"When We Pray, God Responds and Heals the Land"
Kathie Walters, Macon, GA
The Elijah List April 21, 2018
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

We are posting a couple of words today about the "power of our prayers" over the lands of the earth.
I know many of you have been and still are praying for specific lands and regions to experience an outpouring...a revival of the Lord.
Well, you'll need to read this word by Kathie Walters and an earlier word we sent out today by Victoria Boyson...about the power of prayer in specific locations.
Kathie Walters shares about this in her latest article:
I believe there are many smaller groups praying and waiting on the Lord (waiting on the Lord doesn't mean you aren't doing anything—but you have your antenna up all the time, listening to Him).
There is a good lesson to learn from the Hebrides Revival (Scotland) 1948-1952. On the Isle of Lewis in Hebrides, Scotland, a pastor along with other seven men, decided the islands were spiritually dead, so they started to pray and seek the Lord. They told God that they needed Him to come and heal the land. They prayed for several months and sorted out some of their personal issues—then God gave them a word...
Now, find out what this "word" was that the Lord gave them...and how they ran with it to see their land healed! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List
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"When We Pray, God Responds and Heals the Land"
Kathie Walters, Macon, GA

God is Responding to Florida
I travel all over but I am learning to listen more to
where He wants me to go. You do know God responds to your cry and to your faith—that's His promise to all of us, isn't it? God said, "I will listen. When you call unto Me I will answer you, and do great and mighty things that you do not know" (see Jeremiah 33:3).
Sometimes when I hear people talking about Florida, it makes me think that Florida is a kind of playground. Full of sun and fun and lovely, long beaches. But there is more to it, and there have been a lot of intercession and faith declarations in Florida.
I happen to know there are some serious, devil-stomping, tongue-talking, bold warriors living there. Most of the time they don't look like it—they don't appear very religious. They actually look like normal people.
Fireworks of Signs, Wonders and Miracles
When I woke up one morning recently, I had a vision where I saw a burst of fireworks in Miami.
I thought the fireworks were signs and wonders and miracles. Then I saw it begin to light up...all along the coast. I first saw Tampa light up, and then it was like lights started popping in different places, all over. I also saw the Lord's compassion being released. Faith that works by love is the best.
Signs and wonders are to confirm the Gospel. So preach the Gospel and reach out to the unsaved. Be like the owls who see in the dark. You can prophesy in dark places and bring the light.
Pray and Believe – Over Your Land!
I believe there are many smaller groups praying and waiting on the Lord (waiting on the Lord doesn't mean you aren't doing anything—but you have your antenna up all the time, listening to Him).
There is a good lesson to learn from the Hebrides Revival (Scotland) 1948-1952. On the Isle of Lewis in Hebrides, Scotland, a pastor along with other seven men, decided the islands were spiritually dead, so they started to pray and seek the Lord. They told God that they needed Him to come and heal the land. They prayed for several months and sorted out some of their personal issues—then God gave them a word.
In other words, God responded to their call. He gave them this Scripture: "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land" (2 Chronicles
7:14 ESV).
I don't know if you have any Scottish blood in your family heritage, but the Scottish people have always had a revelation that God is a
covenant-keeping God. If He says something He will most surely do it. So, when God gave them (the pastor and the seven other men) the word,
"I will heal the land," they had already taken care of the first part of the Scripture. Now they expected God to do His part.
After God gave them their answer, they started to declare it. They told people, "God is coming. God is going to bring revival. He is going to heal the land."
You see, they weren't waiting to see in order to believe—they believed when He said it. That is what faith is.
Remember what Jesus said about faith in Mark
11:24, "...Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe..." It doesn't say, "When you see, believe."
Faith is believing because He said it, and getting rid of doubt.Sometimes you have to do some warfare against the spirit of doubt or fear.
True to His promise, God's presence did show up on the Isle of Lewis—whole towns and villages were saved. The presence of God chased people in the bars and dance halls. People would run to the Church or to the police station.
Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries
Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.