Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
The late prophet Kim Clement prophesies the fall of the Jezebel spirit and more. Listen closely to this entire prophetic word and weigh in. Check out Jennifer's resources on Jezebel at
I was praying and asking the Lord what word He wanted to give to encourage you. So many discouraging things come at us, we need some encouragement. And this is what I hear: You are a winner. You're not a loser.
And the Lord would say, "So many things have beat against you that it's hurt your emotions. For many people, it has made you down. On the outside, you may look really good. You're going around saying, 'Praise the Lord' and all these phrases, but inside, you're hurting."
The Lord says, "I know you're hurting, but I am working on your situations. I am a behind-the-scenes God. Many times, you think I'm not doing anything; you think I don't care about you, but the truth is, I really, really love you."
And the Lord says, "The truth is these mountains that are before you are going to move. It is My desire to make you a success. Even as a good, good earthly father would always be looking to bless his family, so I'm always looking for ways to bless you. I'm always looking for ways to give to you. It is my nature to give. The first thing I did was give My Son for you. I'm working on all of your challenges. I'm working to help you financially. I'm working to help you emotionally.
The Lord would say, "When you cry out to Me, I hear you. When you ask, I listen. I listen to every one of your prayers. I listen to the prayers you pray for your family, your children. I listen to the prayers you pray for the lost. I listen to the prayers you pray for your health."
God bless you! This is the word: You're a winner, not a loser, and don't be discouraged.
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband—co-founded Generals International in 1985.
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"Some of you have gotten in the river and become waterlogged, but now there is energy for you to rise up and get to the other side. Get up out of the water and walk across it." (Photo by Mishal Ibrahim on Unsplash)
The Lord brought forth this word on Sunday (July 1, 2018). Keith Pierce quoted Psalm 5:12, "For You, Lord, will bless the righteous; You will surround him with favor like a shield." If there is one part of the armor that is the most important to understand, it is the shield of faith. The shield of faith quenches all the fiery darts of the enemy (Eph. 6:16).
His Shield of Favor Surrounds Us!
Keith actually saw shields hanging over the top of God's people. He began to shout: "Pull those shields down and let them surround you. May the shield of faith come into place so you press through into a new favor!"
One of the most important things a Christian can learn is the reality of spiritual warfare. When you were born again, you were born onto a battlefield. Your choice is not whether you want to go to war, for war has been declared against you! Your only choice is whether you want to get trampled by the enemy, or learn to fight and win! At issue in this battle are the promises of God. Peter says that God has given us His "precious and magnificent promises" that through them we can become partakers of the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4).
God has given us promises that relate to every area of life. He has promised us abundant provision. He's promised us healing. He has promised great blessings in every area. But when you open your Bible and begin to claim these promises, you discover you are in a battle! When you say, "I want to come into a new place in the Lord! I want to move forward to obtain the promise!" Satan will try to stop you. That's what the battle is all about. Satan's goal is to frighten and discourage you, to make you to turn back and not press on in the Lord.
As the apostle Paul thought about our struggle against Satan, he realized that God has given us a shield like that. It is a shield of faith. When Paul talks about our shield in Ephesians 6:16, he uses the word for the Roman battle shield. The word is thureos,and it means a "door-shaped shield." (The Greek word for door is thurs) The thureos was a large, rectangular shield about five feet high and three feet wide. It was also called a castle shield. If you were a warrior holding this shield in front of you, you carried your own portable fortress. You had a castle you could take with you wherever you went and be protected against the enemy.
It is interesting to study how this shield is made. The thureos was so large that, if made of solid wood or metal, it would have been difficult to carry. To construct a thureos, the Romans began with a wooden framework. Over that framework, they fastened seven layers of tough leather from the skin of a bull or a calf. They built up these layers until the shield was four or five inches thick and nailed the layers securely in place. As the soldiers got ready to go into battle, they could dip the shield in a nearby river to saturate it with water so it would not only stop an arrow, it would quench the fire.
Many Christians think they are battling for their needs. They say, "I'm in a spiritual warfare to break through for financial provision! I'm warring in prayer for a new job ... for salvation of a loved one ... for physical healing ... and so on." That is not what we are battling for. If you think you are in warfare for healing, finances or any other need, you do not understand the battle. Our battle is not for any of those needs. Our battle is only for one thing, and that is faith. The Word of God tells us that faith is the one essential. If you have faith, nothing is impossible, nothing is withheld. If you can get in faith and stay in faith, all the rest will come. All things are possible if you believe. So when you have a need for finances, health or anything else, your battle is to find a way to stand in faith. Let me say that again: no matter what we need, if we can get in faith and stay in faith, every need will be met. Our battle is to stay in faith.
Key Prophecy
"I have not provided you a shield for peacetime. Rather, the shield coming down over you will enable you to forge ahead. No arrow or weapon forged against you will prosper or penetrate through this shield of favor. When you reach up to grab this shield, you come into agreement and alignment with the portion of favor for this season that you didn't need in the last one. Over nations, there are now shields of favor in alignment for God's kingdom people to battle in a way they have not previously battled. You war from the place of knowing that you have overcome, so put your shield of favor on with purpose and intent. Know that as the King of kings, I have established you as a weapon of favor in the midst of your enemies. Now clear the land with that favor.
"You've grown tired in your journey, but I have energy you know not of. I am ready to energize you while it's still day, and you will rise up and see through the night ahead. There is supernatural energy for you to go up and go through the river. Some of you have gotten in the river and become waterlogged, but now there is energy for you to rise up and get to the other side. Get up out of the water and walk across it. I am loosing buoyant faith in My people! Get ready, for you're about to move in ways you've never moved before. I am about to do something that unites My people in a supernatural way and that causes great shifts throughout the earth.
"You've been working covertly. In the covert working you've been doing, I have been training you in ways you've never been trained before. What was in the dark I am now bringing into the light. What you were gaining in the dark will now form keys as you move forward. No more will you be held back from entering in and bringing change into this land. This is a time that nations are realigning, and I am calling you up and calling you out. You will walk in change in days ahead and produce change where you walk.
"You have stayed in the lowlands until familiarity occurred. However, you looked again and saw the mountaintop one more time. You decided to leave the low place you were in and climb and climb and climb again. I have called you to the mountain top, created a new cloud and am addressing you by name. Determine to come up and exchange the lowlands for the high place. What was once a pit is becoming a palace. You will see clearly that it's not how long it takes to journey up to the mountain, but your willingness to set your feet in motion and come up."
By Melinda Richardson, Chuck D. Pierce, Keith Pierce
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierceserves as president of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as president of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time andTime to Defeat the Devil.
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For a second day, believers from all over Asia gathered at the Sentul International Convention Center in Jakarta for the Empowered21 Asia Regional Congress. Themed Fire and Glory, the four-day event is designedto strengthen and encourage believers as they seek a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
"Brokenness brings the presence of God, brings the power of God, and is the key to seeing the Holy Spirit work through your life," said Lawrence Khong, senior pastor of the Spirit-empowered Faith Community Baptist Church in Singapore and co-chair of the Asia Cabinet.
After the morning worship session, delegates had options between several training sessions for Spirit-empowered ministry focused on the family, worship, the next generation, prophetic prayer, transformational ministry (including benevolence care and vocational training), discipleship, leadership and apostolic ministry.
Cindy Jacobs, co-founder of Generals International, spoke to delegates about intercession and encouraged them to fervently seek the Holy Spirit.
"This is a historic gathering of the body here in Jakarta that will bring about the greatest outpouring of the Spirit the world has ever seen," said Jacobs. "Greater authority is coming to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Great faith, great authority and greater outpouring."
In the evening session, Night of His Glory, worship was led by Mark Harris and the Gateway Worship Team along with special music by the Lee University Campus Choir.
As Russell Evans, senior pastor of Planetshakers Church in Melbourne, Australia, shared about next generation ministry, he reminded delegates why God wants to pour out His Holy Spirit on all people, including teens and young adults.
"God is releasing the fire throughout the earth to bring people closer to Himself and to release His power," said Evans.
Daniel Kolenda, president of Christ for All Nations and co-chair of the E21 Global Evangelist Alliance, reminded those in attendance that "to be great and have significant impact, we must have an authentic experience with the Holy Spirit."
At one point in an afternoon session, Empowered21 leaders, including Asia host Pastor Niko Njotorahardjo, global co-chair Dr. Billy Wilson and global council member Tim Hill, prayed for each and every attendee, totaling about 4,000.
"This generation is the generation that can finish the Great Commission," said Hill.
The Congress continues tomorrow with a full lineup of speakers including Dr. Wilson, as well as several more sessions on helping build the body of Christ in areas such as leadership, children's ministry, youth ministry, family life, preaching the Word and miracles.
As I was praying about what to share with you, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about one word, and that word is "convergence".
The Lord would say, "There's going to be a convergence of dreams, a convergence of promises, a convergence of prophetic words."
I see the Holy Spirit bringing together many threads, as the master weaver. The prayers you prayed when you were a young person, the things you dreamed of when you first held your baby in your arms, things you dreamed of are coming together.
This is really amazing, if you think about it, because there are all these prayers we pray and pray and pray, and some of them we think, "Well, I prayed it, but I guess it's not going to happen." But, God never forgets. His mighty hand can reach back and pull that promise forward.
Maybe you're contending for your healing, and you're praying and praying. God says there's going to be a convergence of healing power, and the Lord even showed me there's going to be a convergence of new medical breakthroughs.
It's going to come together. Like Oral Roberts said many years ago, "Medicine and healing, healing and medicine." So, the Lord says, "Don't give up on your dream convergence. Don't give up. Those things are going to come to pass for you." Because the Lord would say, "Remember, it's a suddenly time, and there will be a moment when everything's going to come together and dreams do come true."
God bless you.
Cindy Jacobsis an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband of 43 years—co-founded Generals International in 1985.
Many of you feel like you have so many dreams, but they're stuck. But the Lord would say, "I am in a season where I'm bringing suddenlies to pass. I'm in a season of acceleration."
And you would say, "But, Lord, I don't feel the acceleration."
The Lord would say to you, "Trust Me in that, for if you will begin to dream again, and if you would begin one by one by one, to decree: 'My provision is coming, my dream is coming, and the money I need for my capital for my business is coming.'"
The Lord says, "You must understand that there are powers of darkness in the heavens that do not want your blessings to come. So, begin to decree. Get up in the throne room, and speak the decrees, and you will begin to see things shaken loose. You will begin to see the change has come, and you will begin to see the blessings flow," says the Lord.
So don't be discouraged, but understand, as you begin to decree from the heavens down, so it shall be.
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband of 43 years—co-founded Generals International in 1985.
The Lord says, "I'm coming with a wave of my glory." What does that mean? That many people that feel dry—you feel like you're almost going through the motions, with your life, with the Lord; it doesn't feel fresh and new to you. This is what is happening: There is a move of the Holy Spirit that is here and coming. I was just ministering at Christ For The Nations this week, and the glory of God fell.
And the Lord says, "You're going to move from the mundane to the glorious. I want you to walk in a triumphant life ... where you don't go on just with business as usual." The Lord says, "There will not be business as usual. I am coming to visit. I'm coming to visit your home. I'm coming to visit your emotions. I'm coming to visit your success and enter into it. And people will say to you, 'What is it that's different?' And you might just have to smile, and say, 'Well, God is doing great things.' But you know that you have entered into a new place in me, a new place where it doesn't seem old, and it doesn't seem like you're just going through a routine, and a life of Christianity, but that you have an intimate relationship with me. I want you to go from the 'Where is God?' to 'Wow, God is here.'" And the Lord says, "I'm going to do it. Get ready for it. Say, 'I want it,' press in, and surely you will see that glory explosion happen in your life."
Cindy Jacobsis an author, speaker and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband of 43 years—co-founded Generals International in 1985.
And it shall come to pass in that day that I will make Yerushalayim a stone of burden for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded; and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it.
Zechariah prophesies about a future attack against Judah by the nations of the world. In that attack, the nations will besiege Jerusalem only to be miraculously defeated by Judah. God states that Jerusalem will become “a stone of burden,” and “all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded.” In ancient times, the stone of burden was a heavy rock that lay in a field. Farmers who wished to plough the field had to remove the rock with great effort, often cutting themselves futilely. On one level, this means that the nations of the world that try to remove Judah and Jerusalem will fail. Spiritually, Jerusalem and Israel symbolize God and His word. Taking on Jerusalem forces the nations to contend with goodness and prevents them from succeeding. Today, God empowers the Israeli Defense Forces to the protector and defender of the Land of Israel and her inhabitants. While the Israeli army is constantly training and learning new techniques, there is no question that its miraculous victories are the result of the Hand of God.
In their intense training to ensure they can handle any situation that may arise during their service, the IDF Navy carried out a hostage rescue drill at sea this week.
For the first time in Israel’s history, top surgeons throughout Israel and the Israel Defense Force (IDF) gathered to learn a new medical technique which stops bleeding in cases of trauma without an incision.
Roman glass jewelry is a type of jewelry that incorporates both beauty and history. Unlike pottery and stone, glass is not a material commonly associated with ancient societies, but in fact it was highly popular and widely produced in the Roman Empire. These stunning pieces of Roman glass were excavated during archaeological digs across Israel. By wearing these beautiful earrings, you are reviving 2,000 years of Jewish History!
“And he shall be like a tree planted by streams of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, and whose leaf doth not wither; and in whatsoever he doeth he shall prosper.” Psalms 1:3
Israel Air Force fighter jets flying in formation over Tel Aviv. God protects Israel in our generation through the incomparable Israel Air Force ensuring that the Jewish people live in freedom in the land of Zion.
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I'm so honored to be a part of Israel 365. I pray everyday for protection of her and her people. She will triumph! I'm from Conway, Pennsylvania. My name is Nancy . My mom is with the Lord now, she loved him so much and Thanks to her brought me up to love him too . My son was friends with a elderly couple that he helped out , the Josephson's, and when they went back to Israel they planted a date tree in her memory . My son John Michael was taught so much by them when he moved to Kansas and took him under their wing which helped him become a witness to everyone he comes in contact with. I'm so honored to say I'm his mom. She never had children so I shared him and said he could be her spiritual mother and I his earthly mom. She was so happy. They have went home with the Lord now but will always be in our hearts . God Bless you and keep you. Yours Truly --Nancy Knox