Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
IT STUNNED ME. As I stood on the southern steps of the wall of Jerusalem the numbers formed a PROPHETIC UPDATE!
It’s the hour when evil will be more evil and the righteous will be more righteous. The distinction between good and evil, darkness and light, and God and Satan will intensify. It is the hour for the harvest of nations. Sheep nations will be formed. Goat nations will manifest. Goat cities and Goat States also. But the outpouring will come... as Daniels intercede. Just as was done when Daniel read the 70 yr prophecy of Jeremiah. He took it to prayer and birthed both Cyrus to power and a Cyrus decree to establish Jerusalem.
We did this two years ago. We cannot now rest. We must do it again.
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"As One!"