Showing posts with label Steve Warren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steve Warren. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Atheists Warn Schools Against Ark Encounter Field Trips - Ark Founder Calls Their Bluff in a Big Way - CBN News Steve Warren

Ken Ham. Photo courtesy: Answers in Genesis
Ken Ham. Photo courtesy: Answers in Genesis
Atheists Warn Schools Against Ark Encounter Field Trips - Ark Founder Calls Their Bluff in a Big Way
CBN News Steve Warren
A Wisconsin-based atheist group has taken aim at the Ark Encounter tourist attraction in Williamstown, Kentucky by sending a letter to more than 1,000 school districts in five states, warning them that a field trip to the Ark would be unconstitutional.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation wrote: "Public schools cannot organize trips for students to either the Creation Museum or the Ark Park. It is unacceptable to expose a captive audience of impressionable students to the overtly religious atmosphere of (Ken) Ham's Christian theme parks."
Back in August, the group known as American Atheists mailed similar letters to schools in Kentucky.
Ken Ham, the Ark Encounter's founder, said the atheist groups are merely trying to bully and intimidate kids while continuing their attacks against Christians.
"The atheist groups like American Atheists and the Freedom From Religion Foundation have been increasingly aggressive to restrict the free exercise of religion — particularly Christianity — and they've tried to brainwash people with an interpretation of the First does not mean that Christians are second class citizens," he told Fox News.
Ham explained that all school officials have to do is to tell their kids that their visit is intended to be merely educational. Students do not have to believe what they see, much like visiting a mosque. 
"I would like to see some public schools and public parks to stand up to them and not succumb to their bullying and intimidation," Ham said. "Because the FFRF has sent letters to 1,000 school districts, I'm offering them free admission for the teachers, students who come on an official public school trip."
"And if they do sue them, we have expert attorneys who are willing to defend them in court and I'd like to see a test case go to the Supreme Court and stop this nonsense from these atheist groups who try to outlaw Christian influence in this nation," he added.
Faith leaders like evangelist Franklin Graham have come out in support of Ham and his efforts.
On Saturday, Graham posted to his Facebook page about the incident, writing: "Noah wasn't intimidated by atheists in his day, and neither is the builder of the Ark Encounter in Kentucky, Ken Ham. The liberal, atheist Freedom From Religion Foundation sent letters to 1,000 school districts in 5 states, threatening them that they could not bring students to the Ark Encounter on field trips because it was unconstitutional. The American Atheist group had also sent letters to Kentucky schools. Ken is right, these godless, hyper-secular groups have "tried to brainwash people with an interpretation of the First Amendment." I really like Ken's response! He's offering all of those school districts FREE ADMISSION to students and teachers who come on public school field trips! I hope every school takes him up on the offer. What an opportunity! There's no question it's educational and filled with #truth. Comment below to let Ken Ham and everyone at the Ark Encounter know that you will pray for them to stand strong and continue their great work."

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Apple's CEO Promises to Discriminate Against Views He Doesn't Like - That May Include Franklin Graham's Biblical Response - CBN News Steve Warren

Apple's CEO Promises to Discriminate Against Views He Doesn't Like - That May Include 
Franklin Graham's Biblical Response
CBN News Steve Warren
If Apple doesn't like your type of speech or news content, they will ban it. That's what Apple's CEO Tim Cook recently told the liberal Anti-Defamation League when the organization presented Cook with the "Courage Against Hate" award. reports in his remarks, Cook, who's openly gay and supported Hillary Clinton in 2016, defended his company's banning of certain speech or news media on Apple's platforms when they "violate the values of the company."  He said that not banning what is "wrong" is irresponsible and "a sin." 
Responding directly to Cook in a Facebook post, Franklin Graham asked the question, "Who defines Morality?"  And Graham reminded his followers that Cook's comments "should concern all of us."
Cook said, "We believe the future should belong to those who use technology to build a better, more inclusive, and more hopeful world. I believe the most sacred thing that each of us is given is our judgment, our morality, our own innate desire to separate right from wrong. Choosing to set that responsibility aside in a moment of trial is a sin."
"The only thing is, as sinful human beings, we don't get to define morality or sin according to our own desires, preferences, or agendas," Graham pointed out. "Tim Cook can't; I can't; and you can't.
Sin and morality has been defined by the God of the universe. God and God alone. God's Word, the Bible, is the standard by which questions of good and evil, and right and wrong, are determined," Graham continued.  
"We run into all kinds of problems if Apple or Google or anyone else tries to censor according to their own personal code of right and wrong. That was the problem among God's people a thousand years before Christ appeared, as the Old Testament Book of Judges drew to a close: "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes" (Judges 21:25)," he concluded.

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God is everywhere—even in the news. That’s why we view every news story through the lens of faith. We are committed to delivering quality independent Christian journalism you can trust. But it takes a lot of hard work, time, and money to do what we do. Help us continue to be a voice for truth in the media by supporting CBN News for as little as $1.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Bible App Reports Isaiah 41:10 - The Most Popular Bible Verse of 2018 - CBN News Steve Warren

Bible App Reports Isaiah 41:10 - The Most Popular Bible Verse of 2018 
- CBN News Steve Warren
Dec. 5, 2018
Isaiah 41:10 is the most popular Bible verse of 2018, according to the YouVersion Bible App.
YouVersion says the verse was the most shared, bookmarked and highlighted among its 350 million users worldwide.
The verse reads: "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." 
"This year's data shows people worldwide are continuing to turn to the Bible in search of comfort, encouragement, and hope," Bobby Gruenewald, YouVersion founder, said in a statement. "We're humbled that 10 years after its release, people continue to use the YouVersion Bible App in record numbers to connect with God's Word."
With more than 1,800 versions in more than 1,250 languages, Bible reading in the app is on the rise across several continents. With the addition of a new Japanese Bible version within the app, Bible engagement in Japan saw year-over-year growth of 104 percent. 
YouVersion reports Bible engagement in Eastern Europe is also growing quickly with Romania seeing an increase of 100 percent. In South America, Chile, and Argentina are the fastest growing countries with 79 percent and 60 percent growth in Bible engagement, respectively.
Bible engagement reached new heights this year as YouVersion data showed a 27 percent increase in daily active users compared to last year. The YouVersion community listened to 4.2 billion chapters and read more than 27.2 billion chapters of the Bible this year, which is a year-over-year increase of 40 percent and 62 percent. 
In addition, the YouVersion community has been taking advantage of habit formation features like Bible Plans, which help users develop the discipline of daily Scripture reading. This year, users completed more than 950 million Bible Plan days, a 59 percent increase compared to 2017. 
YouVersion also saw significant growth in its Bible App for Kids, which was released in 2013. With nine languages added this year, children can now experience the animated Bible stories and interactive games in 42 different languages. Compared to last year, the number of app installs has increased by 55 percent, totaling nearly 27 million devices worldwide. 
"This generation is on pace to become the most Bible-engaged generation ever, and we believe the Church should keep investing in new technologies to help adults and children connect with the Bible," Gruenewald added. "We're honored to be a part of how God is reaching people around the globe through His Word, and we're eager to see how Bible-engaged people make a difference in this world for decades to come."
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God is everywhere—even in the news. That’s why we view every news story through the lens of faith. We are committed to delivering quality independent Christian journalism you can trust. But it takes a lot of hard work, time, and money to do what we do. Help us continue to be a voice for truth in the media by supporting CBN News for as little as $1.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Largest UK Muslim Group Fighting to Ban Franklin Graham from Preaching There - CBN News Steve Warren

Franklin Graham
Largest UK Muslim Group Fighting to Ban Franklin Graham from Preaching There
CBN News Steve Warren
The largest Islamic organization in Britain is urging the government to ban evangelist Franklin Graham,
 who is scheduled to appear at an event in the country later this month.

Newsweek reports the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), the umbrella organization for hundreds of 
Islamic groups, has supported the calls from three members of parliament and members of the public 
to deny Graham a visa for spreading what the organization calls "hate speech."

The "hate speech" they refer to is Graham's preaching against Islam as "evil" and as a "religion of war."
Blackpool, located in northwest England, on Sept. 21.

On the website Jihad Watch, writer Robert Spencer asks "Would anyone be calling for the banning of 
Graham from the UK if he had called Christianity 'evil'?"

The MCB in a statement to The Guardian said: "In the past, the government has banned individuals 
whom they claim are 'not conducive to the public good'. Mr. Graham's remarks are on record and 
clearly, demonstrate a hatred for Muslims and other minorities.

"We would expect the government to apply its criteria here. If it does not, it will send a clear message 
that it is not consistent in challenging all forms of bigotry."

Spencer says the British government is already inconsistent.

"It bans foes of jihad terror and critics of Islam while letting in jihadis," he wrote. "The Home Office 
recently banned Martin Sellner, Brittany Pettibone, Lauren Southern and Lutz Bachmann from entering,
 all for the crime of opposing jihad terror and Sharia oppression, and thereby made it clear that it is 
more authoritarian and unwilling to uphold the freedom of speech than ever – at least when it comes to 
criticism of Islam, Muslim rape gangs, and mass Muslim migration."

Spencer writes he and Pamela Geller were banned from entering Britain five years ago for telling the 
truth about Islam and jihad.

"Just days after Geller and I were banned, the British government admitted Saudi Sheikh Mohammed 
al-Arefe. Al-Arefe has said: 'Devotion to jihad for the sake of Allah, and the desire to shed blood, to 
smash skulls, and to sever limbs for the sake of Allah and in defense of His religion, is, undoubtedly, 
an honor for the believer,'" he wrote. "Allah said that if a man fights the infidels, the infidels will be 
unable to prepare to fight."

"And Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri's preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline that he was 
banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain," he continued.

Spencer also writes that the UK Home Office also admitted letting Shaykh Hamza Sodagar into the 
country despite the fact that he had said: "If there's homosexual men, the punishment is one of five 
things. One – the easiest one maybe – chop their head off, that's the easiest. Second – burn them to 
death. Third – throw 'em off a cliff. Fourth – tear down a wall on them so they die under that. Fifth – 
a combination of the above."

He also points out that Prime Minister Theresa May's government allowed two jihadi preachers into 
the country, and one of them was even greeted by the Archbishop of Canterbury. At the same time, the 
British government banned three Christian bishops from Iraq and Syria from entering the country even
 though they were facing persecution back at home.

"So if the British government is consistent in this case, it will ban Graham and let in a few jihadis," 
Spencer wrote.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Worship Leader Brings Simon Cowell, Other Judges to Tears on 'America's Got Talent' - CBN News Steve Warren

Worship Leader Brings Simon Cowell, Other Judges to Tears on 'America's Got Talent'
CBN News Steve Warren
Michael Ketterer in a scene from the film "I Am Second." Image courtesy: White Chair Films/Youtube.
Michael Ketterer in a scene from the film "I Am Second." Image courtesy:
White Chair Films/Youtube.

Ketterer and his wife Ivy, are the parents of six children, five of which were adopted through foster care. Cowell choked back tears when telling Ketterer what an inspiration he is to everyone on the show.

"Michael, as a dad I can't imagine what you've done. And the fact that you're on this show and you 
really need this — I don't know, you're a really special guy. I don't know, there's something about you," 
Cowell said.

The other judges agreed with Cowell.

"We just need more men like you," said judge Heidi Klum.

The following day, after his performance, the couple released a video to Youtube titled "I Am Second," 
sharing the Ketterers story of how they came to adopt five children.

In the film produced by White Chair Productions, Ketterer also explains how extremely special it was 
to get to perform a song to his children in front of the world – and he how he got to tell them how 
much he loved them.

Ketterer also admits that he wasn't ready to be a father as he was extremely immature.

Ketterer, along with Melody Noel, Whitney Medina and Matt Gilman (also three musical artists from 
the Influence Church's ministry) are members of the Christian group Influence Music, a record label 
and artist collective under the church's oversight.

The group released its debut album, Touching Heaven, in May, according to the church's website
Their debut album is a compilation of songs written last year during a writing camp in which worship 
artists and LA-based pop writers participated.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

'You Inspired a Lot of People, Including Me!' Franklin Graham Applauds Student Who Walked 20+ Miles for His First Day on the Job - CBN News Steve Warren

Jenny Lamey and Walter Carr. Photo Credit: Jenny Lamey/Facebook
Jenny Lamey and Walter Carr. Photo Credit: Jenny Lamey/Facebook
'You Inspired a Lot of People, Including Me!' Franklin Graham Applauds Student 
Who Walked 20+ Miles for His First Day on the Job
CBN News Steve Warren
Evangelist Franklin Graham congratulated Walter Carr, the Alabama college student who walked 
overnight to get to his new job on Wednesday via social media.

In a Facebook post, Graham wrote: "This Alabama college student was NOT going to be late for his 
first day of work with a moving company—not if he could help it!

"When his car broke down and a ride fell through, Walter Carr's phone said it would take him 7+ hours 
to walk the 20 miles to get there. Out of options—but with plenty of determination—Walter headed 
out on foot, and he walked all night to get there by morning!" Graham recounted.

"When the CEO of the company found out, he was so impressed and touched that he gave Walter his 
own personal car as a gift! He knew that this was the kind of person he wanted working for his 
company," the evangelist wrote.

"Walter turned his moment in the spotlight into a great testimony. He told the media, "I want to thank 
God because without Him I wouldn't be here. God blessed me to be a blessing. Whatever challenges 
God puts in front of me, I know it's for a reason," Graham noted.

"Congratulations Walter—you've inspired a lot of people, including me! Your commitment and goals 
are admirable. I'm sure you'll do well in your new job, in school, and as you pursue serving in the 
military. God will continue to use you and direct your steps if you look to Him—that's a promise in 
Proverbs 3:5-6!" he continued.

As CBN News reported, Carr's dedication astounded not only Jenny Lamey and her husband, 
the couple he was helping to move, but also the Pelham Police Department.

Jenny Lamey even made sure her Facebook post about Carr was reposted after it was somehow 
deleted. She wanted to make sure his story was told.

"I just can't tell you how touched I was by Walter and his journey," she wrote. "He is humble and 
kind and cheerful and he had big dreams!"

"Proud to have encountered this young man," the police department said in a Twitter post. 
"He certainly made an impact on us!"

And Carr won't have to worry about repairs or gasoline for the car that his boss gave him. Lamey 
set up a GoFundMe page earlier this week to raise money to fix Carr's vehicle.
As of Wednesday evening, the GoFundme account totaled $65,419, donated by more than 1,600 
people in less than two days.