Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Crossing Over the Threshold of Open Doors by Sandie Freed

Sandie Freed:

Dr. Sandie FreedDear Believer,

Are you having to go through what you might refer to as a difficult time right now? And, even though it has been prophesied that this is a year of open doors and experiencing double blessings and breakthrough, do you feel as if your faith is weakened and that it is difficult for you to hold on to finish the race?

If you are contending for your new levels of increase and breakthrough, please allow me to give some insight as to how to properly respond to the new level of spiritual warfare needed for this season. And, let me assure you that you are not alone in this. Many Believers are experiencing difficulty crossing over into their promises in this season.

Opposition At The Threshold Of Open Doors

Recently I was in Katy, Texas, to minister at Wanda Roberson Ministries' conference entitled "Stepping Through Open Doors." When I travel, it is not unusual for me to have a dream from the Lord which exposes territorial strongholds and plans of the enemy. I love the faithfulness of God to expose any area of opposition that attempts to enslave His children! Precious one, keep reading – this article will empower you to cross over into your increase!

Python spiritThe night before I spoke at the conference, I had a dream of a threshold with an open door. At the threshold, there was a python snake that attempted to wrap itself around God's children as they were going through the door. (More on the python spirit in a bit.) This evil spirit would attempt to weaken its victim by squeezing the life and breath out of its body.

Also, there was a strong spirit of fear attached to this python spirit, and just the fear alone kept people from being empowered to cross over into enlargement and increase.

(Photo via Stock.xchange by krayker)

There was much contending at this threshold as the enemy would lash out with false accusations, fear, anxiety, and cause weakness (both physically and spiritually) in its attempts to hold on to each of us. Satan's desire is to keep us from getting past our past. Saints of God, listen up – the enemy does not want you to believe God for your breakthrough. He desires to weaken your faith by creating circumstances in your life that are completely opposite of what God has promised you.

Bottom line – your land of promise, your open door, awaits your arrival and crossing over, but the enemy does not like the fact that you are at a threshold of great, great breakthrough.

Perilous Times

So, why are we being promised open doors, double blessings, and many of God's "suddenlies" if we are also experiencing such difficulties? Well, I believe that we are living in what 2 Timothy 3:1 refers to as perilous times. The word "perilous" is a Greek word chalepos (pronounced kahl-ep-os') and it is translated as meaning "difficult, i.e. dangerous or (by implication) furious." I can relate to this translation as I have also been experiencing some difficult times.

And, I certainly believe that satan is furious that each of us is determined to cross over into increase!
Interestingly, another interpretation of perilous is "reduction in strength." Okay. Again, I can relate to feeling weak – both physically and spiritually. How so? Well, the enemy would like to squeeze the life out of me and weaken my faith; plus, I am struggling with physical strength at the same time.

And, a further study concerning perilous times reveal that it is linked to another Greek word which means "to let down, strike, and to lower (as into a void.)" Translations take this even one step further by explaining that during perilous times we even experience "chasms."

(SeeStrong's Concordance #5467, #5465, and #5490.)

The King and the Bride 2 - Positioning the Bride by Robert BartowReader, did you get that? Let me make it clear. Satan desires to cause us to believe that we are not seated in heavenly places in authority over him! He desires to deceive us into believing we have a lower position! He is attacking our belief systems at the threshold of open doors.

And now, get this: He wants to "void" our promises by deception.

He desires to create a chasm between us and our promises. How can he deceive us? Again, by creating situations in our life that seem to oppose our promises. Satan desires to weaken our strength, weaken our faith, and strike out with opposition at the threshold. However, we need to remember this important fact as we contend against satan and the python spirit –

Jesus Christ has already won the victory. His Blood was shed so that you are empowered with grace to cross over into your Promised Land! 

Our minds must be renewed to that truth as we defeat every enemy that attempts to oppose us.
Let me encourage you with this thought – 

IT IS NOT AS IT APPEARS! This truly IS your season to access the unseen!

The Python Spirit

In Greek, the term used for divination and witchcraft is "python." It is connected to a word meaning "to twist." A python is a large and muscular snake that will "twist" itself around its prey and kill it by squeezing or constricting until it suffocates.

"The python spirit is loosed whenever Jezebel is in the midst. It squeezes life out of hope, breakthroughs, finances, and lives.

It 'constricts' us to the point that we are unable to move forward into our future. As the python constricts with every squeeze, we feel the restraints and therefore are contained in old patterns of behavior and hopelessness."
It is very clear that a Jezebel spirit and python work together to weaken the hands of God's children as we build His Kingdom.

I have written extensively about a Jezebel spirit and her witchcrafts. For more information on this stronghold you may also desire to read The Jezebel Yoke: Breaking Free from Bondage and Deception or Crushing the Spirits of Greed and Poverty: Discerning and Defeating the Ancient Powers of Mammon and Babylon as Jezebel and Mammon work together to steal finances and breakthroughs from God's people.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Back To Perilous Times

Let's get back to more on "perilous times." A careful study on 2 Timothy 3:1-9 describes what is experienced during this season. Mankind will witness a season where they "love themselves," boast in themselves, are "disobedient to parents," ungrateful," "loving money," and "unholy." It goes on to describe mankind as "unforgiving," "without love," "loving pleasure more than God," and "having a form of godliness but denying its power."

I have written often of how the traditions of man have robbed us of demonstrating God's power, being unthankful and ungrateful – and how these areas rob us from experiencing freedom in Christ. For the sake of this article, I will only discuss just one of these manifestations that we might be experiencing during such troubled times, because I believe it is very significant. I italicized "without love" for this reason – that we simply must return to our first love. Precious Believers, love is a powerful weapon against our enemy.

Love Is a Weapon

Heart of Fire and Passion by Lillis BoyerThere is no doubt that we are in a new season of contention. We are instructed in 2 Corinthians 10:4 that our weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. However, did we really ever consider the fact that love is a weapon?

Think about this: God is love, right? And because He loved the world, He sent His Son. Yes – because Heloved – the Father sent Jesus. Jesus came to earth with a purpose. 1 John 3:8 tells us that Jesus came with the purpose of destroying the works of the devil! And because Jesus also loved, He laid down His life as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Because of love – satan was defeated.

As New Covenant Believers, we are no longer under the Law. In fact, Jesus said that the greatest commandments were to " the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:30-31, paraphrased). Those two commandments are centered on love.

Love is the greatest gift, and also the greatest tool in warfare.

Restore Your Love and Passion

It's possible to lose our passion when we experience hard times. Yet, there is another reason we lose passion – I call it spiritual burn out. How does this occur? Well, when we are believing that what we "do" for God is more important to us than who we already "are" in God, we get completely caught up in "works." Dear one, "works" will weaken us, wear us out, and cause us to lose passion for God. I know this from first-hand experience.
When we are burned out, our fiery passion leaves. What we need are two things in order for us to experience restored love and passion for God: The fire of God to touch us and, secondly, repentance.

Forgiven by Jennifer PageTo experience His fire, we simply need to lay our lives on the altar. It's not a difficult thing, really.

We have a tendency to make this action difficult. Think about this: In the Old Testament, when a sacrifice was laid upon the altar, the fire of God came to consume it! If you want God to consume you, and I believe you do – simply lay down your will and surrender to His perfect will for your life.

Think about it as "total abandonment" in Him. Remember, one of the manifestations during perilous times is being "lovers of ourselves," and the lack of love for God.

Now, let's talk about repentance. Many believe that God is just waiting for us to mess up so that He can smack us with a big stick! I believed that for years; and a belief system like that sends us running away from God rather than to Him. Repentance is all about changing the way you think. In other words, we need to change the way we think about God and also about ourselves.

If we press into the love of God, running to Him in times of trouble and difficulty, we will be empowered with grace to cross over our thresholds!

His love for us will become our weapon against any python, Jezebel, or witchcraft stronghold! And, when we are empowered with the love of God, we are also empowered to love our neighbor and ourselves! This is important because we need each other. Unity releases life (see Psalm 133)! Unity will destroy the destructive power of python that attempts to steal life from us!

Christ died to give us salvation. The Greek word for salvation is the word sozo, which basically means that His love and sacrifice provided salvation, healing, deliverance, protection, and all that Heaven has to give us! Aren't you thankful for the love of God today? I know you are.

Dear one, your threshold awaits your crossing over – today!

Allow me to pray for you:

Father God, today we are believing for Your empowerment of grace as we come to Your throne. We repent for settling for religious works rather than pressing into Your desire for relationship. Forgive us for losing our passion for You. We turn from dead works today. We surrender our will to Your perfect will today. Consume us with Your holy fire and restore passion. Thank You that Your love is a weapon against our enemy during these troubled times. Thank You that love has already defeated satan's plans and that I am now empowered to enter into my future. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Dr. Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries

Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas 


Dr. Sandie Freed co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, they are the founders of Zion Ministries Training Center in Bedford, Texas, and Lifegate Church International.

Sandie has traveled nationally and internationally teaching dreams and visions seminars and spiritual discernment. Her ability to adequately prophesy and discern spiritual strongholds over regions has released numerous breakthroughs for individuals and ministries. Sandie authored the book entitled, Dream On, and eleven other books, most of which are in several different languages.

Sandie has been featured numerous times on various radio broadcasts as well as Daystar's "Celebration" program and "Life Today" with James Robinson. Coupled with her interviews concerning dreams and visions are the many other featured programs concerning overcoming eating disorders and generational strongholds. Her powerful testimony has ministered to thousands world-wide.

Dr. Sandie and Apostle/Pastor Mickey are ordained with Christian International Ministries, serving on their Board of Governors. They have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kimberly.

Source: The Elijah List 

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Who You Become Depends on what You Receive Part 1 by Bill Click

Who You Become 

Depends on 

what You Receive 

Part 1 

by Bill Click

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John.10:10).
Let’s look at this Scripture as though we have never heard or read it before. For now, let’s forget all the teaching we’ve had on it and all the ways we’ve looked at it. I’m not saying that what we’ve heard, thought, or been taught has been wrong. What I am saying is that we need to receive a “now” from the Lord as to how this revelation of Christ applies to our lives today (Hebrews 3:7,13,15; 4:7; 11:1).
When Jesus made this saying He first listed the objectives of the Enemy, so we should do that also. That will help us to better perceive what Jesus says afterward that He came to do. By teaching in terms of comparison, the Lord not only revealed Himself to be the two edged sword and Divider of soul and spirit, but also so vastly different from the Devil that it becomes obvious for us to see the difference between them (Jn.1:1; Heb.4:12-13).
The Enemy Comes to Steal, Kill & Destroy
Yes, the Devil is a liar, a thief, a killer and destroyer, but what is Satan’s focus and how does the Enemy work to accomplish these goals? Some maintain that it is first and foremost a matter of stealing your possessions, then killing your body, and then seeing you destroyed in Hell with an eternal punishment that really belongs to the Devil. In other words: first and foremost getting to your spirit through your natural life. I believe that it can definitely include that dimension. But it seems clear from the balance of Scripture that the Enemy doesn’t seem as focused on your natural man as your spirit man. Satan wants to corrupt who God has now made you to defeat Hell by being a true witness of Jesus in the Spirit. 
With that in mind I want to offer the following based on what I believe the Spirit is saying about Satan’s plan. It also matches up with what I have seen take place with believers since beginning to walk with the Lord.
The Devil Comes to Criticize You
A critical spirit is not just a function of the Enemy. It is a definition of the Devil’s personality. Everything the Enemy does is to make you see what is wrong. This is part of what it means that the Devil is the accuser of the Brethren (Rev.12:10). All that the Enemy does is to get you to look at everything and everyone in ways which God does not see them.
When the Lord does come to us to point out sin, it is with the Holy Spirit. His intention is to bring restoration of heart and correction of course resulting in our being comforted as we repent (Jn.16:9-15). You’ve probably heard it more than once: correction is not rejection.  True! But let’s also hear this: criticism doesn’t result in conviction.  So if there is no Holy Spirit conviction, there can be no repentance. And without repentance there will be no change (Heb.12:17). If you are under criticism- regardless of its source - you can’t be changed. Therefore, if you are trying to change because of criticism, you will fail because of the lack of the grace of God. This is because the Holy Spirit never accompanies and reinforces criticism or condemnation (1Jn.3:18-24).
The end result of living under criticism is that you become not only fault-bound by Hell, but that you become an accusing, condemning person. It is the Enemy’s goal for you to become chained to what is wrong and spread the Devil’s condemnation through the very same bondage and judgment due Satan.
The Devil Comes to Minimize You
When the Lord comes to show us that we are not as important as our flesh and the Deceiver says, it is not to minimize us. Instead, it is to free us from the pride that would make us delusional, into true spiritual sociopaths. It is to give us the grace of living in humility and gratefulness. Such true thankfulness prevents us from entering into the very same sin that expelled Lucifer from Heaven. The pride (which truly does minimize us) can be seen whenever everything and everyone exists for our own personal betterment and even convenience (including God).
You are so important to God that He sent Jesus Christ to redeem you, and not just in the general sense that applies to all humanity. He bore YOUR personal sin- both private and public- on the Cross. This was to personally redeem you from being separated from God in the Earth and then eternally tormented in Hell.
A primary goal of the Enemy, however, is to strip you of any sense of importance, significance, value, or preciousness. The Devil wants you to carry the continual thought and feeling that you do not make any difference whatsoever. If Satan can get you into agreement with being “less than” others or not as important as circumstances in every situation, then you will make choices that reflect the lie that says I do not matter, that my life is worthless.  If you carry the sense that everyone is always more important than you are, or find yourself repeatedly feeling that way in various situations, then you have been minimized.
The end result of being minimized into worthlessness is that you become not only devalued demonically but that you become one who spreads that futility to others. In doing so, you will also encourage others to take paths that lead to their destruction, even if both you and they are saved. In other words, you being minimized results in becoming one who then minimizes others.
The Devil Comes to Illegitimize You
If the Enemy cannot get you into the delusional pride of sociopathic religiosity, then accusing you of falseness or apostasy becomes the tactic of Hell (& sometimes these attacks can swing back & forth between the two). The Devil’s goal is to get you to receiving and believing you are not saved, or that you are not genuine, valid, and acceptable- neither justified nor justifiable by the Lord.
The end result of this is not only you becoming stripped of your God-given sense of being truly Christ’s. To compensate you may very well become a heresy hunting, doctrine watching, spiritual know-it-all. That results from a knowledge-oriented works which give you the false impression that your righteousness has been earned. In other words, your faith has come to rest on man’s wisdom about God, rather than His power (1Cor.2:1-5).
After the Lord Jesus Christ comes into our lives, we no longer have any right or even opportunity to look at ourselves as proof of who we are. The opinions of others, our performance, success, failure, and especially our emotions and thoughts apart from the mind of Christ do not make the difference (Ro.8:9-16). We have been made into a new creature and self, neither verifies nor vilifies us in God’s eyes.  Behold, all things are become new (2Cor.5:17).
The Devil Comes to Ostracize You
I realize the word “ostracize” is not one we use every day. Basically it means to exclude, banish, shun, ignore, or snub. The Enemy’s ultimate goal in destroying your Spiritual life is to so alienate and isolate you through criticism, minimization and illegitimacy that you become totally disconnected from God as well as the Church Jesus came to build. That is the “how” of one becoming ostracized.
Many times those who end up this way ask themselves, “why did this happen to me?”  Simply put, it is because you have something the Body of Christ needs (which we all do). And the Devil hates you because of what Jesus gave you to be and do. Just as much, however, it is also because you need the Body desperately to become who God wants and to have the fellowship of His Company, the Church. But because you have come into agreement with lies of Satan that have come personally and through others, you’ve become ostracized.
The Enemy comes ?to steal, and to kill, and to destroy? all potential for fulfilling God’s destiny. This traps people into the “many are called, but few are chosen” dilemma I have seen in every setting God has called me either to serve or seed into (Mt.22:14). But the devil preys upon those whom are easily suggested to.
The goal of the Enemy is to alienate, isolate and completely separate you from the Spirit through bondages that originated inside Satan’s being. By doing so, the Devil ultimately separates you from the Body of Christ. That way, there can be no possibility of being restored in fellowship that allows you to become a fighting, following, serving and even leading member of the Church Jesus came to build.
The end result of being ostracized is not only that you become a completely rejected person, but that you refuse to accept others from the Lord. Instead, you spread the rejection of the Enemy that was activated by Lucifer’s sin when expelled from Heaven for honoring self above God.
Don’t throw yourself away by believing lies. Take the steps you need to take right now. Who you become depends of what you receive. God is offering His love through Christ, and He will never criticize, minimize, illegitimize or ostracize you. Receive forgiveness right now and you will also be able to forgive those who’ve had a role in all this. You can then forgive yourself for being deceived.
As you receive release, begin to renew your mind in the truth of God which says you are His in Christ, that He will never separate His love from you (Ro.8:31-39).
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches (Rev.2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22).
Bill Click
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bill Yount - "How To Become A Water Walker"

Bill Yount
Posted: 22 Jan 2014 

The enemy is always competing for our attention. In the Spirit I heard him accuse us to the Father. “I bet when the storm gets overwhelming, they will stop worshiping you.” 

The Father answered, “No way! I know them. They will worship Me anyhow. If their ship goes under, they will walk on water. 

They are water walkers! They are storm chasers! They chase storms! 

The raging sea becomes their sidewalk to get to where I am. They are full-time worshipers, part time anything else! Their worship brings Me to them.”


What if the storm that threatens your life today has come to promote you? Have you considered walking on water? Jesus used a storm at sea to illustrate to His disciples a life lesson: ‘How to walk on stormy seas’. 

Only one out of twelve was listening. “The first thing that must take place is a strong enough storm that relentlessly batters your ship. The second event: ‘How to get your feet wet.’ And the grand finale: ‘Just do it!’ I will take over from there.” ( My paraphrase ) Matthew 22-33.


Once your toes touch the water, whatever was over your head is now under your feet. The storm has weakened. You have worn it out. You have outlasted it and are now up for promotion. 

The storm that came to destroy you had a spiritual upgrade attached. You now have a testimony with authority to storm the gates of hell. You have become the perfect storm in Satan’s kingdom. And there’s no water in hell for him to walk on!


A tourist guide accompanied tourists down a river in a canoe. They were enjoying the peaceful river when suddenly they hit a section of rapids that rocked the canoe severely. Panic struck the tourists. But one person sitting in the back stayed calm in spite of the fear. A frantic tourist asked the person. “Why aren’t you afraid of these rough rapids? 

He responded. “I know the tourist guide. He has been down this river many times before. Enjoy the rapids!”


Bill Yount


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bill Yount - Favored To Live

Favored To Live

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:44 AM PST
Dear friends,

I am honored to be a regular author now on Spirit Fuel. The Spirit Fuel network is a Christian content network with the genre niche of the supernatural. The website address is: 

I faced my terror by night. It was afraid of me. And the arrow that flies by day. It missed me. You may wonder what my terror and arrow was. Just terror and an arrow. That’s all it was. ( Psalm 91:5 )

Jesus’ birth takes place at night. ( Silent Night, Holy Night ) The darkest night in history, filled with terror. It moved satan to kill every two year old boy and younger in Bethlehem. He dreads heaven coming to earth. But the Father whispers, “Can’t touch Him!” As believers satan targets us also. If it’s the darkest time in your life, be encouraged. Jesus is about to show up. I find Him in my darkest moments. That’s when I’ve gotten to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. Fear not, He will come and save you.

In a recent movie the lead actor battled untold suffering and terror. The end was a bloody finish. Her youthful, battered body laid lifeless, turning the theatre into a morgue. After what seemed an eternity, her eyes popped open and she lived. I found out later she was favored to live through her ordeals so she could star in the next movie series. Looking back over my life, I can relate to this. Yes, I have survived everything so far and am an overcomer. God has favored me to live through the hardest times. You too. He has another series of our life to be lived. 

Our times are in His hands. ( Psalm 31:15 )

Walking On Giants

In Charleston, South Carolina, a little boy about four years old walked over, looked up at me and said, “You are little!” I said to the pastor standing beside me, “What did he say?” The pastor said, “It sounds like he said, “You are little!” It made the boy feel good since he was so short. But it humbled me. It made me think. We should look at our biggest giant or mountain and say, “You are little! You are little compared to the God inside of me!” It will humble any mountain or giant to fall. What mountain or giant will the Lord raise you up to stand on top of this coming year? What stormy seas will He cause you to walk on?

On the sea of Galilee, famous for storms, I asked the Lord a question. “Lord, are we near the place where Peter got out of the boat and walked on the raging sea before he fell?” The Lord answered me. “What do you mean Peter fell? This is the sea where Peter walked!” As though He didn’t remember Peter falling. Peter sank but he walked on water.The eleven sat in the boat living in regret.The terror of that storm paralyzed them. They missed that once in a lifetime opportunity. Sinking is better than sitting. When life is over we won’t regret taking a risk for God and sinking. We will regret sitting. And God won’t remember us sinking.

The Stage Is Being Set

When it looks like it’s impossible for me to win, God is setting the stage for something greater. For many the stage is just being set. The curtains have not yet been cracked open. God is still moving behind the scenes to place us front and center. That’s why we haven’t been heard from yet. Isn’t it the stories in the Bible of the people who looked like they would never make it, that builds our faith the most? The Lord writes their heroic exploits beginning with them knowing the agony of defeat. Silent nights of terror with trouble becoming their friend. No hope of ever fulfilling their purpose. Be encouraged. God is not through writing your story.


Bill Yount

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Why Are So Many Pastors Committing Suicide? - Jennifer Leclaire

Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire

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Why Are So Many Pastors Committing Suicide?

suicidal thoughts
More than 2 million adult Americans made a suicide plan in the past year, and about half that many went through with the plan. (Stock.xchng)
In another church tragedy, Pastor Isaac Hunter—the son of the spiritual adviser to President Obama—has reportedly taken his own life. Hunter’s death is making national headlines because of his megachurch father Pastor Joel Hunter’s influence on the White House, his marriage troubles and an undated suicide note found last year, but his death is far from the only pastoral suicide in recent months.
Just days ago, a pastor who was grieving his dead wife reportedly shot himself in front of his mother and son, expressing that he was hearing his dead spouse’s voice and footsteps. Pastor Ed Montgomery and his late wife, prophetess Jackie Montgomery, served at the Full Gospel Assemblies International church in Hazel Crest, Ill.
In November, a Georgia pastor killed himself in between Sunday services. Larrinecia Sims Parker, wife of the Rev. Teddy Parker Jr., found the pastor in the driveway of their home with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Houston County coroner Danny Galpin reports.
Why the sudden rash of pastors committing suicide? Suicide is not a new problem among clergy, but three known suicides in less than two months begs a deeper look at the issue.
There is no lack of statistics about pastors and depression, burnout, health, low pay, spirituality, relationships and longevity—and none of them are good. According to the Schaeffer Institute, 70 percent of pastors constantly fight depression, and 71 percent are burned out. Meanwhile, 72 percent of pastors say they only study the Bible when they are preparing for sermons; 80 percent believe pastoral ministry has negatively affected their families; and 70 percent say they don’t have a close friend.
The Schaeffer Institute also reports that 80 percent of seminary and Bible school graduates will leave the ministry within five years. It’s not clear how many commit suicide, but it is clear that pastors are not immune to it. Psychologists point to several reasons why people commit suicide, from depression to psychosis to stressful life situations. But one thing is certain: Whatever drives someone to take their own life ultimately begins in the mind. Suicidal thoughts precede suicide.
Suicidal thoughts have numerous causes," according to Mayo Clinic. "Most often, suicidal thoughts are the result of feeling like you can’t cope when you’re faced with what seems to be an overwhelming life situation. If you don’t have hope for the future, you may mistakenly think suicide is a solution. You may experience a sort of tunnel vision, where in the middle of a crisis you believe suicide is the only way out.” 
As it turns out, suicidal thoughts are not uncommon. Nearly 8.3 million adults age 18 and older in the United States—that’s 3.7 percent—had serious thoughts of suicide in the past year, according to a study called "Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Adults > 18 Years" released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although some suicides are impulsive, most are planned out. More than 2 million adult Americans made a suicide plan in the past year, and about half that many went through with the plan.
Again, suicide starts with a thought. Indeed, every action we take starts with a thought. As one who struggled with depression for years, I am not trying to oversimplify the solution, but rather merely point out one contributing factor. Many of the harmful actions we take originate from the seed of a thought Satan whispers to our souls. That seed grows as our minds reason out the benefits of acting on the thought. For those contemplating suicide, I believe the seed grows in their minds as they reason themselves out of living because life’s circumstances are too overwhelming.
When the enemy plants a vain imagination in our minds, we have two choices: cast it down or meditate on it. When we meditate on vain imaginations, we tend to connect demonic dots that create skewed pictures of reality. Believing what we see in our thought life is real, we talk ourselves into taking action based on a wrong perception. Although there are issues of chemical imbalances, I believe this is what happens with many suicides. The enemy plants a seed in the form of a thought that an already distraught soul doesn’t discern as a demonic attack on their life.
If we want to win the battle against suicide in the pulpit and the pew, we need to, among many other things, take ahold of Scriptures that instruct us about the battle in our mind. Paul told us, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled” (2 Cor. 10:4-6). No one can take your thoughts captive for you, but you can take your own thoughts captive, and it starts with girding up the loins of your mind (1 Pet. 1:13).
Paul also offered this advice: “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you” (Phil. 4:8-9). If we do what the Word says—if we meditate on what the Word tells us to meditate on—the enemy’s seeds won’t take root in our souls.
If you see your pastor or anyone else struggling with depression or hear them speak disturbing thoughts that aren’t in line with the Word of God, pray and ask God what He would have you do. Then do it. Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States, and the enemy is targeting our spiritual leaders in this hour. Let’s rise up and battle against this disturbing trend in the name of Jesus.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel. You can email Jennifer at or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Monday, November 18, 2013

How to Keep Satan From Getting the Upper Hand in Your Life - Jentezen Franklin

Jentezen Franklin

How to Keep Satan From Getting the Upper Hand in Your Life

How to Keep Satan From Getting the Upper Hand in Your Life
(© krayker/
Maybe your prayer life is not what it used to be, and you just cannot find that place with God that is full of life, joy, peace and purpose.
You feel as if something has crept in, slowly but surely, and stolen your zeal for praising and worshipping God, to the point that there just doesn’t seem to be any time for it anymore. Do you feel limited, hindered, stifled and unproductive? 
The battles you are fighting are taking place in the unseen world, where even your close family does not understand what is happening within you. Desires that were once passionate in your heart now seem totally out of reach. Dreams and plans for the future seem to have dried up; the life that was in them has been choked out by something you cannot quite put your finger on.
You and I have a real enemy that battles for the souls of men. He is getting the upper hand in many lives—but we do not have to sit back and let him gain access to our homes, our families, or our lives. The Lord has given us power over the enemy; we just need to understand how to use it.
I want to share with you some powerful insights the Lord has given me for overcoming the attacks of the enemy and walking in victory. The devil’s plan is to slowly but surely snake his way into our lives, attempting to choke the very life out of us. But we can identify the effects of this subtle but deadly choke hold in our lives and have the tools we need to break free and live a victorious Christian life.
From its very opening pages the Bible describes Satan as a snake in the Garden of Eden. Perhaps that’s why it’s so easy to think of snakes when we think about the devil and his demons. The Lord showed me that the devil operates a lot like a snake—a python to be specific—in the way he tries to infiltrate the lives of believers. As he slowly coils his way around us, we hardly even notice—until suddenly we find we can’t breathe.
But there is a way to defeat him! You don’t have to become his prey. You can learn to recognize the early warning signs of his deadly grip, discover ways you may have unknowingly given him an open door into your life and home, and make changes that bring God’s deliverance and complete restoration into every area of your life.
For the body of Christ, there has never been a more crucial time for us to wake up and run the snakes out of our hen houses! I am not one to overemphasize the work of the devil, but even Jesus warned us that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He called the devil a murderer and the father of lies (John 8:44). In the book of Revelation John called him an old serpent that deceives the whole world. (Rev. 12:9).
The good news is that you have the power to defeat him. We don’t have to be his prey. We can defeat the python because Jesus has stripped him of his power (Heb. 2:14, Col. 2:15; Rev. 1:18). Jesus has the keys of hell and death, so what keys does Satan have? None! He doesn’t even have the keys to his own kingdom anymore. 
Jesus openly subdued him and his minions, and God gave Jesus all rule and authority in this age and the age to come. The kingdom of heaven knows it. The kingdom of darkness knows it. The problem is that too many Christians do not live like they know it so they are not operating from that position of victory.  Satan has been defeated, but he still wreaks havoc in the world. Where then does he get his power?
Satan’s realm of influence is in the human soul—the center of the mind, will and emotions. The only power the devil has in this world is the power we turn over to him through our choices and actions. When we rebel, when we sin, when we follow our fleshly desires rather than the Holy Spirit, we empower the kingdom of darkness. The greatest battle for your soul is not the war going on between angels and demons; it is the war going on between your ears. 
Just as the devil’s kingdom is empowered by idolatry and ungodliness, the power of God’s kingdom is manifested when we pray, worship and live holy lives. We need to recognize the One who is greater than the enemy. It is time to humble ourselves before Him, repent of self-will, stubbornness, and everything in our lives that offers the devil a safe harbor or foothold. That is the only way to break the python’s chokehold in our homes, our churches and our cities. 
The Spirit of the PythonAdapted from The Spirit of Python, copyright 2013, published by Charisma House. This book will help you understand the strategies of the enemy when he operates like a python to squeeze out your joy, worship, prayer, praise and your very life. You will learn to recognize his tactics and bring deliverance and restoration to every area of your life. To order your copy click here.
As you praise, worship and pray this week ask the Lord to reveal areas in your life where a door may have opened and given the enemy access. Humble yourself before Him and repent of self-will, stubbornness, and anything that offers the devil a safe harbor or foothold in your life.
Thank the Lord that He has given you the power to defeat the enemy and you don’t have to be his prey. Pray for those suffering from devastation in the Philippines and ask God to show you how you can help.  Remember Israel and those persecuted for the cause of Christ. Continue to pray for worldwide revival and for our nation to seek the Lord once again. Lift up our president and all those in authority over our nation, state, communities and churches. Heb 2:14; Col. 2:15.
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