rather blunt and audacious, "What I want isn't here yet; I want you to take over!" I wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but I kept pressing in and His response began to explain something that continues to teach me and keep me dependent on His voice, "I want you to redefine Church!"
Immediately I realized that I had no clue what that meant. How do you redefine a boat or something that is already in the mind and perception of people? How do you redefine what people have come to believe and give it new terminology so they don't revert to what they have always seen and known. Most of us, and I'm including myself, are far more comfortable with what we have come to know as "normal," and we easily revert to that place when difficulty sets in.
This angel's blue hue has become very familiar to me and for the first time Michael spoke to me, "Are you ready?" My response was, "Let's do this thing!" The morning when I heard, "...and now!" I recalled the words spoken by others, the dream of God that "every knee bow," and the heart cry to see the Western World overwhelmed by the power of God as so often happens in the Third World countries. I remembered what the Lord spoke when He said to me, "The Third World prays for revival and they get harvest; the Western World prays for revival and they get happy!"
I've learned that "soon" is not what I think, but what He knows. No man knows but the Father KNOWS! I've learned that words given or received thirty and forty years before are not discardable...they require the patience and trust to see the Father bring them about.
"...a move of the Spirit of God that eclipsed all previous moves."
More and more I'm watching God speaking to people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond, that they will yet see what He has promised them. Recently during a funeral of a precious man, Frank (who, at 93 years old, traveled an hour and half each way every week to our meeting in Connecticut), I learned he had led five people to Jesus two days before he slipped into a coma and passed away three days after that. In Frank's last conversation with me he said, "I'm just learning so much right now!"
"...AND NOW" is Upon Us!
The "... AND NOW!" time is upon us. It's the shift that takes us beyond what is happening around us to participate with the shift in our thinking. It's time for the visions of old to be restored to the hearts of the young and old. It's the prophetic words about stadiums being filled, not because we try to make them happen, but because the reality of the Kingdom is so vivid and real that it's occurring in our lives every day. It's the place where sporting events are canceled because the facilities are needed to carry on the work of God.
It's what has been prophesied where the news is once again "truthful" and says, "We have no bad news tonight, just good news. The stadiums are filled with people, they are coming from everywhere, they can't even all get in, there are ambulances and hearses lined up, people are being healed and set free, and we don't know who these men and women are on the stage as they are nameless and faceless...but it doesn't matter who they are because they are all saying the same thing: Jesus is Lord!"
It's not pie in the sky. It's not a seeker-sensitive model that can attract crowds. It's not the theme, new thought, new doctrine, nor the speaker that is coming! It's Jesus in the center! It's the same thing that could take a nation with several young people preaching, "Bend me, Lord," repeatedly and a nation would bow and everything except Jesus would stop (Welsh Revival). It's the same thing when the presence of God would emanate so much through a man, a lawyer (Charles Finney), that over a third of the nation would turn to the Lord as the power of God broke through and brought freedom to those "strong men" that controlled society in his day, rather than rail against them!
Our God has NEVER relied on the means of men to accomplish His purpose, but He has purposely established a WAY of giving His own authority and release of His Kingdom's power, love, joy, and peace to those who simply believe. It is for such a time as this that you have been placed on the earth "...AND NOW to what I've called you!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Danny Steyne has been a church planter, pastor, teacher, author, and worship leader for over thirty years. His heart is to release ministry that is full of the power of God and demonstrated through the authentic miraculous works of Jesus. Danny and his wife Karen lead the apostolic team of Mountain Of Worship (MOW aka The Mountain). The expression of Mountain Of Worship transpires regionally through various gatherings that draw the Body of Christ together in regions, nationally through MOWTeams and MOWConferences, and internationally through Ministry Trips and International Conferences.
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