Showing posts with label Washington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Evangelicals Storms Washington to Push Pro-Israel Legislation and Strengthen Trump Ties - Abra Forman BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

CUFI Storms Washington to Push Pro-Israel Legislation and Strengthen Trump Ties

“My help cometh from Hashem, who made heaven and earth.” Psalms 121:2 (The Israel Bible™)
Pro-Israel Evangelical group Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is sending hundreds of members to Washington, DC this week in order to influence Israel policies being debated on Capitol Hill.
Coming from 49 states, 260 CUFI members are flying into the capital Wednesday with the goal of pushing two congressional measures which slam the UN’s recent anti-settlement resolution and slash security budgets for America’s embassies worldwide until the US Embassy in Israel is moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, an act President-elect Donald Trump has said is a top priority for his administration.
Behind the mass migration of activists is a general move for CUFI away from associating with more moderate Israel advocacy organizations which support a two-state solution and towards Trump, who has made his strong pro-Israel and pro-Jerusalem positions a main part of his platform.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Satanists Target Kindergarteners With Lies From the Pit of Hell - ROBERT RITCHIE CHARISMA NEWS

Children attend Point Defiance Elementary School.
Children attend Point Defiance Elementary School. (Facebook)
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Satanists Target Kindergarteners With Lies From the Pit of Hell

Parents are deeply concerned about an After School Satan Club that targets children as young as 5 scheduled to open at Point Defiance Elementary School in Tacoma, Washington, on Wednesday, December 14.
"No one wants this club; we don't want a group that identifies itself with Satan to have access to our children," said Jennifer Droubay, a mother whose child goes to the school.
Parents and concerned citizens will be gathering for a prayerful and peaceful protest against the Satan Club in front of Point Defiance Elementary School on Dec. 14, from noon to 1:00 p.m. 
More than 103,000 signatures have been collected online in opposition to the Satan Clubs for children. The petition can be seen here:
America's first After School Satan Club sponsored by the Satanic Temple was opened on Nov.16 at the Sacramento Elementary School in Portland, Oregon, despite numerous complaints, protests and rosary rallies organized by parents, teachers and local Catholics.
When the Satanic Temple announced its plans to open Satan Clubs in elementary schools across the country, many people were in shock and disbelief. But reality is now sinking in. And parents are pushing back. "It is just bringing a lot of anxiety to our school," parent Carolyn Carbajal told The News Tribune. "I don't see how it is beneficial to any of our students' families."
The advance of Satanism in America has suffered setbacks. A satanic Black Mass at Harvard University was canceled in May of 2014 due to public protest. Hundreds of college students, joined by tens of thousands of God-loving Americans, vigorously opposed it.
America Needs Fatima invites everyone who loves children and abhors Satan to join a peaceful prayer rally in front of Point Defiance Elementary School on Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 12:00 noon. 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Thursday, September 22, 2016

We Are Living In A Future War Today! (Day 1) - Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis on the Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: We Are Living In A Future War Today! (Day 1) - Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis on the Jim Bakker Show

Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3084 | Aired on September 22, 2016
Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Pastor Jim and Lori discuss the topics covered in the book Future War, written by special guest Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis.


And the church sets people free. Jesus died to set us free. – Pastor Jim
I think what America needs is we don’t need any more professional politicians. -Pastor Jim
Washington is an evil place. Washington is very political. You’re either over here or you’re over here. – Lt Col Robert Maginnis
I see politicians that I really don’t like, because they’re so focused on their ideology and their party, and they’re not focused on the best interest of the American people. – Lt Col Robert Maginnis
We have a responsibility, it means we have to vote. We participate in our government by voting. – Lt Col Robert Maginnis


Jeremiah 29:11 MEV For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Matthew 24:9 MEV “Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and will kill you. And you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.
John 8:36 NIV So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Exodus 20:13 KJV Thou shalt not kill.
Matthew 24:3 MEV As He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?”
Matthew 24:14 MEV And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.


North Korea fires submarine-launched ballistic missile towards Japan – Reuters

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Why Are So Many Conservatives, Preppers and Christians Moving to the Great Northwest? - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

Over the last several years, my wife and I have met countless numbers of people that have moved up to the Great Northwest. All of their stories are different, but there is one common theme that we have noticed.
Over the last several years, my wife and I have met countless numbers of people that have moved up to the Great Northwest. All of their stories are different, but there is one common theme that we have noticed. (Brian Wolfe/Flickr/Creative Commons)

Why Are So Many Conservatives, Preppers and Christians Moving to the Great Northwest?

Thousands of Americans are flocking to "Big Sky" country, and this movement has become so prominent that it has even caught the attention of the mainstream media. Within the last several weeks, both the Chicago Tribune and the Economist have done major articles on this phenomenon. From all over the country, conservatives, preppers and Bible-believing Christians are moving to Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and the eastern portions of Oregon and Washington. As you will see below, this region has become known as the "American Redoubt," and for a variety of reasons it is considered by many survivalists to be one of the top "safe zones" for when things really start falling apart in this nation.
Many of you that are reading this article may think that it is quite strange that families are quitting their jobs, packing up everything they own and moving to the middle of nowhere, but for those that are doing it this actually make perfect sense. A recent Chicago Tribune article on this phenomenon began by profiling an ex-California couple that decided to flee the state for the friendly confines of north Idaho:
Don and Jonna Bradway recently cashed out of the stock market and invested in gold and silver. They have stockpiled food and ammunition in the event of a total economic collapse or some other calamity commonly known around here as "The End of the World As We Know It" or "SHTF" – the day something hits the fan.
The Bradways fled California, a state they said is run by "leftists and non-Constitutionalists and anti-freedom people," and settled on several wooded acres of north Idaho five years ago. They live among like-minded conservative neighbors, host Monday night Bible study around their fire pit, hike in the mountains and fish from their boat. They melt lead to make their own bullets for sport shooting and hunting—or to defend themselves against marauders in a world-ending cataclysm.
And of course the Bradways are far from alone. Over the past 10 years, approximately five million people have fled the state of California. If I was living there, I would want to move out too. Once upon a time, countless numbers of young people were "California Dreaming," but those days are long gone. At this point, the California Dream has become a California Nightmare.
Only a very small percentage of those leaving California have come up to the Great Northwest, but it is a sizable enough number to make a huge impact. Unfortunately, many of those that have come from California want to turn their new areas into another version of what they just left, and that is often firmly resisted by the locals.
But it isn't just California; there are people streaming into the "American Redoubt" from all over the nation, and many of them are some of the finest people that you could ever hope to meet.
An article in the Economist points to a 2011 manifesto posted by James Wesley Rawles as the beginning of the "American Redoubt" movement:
In a widely read manifesto posted in 2011 on his, Mr. Rawles, a former army intelligence officer, urged libertarian-leaning Christians and Jews to move to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and a strip of eastern Oregon and Washington states, a haven he called the "American Redoubt."
Thousands of families have answered the call, moving to what Mr Rawles calls America's last big frontier and most easily defendable terrain. Were hordes of thirsty, hungry, panicked Americans to stream out of cities after, say, the collapse of the national grid, few looters would reach the mostly mountainous, forested and, in winter, bitterly cold Redoubt. Big cities are too far away. But the movement is driven by more than doomsday "redoubters," eager to homestead on land with lots of water, fish, and big game nearby. The idea is also to bring in enough strongly conservative voters to keep out the regulatory creep smothering liberty in places like California, a state many redoubters disdainfully refer to as "the C-word."
Who wouldn't want to live where the air is clear, the water is clean and the sky is actually brilliantly blue and not the washed out grayish blue that you get in most major cities?
And just having some breathing space is reason enough for some people to move to the Great Northwest. If you can get at least a few acres, you will quickly discover the joy of not having neighbors crammed in around you on every side.
Others wish to move to an area with a low population density for more practical reasons. As the New York Times recently reported, crime is rising in large cities all over America:
Murder rates rose significantly in 25 of the nation's 100 largest cities last year, according to an analysis by the New York Times of new data compiled from individual police departments.
The findings confirm a trend that was tracked recently in a study published by the National Institute of Justice. "The homicide increase in the nation's large cities was real and nearly unprecedented," wrote the study's author, Richard Rosenfeld, a criminology professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis who explored homicide data in 56 large American cities.
Sadly, this is just the beginning. The chaos that we have seen in Dallas, Baton Rouge, Milwaukee, Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago and elsewhere is going to get much worse. As the economy continues to unravel, we are going to see civil unrest on a scale that none of us have ever seen before. When that time comes, those that have moved to the middle of nowhere will be very thankful that they got out while the getting was good.
Over the last several years, my wife and I have met countless numbers of people that have moved up to the Great Northwest. All of their stories are different, but there is one common theme that we have noticed.
In the vast majority of cases, families tell us that they moved to the Great Northwest because they felt that God was calling them to do so. Individuals from many different churches and denominations have all felt the same call, and that creates a sort of kinship that is quite unusual these days.
Something big is happening in the Great Northwest. If you have never been up here, you might want to check it out some time.
And once you get here, you may never want to go home ever again.
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict"is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: A big, new, 10-year military aid deal between the US & Israel was supposed to be done by now.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

A big, new, 10-year military aid deal between the US & Israel was supposed to be done by now. Where is it? Here are two possibilities.

by joelcrosenberg
With the Middle East on fire, both the American people and the people of Israel face real and growing threats.
Syria continues to implode. Iraq is a disaster. The Islamic State keeps launching barbaric attacks throughout the region, as well as in Europe and is trying to pull off a major attack inside the U.S. Meanwhile, Iran is on the path towards building nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles.
Now more than ever it's vital to strengthen and expand the security alliance between the U.S. and Israel. Yet there's a glitch.
All summer long, observers of this special alliance have been expecting a formal announcement that the Netanyahu government has accepted a new 10-year military aid package offered by President Obama.
Yet the summer has come and gone, and no announcement has been forthcoming.
The broad contours of the new "Memorandum of Understanding" between the two countries were already publicly known last February, and it was believed a deal would be completed rather quickly.
In April, 83 of 100 U.S. Senators -- led by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Sen. Chris Coons (D-Delaware) -- sent a letter to the White House urging the President to boost security assistance to Israel, especially in the wake of the highly controversial nuclear deal the administration cut with Iran and the security disasters unfolding in the epicenter.
"In light of Israel's dramatically rising defense challenges, we stand ready to support a substantially enhanced new long-term agreement to help provide Israel the resources it requires to defend itself and preserve its qualitative military edge," the Senators wrote.
Since then, there have been repeated reports of an imminent deal.
Yet more than a month has passed since Mr. Nagel's visit to D.C., and still no deal.
While there could be any number of reasons for the delay, consider two.
Scenario #1 -- The deal is done but leaders in Washington and Jerusalem are delaying until later this Fall to make a big, splashy announcement.
The operating theory here would be that Obama and his political handlers didn't want news of such an important agreement to be made public during August when so many Americans were on vacation and the two political conventions dominated the headlines. A Fall announcement would maximize the White House's ability to assure voters that Democrats are, in fact, "pro-Israel," despite a rocky relationship between Obama and Netanyahu over the last eight years.
Scenario #2 -- The deal has been derailed and the Israeli government has not, in fact, accepted Mr. Obama's offer.
Under this theory, perhaps Mr. Netanyahu and his team think either: A) they can strike a better deal as we get closer to the American elections; or B) they can strike a better deal with the next President in 2017, whoever that may be.
The current M.O.U. was negotiated by the Bush administration in 2007. It doesn't expire until 2018. In theory, that does give Israel more time to get better terms. It doesn't have to make a decision in 2016.
The last M.O.U. was a very favorable deal for Israel and was clear evidence of a strong alliance and shared security interests between the two country.
It provided Israel at least $3.1 billion a year over ten years. It has also allowed Israel to spend up to 40% of that in Israel, on weapons systems developed by Israeli defense contractors, and on fuel for fighter jets. The rest must be spent on military hardware  from American defense contractors.
What's more, the current deal does not prevent Congress from passing additional military aid for Israel above and beyond the M.O.U. in any given year.
Thus, when you include additional missile defense funds for Iron Dome and so forth, Congress is set to provide Israel $3.4 billion in 2016, a full $300 million above the current M.O.U. figure.
Mr. Netanyahu entered the negotiations for the new M.O.U. reportedly asked for $5 billion a year for ten years.
But Congressional sources tell me the administration is only offering $3.3 billion a year, a full $100 million less than Israel will receive in 2016.
And the White House is apparently insisting on a provision that Congress cannot provide additional funding in future years, even if the security situation vastly worsens in the years ahead. The new offer would also severely limit the amount Israel could spend inside Israel.
Should the Israeli government accept such a deal if it would prevent a future American president and Congress from increasing funds if the situation warranted?
Should Israel accept a deal that locks in less annual American military assistance than it currently receives?
Should it do so especially at a time when Iran -- Israel's sworn enemy -- is being provided upwards of $100 billion or more, the end of economic sanctions and a clear pathway to nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles?
Sen. Graham doesn't like how the White House is handling the situation. He won't presume to tell the Israeli government what to accept or not to accept, but from an American perspective he believes it's critical that the deal with Israel not only be generous but also create flexibility given the security meltdown underway in the Middle East.
Israel is not voluntarily “giving up” its initial request, but it is being strong-armed by the administration to back away, Graham told Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin.
joelcrosenberg | September 8, 2016 at 12:48 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Monday, August 1, 2016

Jerusalem and Washington About to Close Biggest Defense Package Deal Ever - Abra Forman BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

IDF Merkava tank in Nachal Oz. (ChameleonsEye /

Jerusalem and Washington About to Close Biggest Defense Package Deal Ever

“Give us help against the adversary; for vain is the help of man.” Psalms 108:13 (The Israel Bible™)
A senior Israeli official is on his way to Washington for what is expected to be the last round of negotiations over the latest military aid package from the US to Israel. The 10-year, $38 billion defense package, known as the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), will be the biggest American foreign aid package in the country’s history.
Brig. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Nagel, acting head of the National Security Council, was set to leave Israel on Sunday for a round of meetings with counterpart US National Security Adviser Susan Rice. According to senior administration officials, the deal will be completed by the end of Nagel’s visit.
Talks over the new defense deal, which could top $40 billion over the next decade, have been ongoing for months, with American lawmakers fighting over the size of the aid package in addition to diplomatic considerations between Israel and the US.
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The new deal, while boasting a bigger price tag than the previous MOU with an increase of about $4 billion, comes at a cost: it limits the amount of money Israel can spend domestically. By the end of the next ten years, Israel will be forced to spend virtually all of the aid in the US, which would hurt Israel’s own defense industry.
However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, under pressure from the US, has said he would like to sign the deal with the current administration, rather than wait for the next US president in hopes of getting better terms.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Abraham Lincoln's birthday. He was born February 12, 1809, in Kentucky.

Happy Birthday, Abe! 

4 facts about the iconic leader

Though Lincoln came from humble beginnings, the self-taught lawyer eventually became the 16th president of the United States in 1861. His legacy of preserving the union lives on today. 
Here are five facts about Honest Abe in honor of his birthday:
1.    The Illinois state slogan may be “Land of Lincoln,” but the former president did not move to the state until he was 21-years-old. Lincoln was born in Kentucky, moved to Indiana when he was 7-years-old and later moved to Illinois with his family. He resided there until he became president in 1861, according to the Illinois State Museum.
2. You can thank Lincoln for Thanksgiving as we know it. Sure, the Pilgrims are credited with starting the tradition of Thanksgiving in America. But declaring Thanksgiving Day a formal holiday on the fourth Thursday in November required a pair of presidents— two of the most famous, in fact— Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was Lincoln who issued an 1863 proclamation calling on Americans to "set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanks giving," partly to celebrate victories in the then-raging Civil War.
3.  Lincoln probably could have written the “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” At age 21, Lincoln was preparing to move from Indiana to Illinois and was clearing out some of his things. He gave a wooden mallet to an Indiana neighbor named Barnabas Carter. Carter’s family members passed the mallet down from generation to generation. That cherry wood mallet with the initials A.L. on the top is now on display at the Indiana State Museum.

4. Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865, while attending a play at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. Lincoln died little less than a week after Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Gen.Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox, signaling the end of the Civil War.
Gallery: Specter of Abraham Lincoln lingers in famous photo
Contributing: David Jackson, USA TODAY; and Michelle Pemberton and Will Higgins, The Indianapolis Star