May 22, 2017
"When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream..." Ps 126:1
This Wednesday on Jerusalem Day, we will be celebrating 50 years of the reunification of Jerusalem. For so many years, Jewish people could only pray and long for Jerusalem, but through the remarkable and miraculous events of 1967, God restored the city of Zion to the people of Israel.
"Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them."
Israeli soldiers in wonder and awe, Jerusalem 1967 |
Yet still, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for the salvation and well-being of all her inhabitants. 1967 was a significant year in many respects, but true shalom will only come when Yeshua returns.
In the meantime, we are constantly working to make sure that the gospel reaches everyone in Israel! Just as we have produced many videos tackling common questions that Jewish people ask, we are now also working on a parallel series in Arabic, which we will be filmed later this year.
For now, here's the latest one from Moti and Eitan, showing how the Bible is full of very specific prophecies about the Messiah:
For thousands of years, believers would have heard the biblical stories about Israel, and yet would've seen the Jewish people scattered about the earth with but a small remnant living in the Land. As empire after empire overran her borders, it would have been easy to think God would not be faithful to His promise to Israel to regather her a second time (see Isaiah 11:11-12). But here we are today, just one year out from celebrating modern Israel's 70th birthday, and we can say with full confidence God has indeed been faithful! The descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are back in the land God promised to them, and not only that, but a spiritual restoration has begun as well.
Why not come and see for yourself the amazing rebirth of Israel on one of our unique ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry Trips? We'll not only take you to the biblical sites, but we'll also introduce you to local Jewish and Arab believers and provide hands-on opportunities to serve Israelis, demonstrating to them in word and deed the love of Yeshua (Jesus). With space still available on our upcoming June and November trips, it's not too late to join us! Simply go to, select a trip, and follow the instructions to sign-up! We'd love to have you!
 As marvelous as this victory is in our eyes, we are mindful that the events of the Six Day War has led to some very hard repurcussions. Was this victory really from God? Here are some of the ways we can see God's handiwork in the events of 1967. Continue reading...
Psalm 122 urges us to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem", or more literally, to ask about shalom for Jerusalem. What does it mean? Is it talking here about the need to pray for the city itself - for the dirt and stones, or for spiritual salvation, as true peace starts within? Or a bit of both? Let's look at what the Bible has to say about the significant city, and some suggestions about how we can pray today. Continue reading...
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