Messiah is On the Doorstep, it is Written, Says End-of-Days Rabbi
“A thousand may fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; it shall not come nigh thee.” Psalms 91:7 (The Israel Bible™)
Rabbi Alon Anava, who lectures all over the world, preparing Jewish people for Moshiach (Messiah), was interviewed last week by veteran broadcaster Tamar Yonah of Israel News Talk Radio about different scenarios for how God might bring the final redemption. He spoke about what Jews and non-Jews should be doing right now to avoid the most difficult consequences.
Rabbi Anava mentioned three particularly dark scenarios. He spoke at great length about the controversial dwarf star Nibiru. If Nibiru is the scenario by which God will bring us to the final redemption, Rabbi Anava said, “Two-thirds of the world could be underwater.”
And it shall come to pass that in all the land saith Hashem two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. Zechariah 13:8
He also said, “There are prophecies that there is going to be an 11-second war. That can only be a nuclear war.” Naming China, Iran, Russia and Korea as four major enemies of the US, he spoke about the possibility that one of these countries could attack by detonating an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) high over North America, thereby plunging it “into the 18th century by completely burning out anything that has electronics in it.”
Asked about the connection between the US presidential election and the End of Days, he remarked, “Of course the elections have to do with end of time. Moshiach is on the doorstep and every current affair that we see… you just open our [Scripture] from 2000 years ago and it’s like opening a newspaper. Everything is written. Everything was predicted. Everything was prophesied.
“Personally, I don’t think we’re going to get to the elections. I think they’re going to declare martial law way before the elections happen. Maybe a terror attack, by financial collapse, by riots. Sixty million Americans are on food stamps. Just take that away for one month and you’re going to have 60 million Americans on the streets, creating riots. That’s very easily a cause to call for martial law.”
There is a Jewish teaching that positive prophecies will come true but negative prophecies can be changed. How does Rabbi Anava suggest people can annul these dark scenarios?
“Both Jews and non-Jews alike – we all have to repent. We have to go back to our source. Believing in one God, following the Torah and mitzvahs (Biblical commandments).
“Both Jews and non-Jews alike – we all have to repent. We have to go back to our source. Believing in one God, following the Torah and mitzvahs (Biblical commandments).
“The non-Jews also have to repent and they also have to stop doing bad things and they also have to follow the laws of Noach (Noah) that you can find in the Torah.
“There’s no difference. We all have to repent and basically convince the Master of the Universe to annul all these decrees. Especially now, before the High Holidays, repenting means, first of all, stop doing any bad or evil things that we do. Stop lying. Stop cheating. Being honest. Giving charity. Helping people. No judging people the wrong way. Needless to say, following the Torah – observing the Shabbos (Sabbath), eating kosher…. This is the time to really get your act together.”
If enough people turn to God, “we do have the option of sweetening the judgement and receiving the redemption in the blink of an eye, in a sweet way, with no wars, with no problems, with no hatred. It’s all in our hands and the sooner we do it, the better, because the time is ticking.”
Asked where the Jewish people should go, Rabbi Anava unequivocally stated that “Israel is the only safe place… It’s the Land of God. Nothing is going to happen on this land.”
If enough people turn to God, “we do have the option of sweetening the judgement and receiving the redemption in the blink of an eye, in a sweet way, with no wars, with no problems, with no hatred. It’s all in our hands and the sooner we do it, the better, because the time is ticking.”
Asked where the Jewish people should go, Rabbi Anava unequivocally stated that “Israel is the only safe place… It’s the Land of God. Nothing is going to happen on this land.”
“Righteous gentiles, as long as they follow the Seven Laws of Noach, they’ll be saved. We have a promise from the Torah and a promise from King David [in Psalms 91:7]. You have to be close to God,” Rabbi Anava emphasized.
“Not only do I believe, I will be beyond surprised if nothing’s going to change in the next few weeks or months. I know it’s happening. Moshiach is happening. Now is the time and everybody better get their act together.”
Tamar Yonah told Breaking Israel News that her interview with Rabbi Anava got four times the amount of traffic as other shows on Israel News Talk Radio. Well-aware of the controversy surrounding Nibiru, Yonah related that she wanted to share the story because of a lesson she learned in childhood.
Yonah’s father was a Holocaust survivor from Poland who told his children that when Russian Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky tried to warn the Jews of Europe to leave before WWII, no one would listen to him. In many cases, he was barred from even speaking.
She recommends keeping an open mind. “You need to listen to people, no matter how crazy it sounds. You listen because crazy things happen in this world. Personally,” Yonah told Breaking Israel News, “I’ve heard these predictions throughout the years. I don’t believe the dates. I like to listen. I want to be open. But I’m of the school of ‘let’s wait and see.’”
She recommends keeping an open mind. “You need to listen to people, no matter how crazy it sounds. You listen because crazy things happen in this world. Personally,” Yonah told Breaking Israel News, “I’ve heard these predictions throughout the years. I don’t believe the dates. I like to listen. I want to be open. But I’m of the school of ‘let’s wait and see.’”
“I think we have a bit more time. There are scenarios that need to mature. I think that we’re close. Anyone who believes in the Torah and the Bible can see that we’re in the End of Days period, but my opinion is that it’s not going to happen in the next three weeks.”