Showing posts with label Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2015

“No Nukes for the Mullahs”: American Christians Uniting with Israel against Iran

“No Nukes for the Mullahs”: American Christians Uniting with Israel against Iran

“Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” (Psalms 133:1)
A massive lobbying campaign is building a groundswell of support across the United States to urge Congress to kill the nuclear deal recently signed with Iran. The campaign warns that the Islamic Republic, which is the largest funder of global terrorism, cannot be trusted, and that it will attempt to make good on its promise to bring death and destruction to both Israel and the United States.
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), the world’s largest organization of Christians who support Israel and the Jewish people, is behind a campaign called “No Nukes for the Mullahs.”
The campaign encourages members of the organization to contact their senators and representatives in Congress and indicate their disapproval for the Iran deal. “No Nukes for the Mullahs” outlines six main reasons as to why the deal is bad and dangerous to both Israel and the US.
The campaign is being promoted across various forms of social media, television, and radio, and aims to reach tens of millions of people across the country. “If the agreement is ratified, Americans will – for the first time in a generation – understand what it means to have a credible threat of annihilation looming over the heads of our children and grandchildren, and in that way will understand better than ever the threat that hangs over Israelis everyday,” said IFCJ founder and president Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.
\Stand with Israel. Stand against Iran. Sign the petition today.
“Both Christians and Jews must unite in order to counter the threat of radical Islam. We need that unity now more than ever to fight off the virulent hatred and violence threatening both our faith communities. A nuclear Iran would be a disaster of catastrophic proportion for the entire free world,” he said.
The effort by the IFCJ is joined by the efforts of other large influential Christian lobbyist groups already present in Washington. Christians United for Israel (CUFI) launched its own campaign in an attempt to get Congress to block the deal. The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) has organized an international campaign urging that a firmer stand be taken with Iran.
Gary Bauer, the US Undersecretary of Education in the administration of former president Ronald Reagan, spoke to a small group of reporters at CUFI’s annual Washington Summit last month. Bauer said that because the Iran nuclear deal has failed to meet the Obama administration’s own stated standards, CUFI would take strong action to prevent the deal.
“We’re going to go all out, as challenging as it will be, to get the 67 votes that we will need in the United States Senate to nix the deal,” he said. 67 senatorial votes against the agreement will enable Congressional rejection of the deal to override a presidential veto.
“Even though it’s Christians United for Israel, really at the end of the day it is about the United States, too… Israel and the United States are the two pillars of Western civilization, and that civilization is under attack,” said Bauer.