He shall be like a bush in the desert, Which does not sense the coming of good: It is set in the scorched places of the wildernessJeremiah 17:6 (The Israel Bible™)וְהָיָה כְּעַרְעָר בָּעֲרָבָה וְלֹא יִרְאֶה כִּי־יָבוֹא טוֹב וְשָׁכַן חֲרֵרִים בַּמִּדְבָּרHear the verse in Hebrewv’-ha-YAH k’-ar-AR ba-a-ra-VAH v’-LO yir-EH kee ya-VO TOV v’-sha-KHAN kha-ray-REEM ba-mid-BAR
This week marks the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat: The New Year of the Trees
Trusting in Hashem
In illustrating the difference between trusting in Hashem (God) and in man, Yirmiyahu(Jeremiah) contrasts two vivid images: one who trusts in man is compared to a small shrub in the barren desert such as the desert shrub pictured above in the Dead Sea region, whereas one who relies on Hashem is likened to a tall, strong, majestic tree with deep roots flourishing beside a flowing river. Israel must choose between trusting in Hashem and flourishing like the tree that Yirmiyahu described, or cutting themselves off from the Divine presence and be exiled into the desolate wilderness.