Showing posts with label Pastor Abel Oyewale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pastor Abel Oyewale. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2018

JESUS SENT OUT THE TWELVE ( LUKE 9:1-10) - Pastor Abel Oyewale

Pastor Abel Oyewale


When Jesus had called the Twelve together, He gave them power and authority together, all demons and cure diseases, and He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. (Luke 9:1-2)


When Jesus had called the twelve together He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. The time came for the Twelve, that had been with Jesus from the onset (Mark 3:14 ), to be sent out on the practical mission. It is unscriptural to continue receiving from Christ without going out to release Him to the world.

He empowered them to effectively represent Him to the aching/dying world. Jesus has also endued all true Christians to demonstrate signs and wonders by the power of His Spirit. 

The disciples were strictly instructed not to take anything extra on the journey and not to go from house to house, but that they should remain in a particular house where they were first welcomed. Jesus was indirectly teaching the disciples to be content with what He provides and to remain in a place for easy location and cohesion. We need God's wisdom to do God's work.

They were to shake the dust off their feet in the town where their message was not welcomed. In the Jewish culture, it symbolises separation. That is the disciples were not responsible for whatever judgment that would befall them. We must duly and understandably present the Gospel to the sinner so that we are not held accountable for their blood.


When the Apostles returned, they reported to Jesus what they had done. The disciples immediately went from village to village preaching the Good News. When did you preach last? Remember we are commanded to preach to all nations (Matt 28:18-20). The Master backed them up with all they needed to succeed. We have His backing today by His Holy Spirit to set the captives free, as we preach the gospel message. (Mark 16:13-18)

The news of what the power/backing of Christ did in and through them spread like wildfire, so much that Herod became perplexed about who Jesus was trying to see him. If every Christian will go and preach the Gospel, the name of Jesus will be lifted high and satan and his accomplices would chicken out into perpetual hiding in the land.

After their itinerary, they returned and reported all God had done to the Master. Evangelists and missionaries should submit to appropriate authorities for leadership.and growth. God is sending all Christians to go and preach everywhere, just like He sent the early disciples. He has empowered us by giving us His Spirit, and we have His word that nothing would harm us.



Friday, March 23, 2018

THE LOVING GOD FOUND NOAH (GENESIS 6:1-12) Pastor Abel Oyewale Nigeria, West Africa

Pastor Abel Oyewale

Pastor Abel Oyewale  Nigeria, West Africa
March 23, 2018

A. THE WORLD WAS DEPRAVED ( Genesis 6:1-7 )

Though God's eyes can not behold evil, yet, in the midst of wickedness, His eyes can, and do spot the righteous. If we keep ourselves for God. He would identify with us and favour us in this world of wickedness.

"Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the heart, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."

One may wonder why God would allow man to continue to multiply on the face of the earth fulfillmentnt of His earlier blessing, despite man's fall.and waywardness. God's love truly in action.

This increased tempo of man's wickedness notwithstanding, God's eternal redemptive programme has remained intact. His undying love has kept Him intervening .

Most saddening and discouraging is the fact that the Lord saw that the world was now evil - not what He had intended it to be. Yet He still had compassion on the dying man. 

God was grieved (filled with pain) that the people He had created and loved became so sinful, and no longer loved Him. The grief here can be compared to that of a father who finds his most beloved son misbehaving, with impunity. I hope you are not still one of those grieving Him today. 

This divine decision didn't come from bitterness or hatred against humanity. Rather, God's love wanted to purify the earth and make it more conductive to live in for the righteous. 

Christ is our righteousness. In Him we trade our depravity for His restoration and life. Accept His Lordship now.

B.THE LORD SAW NOAH. (Genesis 6:8-12 )

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Noah had chosen to work with God, a thing that was obviously made possible by God's enablement. God's grace and love equipped him to represent God's righteousness. Are you praying for such a grace?

The grace of God enabled Noah to live differently from others. Grace found him as he deliberately obeyed God.  This was God's love and grace in action. 

How can any man walk with God if God does not bring him closer to Himself. God's love located just Noah, bringing him closer to fulfil the essence of God's love. 

Be conscious of your new status in Christ and do away with earthly entanglements so as to keep enjoying the love of God. 



Pastor Abel Oyewale
Abba Father International Fellowship-Nigeria

P.BOX 120

For your prayer request:

Phone: +2348115306866


Here in Nigeria we can buy Bibles for only $4.00 each. Please use the DONATE button on the side columns of this blog to give. A gift of $4 buys one. $20 buys 5. $40 will help us buy 10. Please help today. Thank you.

Our school kids in Nigeria

It will be my joy if you, as a son or daughter of God, would allow the Holy Spirit to always control your steps. If possible, please, for the sake of God's Kingdom here in Nigeria, donate Bibles for distribution FREE to those who can not buy a copy as a result of poverty. We would want them in bulk for the big revival/conference we are planning. 

Please contact Pastor Abel at his contact information, or the USA office for Love For Your People in the Charlotte, North Carolina addresses given below.

Contact us further if you have Bibles that we can send to Pastor Abel and his team in Nigeria for free distribution:

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Pastor Abel and his church members try to help orphans as best they can. Please use the DONATE button on the side columns to help or the tab on our Love For His People website above.

Monday, February 26, 2018

ISRAEL: CALLED TO FOLLOW GOD - Pastor Abel Oyewale Nigeria, West Africa

Pastor Abel with the new Israel t-shirt (IDF) 
and hat sent from Love For His People

Leviticus 26:3-36

Pastor Abel Oyewale  Nigeria, West Africa
Feb. 26, 2018

What you follow is what you hallow, To follow is to take the same route behind another person; take the same course or go in the same direction as something else. It also to watch, observe, or pay close attention to somebody or something. It also means acting in accordance with, or imitate something, especially, with instructions or direction given by somebody else.

A. REWARDS FOR FOLLOWING HIM (Leviticus 26:3-13 )

If you follow my decree and careful to obey My commands. In God's clear instruction to the people on what becomes of the obedient and disobedient man differently, we see an unmistakable call to follow His ways.

He has repeatedly warned them against idolatry as a jealous God. If they should not follow other gods, the implication is that they must follow Him alone - no divided loyalty.

Everything that relates to God must always make sense to us without compromise. You want to always be around the one you love and want to follow. If Christ is your master, you must desire Him wholeheartedly.

As part of the blessings of obedience, God will work among us as our God. He will relate with us, He will lead us, and we must follow Him. Always remembering who He is and what He is capable of doing.

God has never missed words concerning the indispensability of total obedience to His commands as well as the rewards that would follow it. God is faithful. Whatever you sow you shall reap. (Galatians 6:7 )


"But if you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands, Then  I will do this to you.  (verse 15-

No one keeps disobeying his master and still expects to be enjoying his master favour. (Romans 6:1-2)

Failing to follow God's word and way can never please Him. The wages of sin is death and destruction. Examine the gravity of the consequences of disobedience highlighted in verse 16-39, and discover how God takes
deviation from His Law very seriously.

The only way out of God's wrath is repentance.  To regain God's favour and attention in relationship with Him we must terrace our steps back to Him in repentance.  It is then He would remember His covenant with us and restore us fully.

You can not bribe God. Only total obedience to Him can save you from His unbearable judgment.  Do not wait to experience King Saul's fate that was borne out of his disobedient disposition. When we listen and are obedient to His decrees, our lives will be in His true prosperity.

When we refuse to follow God we invite God-monitored calamities and troubles on ourselves.

May God bless you all in Jesus Name.


Pastor Abel Oyewale
Abba Father International Fellowship-Nigeria

P.BOX 120

For your prayer request:

Phone: +2348115306866


Here in Nigeria we can buy Bibles for only $4.00 each. Please use the DONATE button on the side columns of this blog to give. A gift of $4 buys one. $20 buys 5. $40 will help us buy 10. Please help today. Thank you.

Our school kids in Nigeria

It will be my joy if you, as a son or daughter of God, would allow the Holy Spirit to always control your steps. If possible, please, for the sake of God's Kingdom here in Nigeria, donate Bibles for distribution FREE to those who can not buy a copy as a result of poverty. We would want them in bulk for the big revival/conference we are planning. 

Please contact Pastor Abel at his contact information, or the USA office for Love For Your People in the Charlotte, North Carolina addresses given below.

Contact us further if you have Bibles that we can send to Pastor Abel and his team in Nigeria for free distribution:

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Pastor Abel and his church members try to help orphans as best they can. Please use the DONATE button on the side columns to help or the tab on our Love For His People website above.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

THE KING SHOULD LEAD ISRAEL ARIGHT - PART TWO by Pastor Abel Oyewale Nigeria, West Africa

Pastor Abel with the new Israel t-shirt (IDF) 
and hat sent from Love For His People

Pastor Abel Oyewale  Nigeria, West Africa
Nov. 18, 2017

I. THE EXAMPLE OF DAVID (2 Samuel 6:1, 1Kings 14:8 )

He who wants to be successful should study the success stories of successful people. If anyone wants to succeed as a leader of God's people, he or she should pick leadership hints from David, a man after God's heart and a model of godly leadership. If you do you are already on your way to leading aright.


......."My servant David, who kept my commands and follow Me with all his heart, doing only what was right in My eyes." 1 Kings 14:8

God's expectation is high on leaders who should be teachers of His people. He did a comparison on second kings who reigned at different times in Israel. Jeroboam was divinely chosen but failed God as a mentor of His people

Conversely, David, though long gone, became a centre of reference. How did David win God's heart? These three important things he did that made God consider him as a real model of disciple-makers.

1.  Kept God's commands
2.  Followed Him wholeheartedly
3.  Did right. David understood God and feared Him.

How he fearlessly and faithfully shepherded his father's sheep in the bush portrayed the type of leader he would be -- obedient and loyal to the leadership of both God and his parents. Only leaders who follow GGod wholeheartedly can guide others to God, selflessly helping them to become their best in Him..

Wholeheartedly devotion matters a lot  in whatever one does in, with and for God. It is being totally with our body, soul, and spirit, in God's will.  No Christian leader succeeds without that kind of devotion.


"David and the whole house of Israel were celebrating with all their might before the Lord, with songs with harps, lyres, tambourines, sistrums and cymbals." (2 SAMUEL6:5)

When the righteous rule, people rejoice. David did not follow God alone. He helped his subjects to do same. No leader who is truly enjoying the blessing of God's presence can be comfortable with his followers lagging behind in their walk with the same God.

The ark was a symbol of God's presence. David mobilized the people to move it to Jerusalem, in the furtherance of its recovery from the loss in the 1 Samuel 7:1,2  and led them to worship the Lord. A godly man or woman is a disciple-maker who shifts his followers' attention to God, their maker.

Though the ugly incident of Uzzah"s death made David sulk at first, He gladly competed the restoration after discovering the right path. True leaders do not relent in their efforts to guide people to God.

By the time he was finally handing over the mantle of leadership, he encouraged the people to continually bless God. He mobilized them to give towards the building of God's house. He led both the people and his son in the path of true worship. What a lasting legacy David left!

Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. He is the one that leaders must draw the attention of people everywhere to. Those who focus the attention of God's people on themselves should not be in leadership.

May our good God of Israel bless you all as you are reading this message.

Be blessed,

Pastor Abel Oyewale
Abba Father International Fellowship-Nigeria

P.BOX 120

For your prayer request:

Phone: +2348115306866


Here in Nigeria we can buy Bibles for only $4.00 each. Please use the DONATE button on the side columns of this blog to give. A gift of $4 buys one. $20 buys 5. $40 will help us buy 10. Please help today. Thank you.

Our school kids in Nigeria

It will be my joy if you, as a son or daughter of God, would allow the Holy Spirit to always control your steps. If possible, please, for the sake of God's Kingdom here in Nigeria, donate Bibles for distribution FREE to those who can not buy a copy as a result of poverty. We would want them in bulk for the big revival/conference we are planning. 

Please contact Pastor Abel at his contact information, or the USA office for Love For Your People in the Charlotte, North Carolina addresses given below.

Contact us further if you have Bibles that we can send to Pastor Abel and his team in Nigeria for free distribution:

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Pastor Abel and his church members try to help orphans as best they can. Please use the DONATE button on the side columns to help or the tab on our Love For His People website above.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

THE KING SHOULD LEAD ISRAEL ARIGHT - PART ONE by Pastor Abel Oyewale Nigeria, West Africa

Pastor Abel with the new Israel t-shirt (IDF) 
and hat sent from Love For His People

Pastor Abel Oyewale  Nigeria, West Africa
Nov. 9, 2017


I. THE KINGS' DIVINE CALLING ( Deuteronomy 17:14-20)

Jesus is the King of kings.The positions God puts us in are callings in His will and program. We must run to fulfill His eternal purpose. Anyone who uses his position to oppress OTHERS is on a collision course with God.  It is expected of us to honour God, bless the people and make disciples for Him in whatever position He places us. Do not use your calling against the caller or the followers. The day of reckoning is at hand.

A. MUST BE GOD'S DISCIPLE  (Deuteronomy 17:14-19)

"Be sure to appoint over you the king the Lord your God chooses. He must be from among your own brothers. Do not place a foreigner over you, one who is not a brother Israelite." (Deuteronomy)

God determines the end from the beginning. Nothing catches Him unawares. He pre-empted His peoples' desire for a king like the gentiles when they would finally settle in the Promised Land. He gave them prior instructions.They should not  appoint just anybody. Their king must: 

1. Be God's own choice 
2. Be an Israelite by birth 
3. Be from among their own brothers
4. Never be a foreigner

Implication: Their king must be a follower of Yahweh who understands His mind and can communicate this to them. No leader can represent God to His people who is not a disciple of God himself. A leader who has been with Christ will definitely exhibit the character of Christ's holiness. True leaders are disciples who do have no flair for worldliness and materialism. God's word is a veritable tool for both Christian leaders and followers alike.

The problem the Church has today is with those who are not part of us  but are in our midst, and have risen within our ranks and files. 


B.  MUST BE READY TO ASSIST OTHERS (Deuteronomy 17:20)

"And not consider himself better than his brothers and turn from the law to the right or to the left. Then he and his descendants will reign a long time over his kingdom in Israel." (Deut.17:20)

All people are equal! The king is expected to consider all his disciples as brethren and equals. In honour, he should consider his people first and not treat them as servants. Only then will he have the interest at heart to make the best out of them.

He must not consider himself above the people and the law, such that he would turn from the Lord. No one is above the law of God, whether the leader or the led. When the leader submits to the ultimate leadership of God, then he can lead others in the path of God. 

The reverberating effect of the king's uprightness and faithfulness to God would springboard a lasting reign and sustainable peace. God is looking for leaders who are ready to cooperate with Him in the disciple-making process. A good disciple-maker must be caring, friendly, and assessable, with deep regard for the Word of God.

May our good God of Israel bless you all in Jesus Christ's Name.

CALL FOR HELP. For your prayer request: +2348115306866

Our school kids in Nigeria

It will be my joy if you, as a son or daughter of God, would allow the Holy Spirit to always control your steps. If possible, please, for the sake of God's Kingdom here in Nigeria, donate Bibles for distribution FREE to those who can not buy a copy as a result of poverty. We would want them in bulk for the big revival/conference we are planning. 

Please contact Pastor Abel at his contact information, or the USA office for Love For Your People in the Charlotte, North Carolina addresses given below.

Be blessed,

Pastor Abel Oyewale
Abba Father International Fellowship-Nigeria

P.BOX 120

For your prayer request:

Phone: +2348115306866

Contact us further if you have Bibles that we can send to Pastor Abel and his team in Nigeria for free distribution:

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Pastor Abel and his church members try to help orphans as best they can. Please use the DONATE button on the side columns to help or the tab on our Love For His People website above.

Some of the contents sent to Nigeria in October 2017

Pastor Abel wearing the t-shirt and hat from Israel below.

Bibles provided with funds sent from Love For His People

Below: Ahava Love Letter books sent 
from Love For His People

T-shirt from Israel included in the Pastor's Package from Love For His People

Help Love For His People keep sending teaching materials free of charge to international pastors, by supporting this ministry. We also send financial support for families in Jerusalem, Belfast, UK and Lahore, Pakistan monthly. Even a gift of $10 helps. Thank you.

Please donate online safely here, through our website. Click on the DONATE button found in the side columns of Love For His People blog, or the DONATE tab at the top of the blog page.

A USA tax-receipt will be provided for each online gift and check.

Checks can be sent to:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

Contact us further if you have Bibles that we can send to Pastor Abel and his team in Nigeria for free distribution:

Steve Martin

Monday, October 30, 2017

JESUS WAS SELF-DISCIPLINED AND SACRIFICIAL by Pastor Abel Oyewale Nigeria, West Africa

Pastor Abel with the new Israel t-shirt (IDF) 
and hat sent from Love For His People

Pastor Abel Oyewale  Nigeria, West Africa
Oct. 30, 2017


"Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work." (John 4:34 )

Indiscipline is not the character of GOD. It has cut many lives and ministries short. Jesus is the perfect image of GOD. He came to reveal GOD'S manners by leading a life of self-discipline.

Your level of discipline will determine your chances of overcoming temptation. Jesus was subjected to series of tests in the devil's hands. He overcame by the word and through self-discipline. Unlike Adam, Eve and Esau, He did not spoil Himself with what the devil offered. He prioritised the spiritual food above the physical food, and He warned along that line .

Though food is very essential to life, yet that would never make Jesus to misbehave or lose concentration on His life's mission. Today, people are so anxious about what to eat, drink and wear that they lose focus of the real things - souls -winning and GOD'S kingdom.

"And He will give all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the kingdom of GOD your primary concern." (Matthew 6:33)

How many, Christians inclusive, are not being controlled by their bellies, today? Jesus never allowed anything to dominate or control His life. What controls your life? (Romans 6:16)


"I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep." (John 10:11)

The life of sacrifice is not feasible without self-discipline. Sacrifice is about giving up one's life and rights, and other benefits for others. Jesus followed this path for GOD'S glory and the benefits of mankind. We must resemble Jesus in this regard also.

Jesus talked extensively on shepherding, and declared Himself as the Good Shepherd. What qualified Him as such was His sacrificial life and living. He gave up His life for the sheep. What have you sacrificed for Christ's sake?

No one in heaven or on earth could do what Jesus did for us. Hireling describes the fake shepherds, who prefer to flee to safety, rather than dare to die to safeguard the sheep. Jesus was never like any of these. He laid down His life for the sheep. He came to unify them and present them to Himself and Father. This life of sacrifice is a must for every believer.

God recognised the sacrifice of Jesus. He loved Him, and as a result, exalted Him above all else. God always recognises our sacrifices; our labours of love would not go unrewarded.

Jesus lived a life of self-discipline; He was not under the control of anything that could truncate His destiny. The sacrifices of Jesus were recognised and appreciated by both Heaven and earth.

May our good God of Israel bless you as you are reading this message.


Pastor Abel Oyewale
Abba Father's International Fellowship - Nigeria

For your prayer request:

Pastor Abel and his church members try to help orphans as best they can. Please use the DONATE button on the side columns to help or the tab on our Love For His People website above.

Some of the contents sent to Nigeria in October 2017

Pastor Abel wearing the t-shirt and hat from Israel below.

Bibles provided with funds sent from Love For His People

Below: Ahava Love Letter books sent 
from Love For His People

T-shirt from Israel included in the Pastor's Package from Love For His People

Help Love For His People keep sending teaching materials free of charge to international pastors, by supporting this ministry. We also send financial support for families in Jerusalem, Belfast, UK and Lahore, Pakistan monthly. Even a gift of $10 helps. Thank you.

Please donate online safely here, through our website. Click on the DONATE button found in the side columns of Love For His People blog, or the DONATE tab at the top of the blog page.

A USA tax-receipt will be provided for each online gift and check.

Checks can be sent to:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134